New to group

elliceck Posts: 3 Member
My name is Ellice, I am an unemployed teacher, turned stay at home mom. I have two wonderful kids Laurana who is 3, and Jareth who is 1. I have struggled with my weight my whole life. It is the one thing my mother and I have fought about more than any other. being an ex-cheerleading captain, she has said some pretty mean things about my weight. When I got married 7 years ago I lost 70 lbs on Weight watchers. I spent the time and the money and had no kids at home to busy my day and distract me. I gained most of it back with my first pregnancy that ended at 33 weeks with a still birth. I gained a lot of weight after that, add two healthy pregnancies and I have pretty much undone all the work.
Since we now struggle with money in these hard times, It is nice to find a nice free way to keep track of diet and exercise. I am hoping that with encouragement, prayer, and support I can lose the extra weight. This is probably way more information than you needed. I was hoping this group would be a good encouragement.


  • nuttygirly
    nuttygirly Posts: 24 Member
    Hi there! I agree that this is a great FREE resource of help and encouragement! I just joined this group because it seems to fit my lifestyle exactly. I would be glad to encourage you on your journey and vice versa :)
  • maemae67
    Hello I just joined this group today I'm hope to meet people like me who want to lose weight and get closer to God. I'm having a ill trouble staying on track I used to go to OA I lost 150 pounds but had knee surgery and put back on 50 pounds. I need to get back on track. I'm trusting God to help me yet again. I pray the people I meet here will become life long friends.