I need your help



  • DavetheHYNIC
    DavetheHYNIC Posts: 318 Member
    If you respect him, then you will tell him the truth.
    If you don't then your not only being not dishonest to
    Him but also to yourself.
  • julesboots
    julesboots Posts: 311 Member
    I couldn't just ask him what happened to his teeth...it didn't look like they got knocked out---kind of looked like they may have rotted out....wasn't like all upper teeth were missing...in the fron where you normally have 4 main teeth...he has 2 and they are in screwy positing...like one big one in the middle where the middle of the two big ones would be if that makes sense, so seems like it may have been that way awhile. Guess partly my own fault because I knew his pic was a few years old.....well, I am going to take the advice of some and just tell him no spark/chemistry.

    Your description is totally hilarious. I am dying. It sends me out into world giggling like an 8 yr old. (having to see both ex husband and ex boyfriend- I need to move) so thank you, and Im sorry about this guy's dental scene.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    What I don't understand is why the guy didn't bring it up himself. We're not talking about a minor cosmetic issue (a pimple? a mole?). We're talking about a man missing a significant number of teeth!

    Honestly, any number of reasons could explain why he didn't bring it up - from embarrassment to hey, he may have literally forgotten. It's unlikely but possible.

    Not condoning this, but how many people put old pictures in their online dating profiles and then fail to address the extra 100 lbs they meet you with?

    When people have an obvious shortcoming, they (we) often hope that building an electronic rapport before meeting someone will overcome whatever physical concerns there might be during the first date.

    Or, he could come from a place like Shreveport... lol... lots of people are missing teeth out here. Or, if they have teeth, they're horribly discolored and/or crooked.
  • flimflamfloz
    flimflamfloz Posts: 1,980 Member
    Not condoning this, but how many people put old pictures in their online dating profiles and then fail to address the extra 100 lbs they meet you with?

    When people have an obvious shortcoming, they (we) often hope that building an electronic rapport before meeting someone will overcome whatever physical concerns there might be during the first date.
    Obviously this.

    Now you need to tell him:
    "Look, the date went well as I can see you were prepared to the teeth, but despite the fact I fought tooth and nail against my feelings, I can't help but think I'm just more than you can chew. Sorry!"
    (Warning: there might be the hint of a hint in the previous message)
  • disneywm76
    disneywm76 Posts: 573 Member
    Now you need to tell him:
    "Look, the date went well as I can see you were prepared to the teeth, but despite the fact I fought tooth and nail against my feelings, I can't help but think I'm just more than you can chew. Sorry!"
    (Warning: there might be the hint of a hint in the previous message)

    I am so lol-ing in my cube at the moment........that is freaking hysterical. Love it!!! :laugh: :laugh:
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    You can't help who you are attracted to. If its a deal breaker for you, it's your perogative.

    I'm a shallow girl. Attraction to my guy is a must and I have to have a "hot guy" (to me). Well when I met Hulk, everything was good up until he smiled. I noticed he had a small gap between his 2 front teeth. I said it then and there in my head- deal breaker. But the date went on and I just wanted to have a good time even though I wasn't going to see the guy again.
    By end of the date, I had kissed him (I initiated) and was wanting a 2nd date.
    2nd date I still noticed it but this is when my crush developed after hearing him tell me college stories.
    By 3rd date i didnt notice it anymore and one night during a romantic conversation by the water we listed qualities we liked about each other and I said his smile (because I adore his happy cute smile now) and he mentioned how he hated it and was always self concious about it.

    I even told my sister about it when I first met him. She said "um, well you don't have perfect teeth yourself Diana. They're crooked! You have no room to talk."
    She's right. I was a bad girl and quit wearing my retainer shortly after getting my braces removed and so my teeth shifted some. I'm self concious about my smile because of it.

    If his teeth were okay, how would you feel about him?
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    If his teeth were okay, how would you feel about him?

    But his teeth aren't ok. They've rotted out! Probably from terrible hygiene, years of neglect, ignorance, an atrocious diet, meth addiction, who knows... But I can't think of a good reason why someone allows their teeth to rot out. Can you?

