Rule 18 - Here's to going to bed hungry tonight

FitterFaith Posts: 34 Member
I will let you know tomorrow morning if I survived rule 18 :-)


  • lferrell79
    lferrell79 Posts: 13 Member
    Ha! I think this rule is a big contributing factor that keeps me motivated. I like seeing the scale number reduce bit by bit in the morning.
  • FitterFaith
    FitterFaith Posts: 34 Member
    And surprisingly...I survived…Woke up hungry, which is good. I usually don’t find myself hungry enough to eat a good breakfast, but this morning was different.
  • LastSixtySix
    LastSixtySix Posts: 352 Member
    I'm having the most trouble with this rule. . .after one week on the plan.

    I think it's because I'm such a carb-heavy person. aghhhh.

    Still, I too like seeing the scale reduce a bit each morning so the sacrafice is worth it. Still, it's hard!!! :grumble: :laugh:

    Do you all have any suggestions for this part of the "rules"?

  • FitterFaith
    FitterFaith Posts: 34 Member
    Last66, I wish I had a magic pill for this one. This rule is really hard for me too. I think because I used to be a person that ate when I was tired to try and stay awake…something I learned in college. This rule is managed by telling myself “no choice”. I tell myself I have “no choice” but to stop eating. I don’t give myself the leeway to even consider a snack. I tell you what..I wake up starving now.
  • LessKaren
    I used to eat breakfast rarely before going to work. First thing I want to do when i wake up now. I never skip breakfast anymore, which is a good thing. I also weigh daily amd like seeing the scale move even if it is just a tiny bit.
  • LastSixtySix
    LastSixtySix Posts: 352 Member
    It's amazing how my eating habits have changed. I was like you lferrel and now, I plan and concentrate on a light dinner - usually just protein or if I've already consummed that then a shake and lots of water for dinner and bed. Less hungry at night but then ready for breakfast in the a.m. after my coffee!!!

    It took two weeks for my body to get to the point. And the natural feeling of hunger is swaaaaaweet!!! It's no longer my mind that tells my stomach what to eat but that my stomach says "hey, it's about time to eat!'

  • lovinlifelaura
    I just started Bob Harper's Skinny Rules after being on Medifast. His rules make so much sense! Rule 18 is a killer for me though. I have chronic insomnia which is much worse if I don't eat anything in the evening. Thinking of ignoring this rule -- maybe moving my mid morning snack to a before bed snack? Has anybody else tried this while still following the rest of his rules?
  • basket61
    basket61 Posts: 9 Member
    I've seen lots of discussion about this rule on other sites. Some people try to take it too far, I think. But one bad habit that's easy to fall into is late night snacking, grabbing something before going to bed. Everyone knows that eating late like that isn't good in terms of losing weight, but when he put it out there in a simple rule, OMG. People acted like he told them to starve to death.

    But if you have had a day when you didn't eat right, missed a meal, or are really hungry, I"m not sure it makes sense to go to bed really STARVING! I think, though, you do have to still watch what that snack is---I've been really really good with this one until I "finished" some left overs last night---this morning I was up 1 lb!!! I know it will drop back off, but it did show on the scale.

    Any other time, if I was really feeling hungry, I had 1 tsp of peanut butter (probably not a great choice, but.....) or yogurt alone, no fruit.