New here & need to boost self esteem.

I have tryed many things & am ready to loose weight to pick up my self esteem I feel so ugly & feel that no clothing fits. Could use help on pushing me to loose the weight. Thanks


  • tameko2
    tameko2 Posts: 31,634 Member
    Not gonna lie, it does make you feel GOOD to drop pounds and feel pretty in clothes, but that is not the same as self esteem.

    You can love yourself at any weight or size - your body is just a meat shell for who you are.

    I hope you can find both here.
  • Yes u are right but honestly I love everything about myself except my tummy. I feel horrible once i try something on and i see my tummy its aggravating. Hopefully I can loose it. Thanks.
  • countrycub1983
    countrycub1983 Posts: 77 Member
    Definitely count me in as a friend to keep you going. Even being a gay male who used to weight 180 and now down to 248 from nearly 300, I know how it feels to put on clothes you feel good in. Chin up and keep up the good work! You are wonderful and fabulous as you want to be and you CAN do it!
  • KaseyWolf
    KaseyWolf Posts: 122 Member
    Count me in too. Take one step at a time. Small change, stick to it..own it and add another. Before you know it your whole outlook and habits have changed! Good luck and welcome to the journey!
  • lovenhppnss
    lovenhppnss Posts: 17 Member
    Just because you feel it doesn't mean it is true: You are BEAUTIFUL.

    That being said, I know what you mean. :smile: You will have all the support you need to do this wonderful thing for yourself. Sending a friend request your way!
  • Thank u for your posts, I have been a Lil down but I'm ready to get back on track. Hopefully this time I can loose some weight, I'm glad I have support from you all.

  • I came here for the same reasons. I just want to improve my life in general and I found FITNESSPAL. Just one day at a time. We are all here to support each other. I just joined a few days ago and although its only been a few days I feel better and comfident I can do this along with everyone on here. :smile:
    Add me and we can chat sometime... think possitive ok....
  • I know where yo are coming from. I hate my tummy, the rest I can tolerate. Some things I even like. But self-esteem wise, I seriously need to work on. As much as I know I shouldlove myself and feel beautiful, I do not believe it. It's sad really. I am barely scrapng the surface of giving myself a chance. Most of the time, I am just too hard on myself. I may have trouble fitting into clothes but atleast I can try to lose weight-tone up. Some people do not have that luxury. One day at a time. It's easier said than done, but if I stick through it, I may end up being a better version of myself, I never knew was there. Maybe it's similiar for you too?