8/13 weigh in

ladyark Posts: 1,101 Member
I weighed in at 164!! i am down 34lbs since i started my journey and 6 pounds since i started MFP. I was very happy with the number on the scale today.


  • GrammyPammy145
    GrammyPammy145 Posts: 48 Member
    ugh. I gained .3 lbs.. but I did some awesome workouts this week. And did a major workout yesterday. I am sure if I weigh myself tomorrow it will be down. lol My clothes feel really loose this week, so I will just keep that in mind.
  • rukus1
    rukus1 Posts: 112
    No changes this week 230 and holding
  • Started back on on my weight loss last week at 174.8. My weight today: 169.4!!! 5.4 pounds gone - only 30 more to go!!! Great job to everyone!
  • daizzi
    daizzi Posts: 36 Member
    I lost .6 pounds. I adjusted my weigh in day to Mondays so I will take the loss! I have lost 18 pounds from my highest weight. I feel so much better after losing the weight. I have 1 more pound to get my 10%. Maybe next Monday I will celebrate that milestone with you all!
  • browneyedgirl7928
    browneyedgirl7928 Posts: 910 Member
    I had a .8 gain this week. Was disappointing to see since I was good this week, better then last week when I lost a pound.

    I did add two days of working out and I need to get better at eating 1700 calories a day. I seem to do better when I hit that caloric intake. It's still hard for me to to adjust to that many calories when i want to LOSE weight.

    I also have a big not in my left shoulder blade/back area and extremely painful. Had two trainers work on it today and NO lifting. Heat on it tonight, going to try my hand held massager tomorrow and hopefully can work the knot out.

    Goal for this week is to eat 1700 calories EVERY day with some type of protein at every meal!

    Also going out of town this weekend and it's my goal to have a weight loss on this trip!

    Congrats to everyone who lost!
  • pmazzotta4
    pmazzotta4 Posts: 21 Member
    I lost 2.2 lbs last week. I also started exercising more (ugh) and I'm determined to keep at it. My weight watchers meeting is on Wednesday so hopefully I'll have a loss there as well.
  • way to go I hope we do celebrate on Monday! :bigsmile: