Daily check in - Monday 8/13/12

bmfoley Posts: 93 Member
Good morning all -

None of us checked in this weekend?
I took Sat off, did level 3 day 6 Sunday and just finished level 3 day 7.

I can't do rock star jumps. . just can't!!!

Hope everyone had a great weekend!


  • vikkibaptie
    vikkibaptie Posts: 16 Member

    Level 3, day 7

    Sorry I haven't had an update in a while it's been a busy weekend with a family wedding! Had a lovely day and everyone complimented me on how much I had lost which is great!

    I'm loving level 3, I surprise myself at what I can actually do. The rockstar jumps have been knocked on the head though I do oblique twists instead, just because I find them fun lol!

    I'm off to a festival on Thursday night which is perfect timing as I'll be finished level 3 then too! Will be starting ripped in 30 when I get back on the 21st - anyone else thinking of doing it too?

    Vikki xx
  • bmfoley
    bmfoley Posts: 93 Member
    I was looking at Ripped in 30 last night. . . think that will be my next one!!
  • supahstar71
    supahstar71 Posts: 926 Member
    I can't do rock star jumps either. :sad: And although it's getting better, those lunge jump thingies are hard for me.

    Today will be L3, Day 4.
  • newcs
    newcs Posts: 717 Member
    After a day off for sore muscles Saturday and a day of yard work Sunday, I did my 2nd day of level 3 today. I'm so glad level 2 is over :)

    I think as of right now, my plan is to do Ripped in 30, like a few other people seem to be planning. It seems similar and only slightly longer. I read a review that the circuits are all comprised of 30 second moves which I like. I dread the 1min compound moves in 30DS. Maybe we can get a bunch of us starting it around the same time and do another group. After that, I'm hoping to move up to No More Trouble Zones which is about 40min (working out for 40min is moderately difficult...waking up an extra 20min early is extremely difficult).

    I'm glad I'm not the only one finding the rock star jumps really difficult. They seem so simple but my legs just don't want to do them. For some reason I couldn't make it through the first set but made it through the second...we'll see if it gets easier since this was only day 2 of this level for me. I just can't get the hang of the lunge jumps things though. My coordination is way off on them but I felt the same about moves in the other levels so maybe my flailing lunges will get more graceful over time.

    I'm so impressed that so many of us are sticking with it. We're almost done!!
  • vikkibaptie
    vikkibaptie Posts: 16 Member
    (working out for 40min is moderately difficult...waking up an extra 20min early is extremely difficult).

    Haha! I have to agree with that!!

    I'm glad everyone is up for Ripped in 30!! Yay!