Hey all !

newmooon56 Posts: 347 Member
I hope this is an active group. Today will actually be day 2 for me- so hopefully you guys can squeeze another member in who's just a day ahead :)

Ive been dying to 30DS and am happy I got started. I didnt expect to do it all with no modifications- but I have to say at the same time- I know I can do this. Luckily Ive been working out so I didnt find it INSANE or anything- just a tough workout that doesnt stop.

Im totally looking forward to todays work out.

Anyone else mixing 30DS with other workouts such as more cardio? I will be- a little- a run here or there- some zumba. I took before pics- since this is day 1 for many- get those pics!! You will be glad you did- or so we hope ;)

Good luck all!


  • FrauHausMaus
    Welcome newmoon!

    I'm mixing my 30DS with a little extra cardio at the gym- it's nice to get out of the house sometimes. Besides, they have massage chairs and tanning beds! I'm planning to start c25k (again... hopefully 3rd time is a charm!), but I need to work up to that so I don't hurt myself. I've been trying to sneak in little workouts through the day, so I'm not limiting myself to just 30DS.

    That's a good idea about the pics- I'll have to try and post some!
  • vyanadevi
    vyanadevi Posts: 134 Member
    Hello...I am also going to try and get some miles in while I do the 30 DS, any how I can get miles in I am going to try, running, swimming, cycling, elipitical. I have joined this group, it's not under groups, it's under fitness and it's called Move your *kitten* Challenge August or something like that and my goal for the month of August is 40 miles, so I am really going to try and meet that goal, it's not a lot but it's my goal. As for the running, I try to do the C25K except I don't really follow it....if that makes sense...I start out with a warm up and then jog for as long as I can, usually 10 mins is where I am at the moment before I am like ok I need to walk for 2 mins and then start again. I had to modify the pushups, I use the knees one, hopefully I can graduate to the full pushup. Also, the last part of the exericse with arms and legs, I can go the left side no problem but the right side...not sure, don't think that I have a good form...maybe do them without the weights, that is the only exercise that I have a hard time with and it's only going to the right....
  • amyford25
    amyford25 Posts: 85 Member
    I haven't added any other exercise but I was thinking of adding a little yoga in the evenings after work... I see others are thinking about additional cardio so wondering if that's the way I should go.
  • vyanadevi
    vyanadevi Posts: 134 Member
    Hey Amy I am adding the cardio to meet my challenge for the month of august. But I guess if you are trying to lose some pounds, a little extra might not be bad, maybe mix it up every other day.
  • MizCJ84
    MizCJ84 Posts: 335 Member
    Hey everybody! I may be mixing in some Zumba here and there, but my main focus will be completing the 30DS everyday for the next 30 days. I haven't done a single workout in 2 months, so it will be a major accomplishment to complete this program.
  • sonnie10
    sonnie10 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi would like to join the 30Ds if there is room for me. will mix with walking and pilates
  • FrauHausMaus
    There's always room! I'm really excited to see 90 members :drinker: Go us!!!
  • sherri33s
    sherri33s Posts: 104 Member
    Hi I'm Sherry I started DVD today. I plan to do some Zumba and walking also.
  • newmooon56
    newmooon56 Posts: 347 Member
    Great to see everyone so stoked to get started - or to continue with prior goals. I love reading about everyone trying new things and challenging themselves. I did my 2nd day earlier and maybe Im a bit fatigued from yesterday but today was harder ?? However- I did FOUR REAL pushups before dropping to my knees- that is 1 more then yesterday. My short goal is to stay on my toes- soon! I may not let myself go to lvl 2 unless I can. ... hmmm....