    He's otherwise a great guy? Who cares, his teeth have rotted out over years of neglect!!! And he doesn't even bother to mention it. I guess he hoped she wouldn't notice? Because he's not very intelligent? Because he was high on meth? We can only guess!

    I'm not sure why this is so hard, people.

  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    If his teeth were okay, how would you feel about him?

    But his teeth aren't ok. They've rotted out! Probably from terrible hygiene, years of neglect, ignorance, an atrocious diet, meth addiction, who knows... But I can't think of a good reason why someone allows their teeth to rot out. Can you?

    He's otherwise a great guy? Who cares, his teeth have rotted out over years of neglect!!! And he doesn't even bother to mention it. I guess he hoped she wouldn't notice? Because he's not very intelligent? Because he was high on meth? We can only guess!

    I'm not sure why this is so hard, people.


    Blimey P!! There are other reasons why people lose their teeth. Gum disease for a start. Or a quirky gum infection can knock you teeth out overnight! Slamming your head against a cliff when you fell down it!!! Some people are petrified of going to the dentist so dont go for years and years and develop tar on their teeth due to normal eating, drinking and breathing! Its not always bad hygiene. You can just be predisposed to gum probs. Smoking doesnt help either...... and then when you do lose your teeth, or need to correct crooked teeth or fix something it costs THOUSANDS !!! I dont know about America, but in England you need a lot of spare cash to get any type of dental treatment done.

    There's no need to be so scathing and judgemental about a person just cos they have lost/bad teeth! Jeeeeeeez!

    @Moe - if you dont fancy him then end of story. I also couldnt kiss a guy with bad teeth. It not shallow, its just not attractive to you. Attaction is personal preference. You dont have to justify your preferences. :flowerforyou:
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    I couldn't just ask him what happened to his teeth...it didn't look like they got knocked out---kind of looked like they may have rotted out....wasn't like all upper teeth were missing...in the fron where you normally have 4 main teeth...he has 2 and they are in screwy positing...like one big one in the middle where the middle of the two big ones would be if that makes sense, so seems like it may have been that way awhile. Guess partly my own fault because I knew his pic was a few years old.....well, I am going to take the advice of some and just tell him no spark/chemistry.
    I wouldn't see him again myself.

    This says he probably has a totally different standard for dental hygiene from me - that is beyond cosmetic and shallow. That is about your health and personal care. Yup. Rotten, lost teeth is a deal-breaker for me too.

    One of the reasons why I look for a profile picture with teeth showing in a smile.
  • Moe4572
    Moe4572 Posts: 1,430 Member
    I couldn't just ask him what happened to his teeth...it didn't look like they got knocked out---kind of looked like they may have rotted out....wasn't like all upper teeth were missing...in the fron where you normally have 4 main teeth...he has 2 and they are in screwy positing...like one big one in the middle where the middle of the two big ones would be if that makes sense, so seems like it may have been that way awhile. Guess partly my own fault because I knew his pic was a few years old.....well, I am going to take the advice of some and just tell him no spark/chemistry.
    I wouldn't see him again myself.

    This says he probably has a totally different standard for dental hygiene from me - that is beyond cosmetic and shallow. That is about your health and personal care. Yup. Rotten, lost teeth is a deal-breaker for me too.

    One of the reasons why I look for a profile picture with teeth showing in a smile.

    Ironically enough, he had teeth in his pic...they were spaced out and did not show all of them, but looks better in pic than in real person....just another downfall of online dating :). Its ok, though, I wrote the email and have not heard back, so that is a good thing !
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    Ironically enough, he had teeth in his pic...they were spaced out and did not show all of them, but looks better in pic than in real person....just another downfall of online dating :). Its ok, though, I wrote the email and have not heard back, so that is a good thing !
    So he posted a really old picture from back when he had teeth? Sounds like a little (deliberate?) misrepresentation.

    Good that you let him know though. Next!
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    Fwiw saw a Periodontist today as a follow up to having some bone grafts done on July 3rd.
    It has been an 18 month and not entirely productive trip to get really fixed what various dentists have said they were going to do,as they lined their pockets and created worse things.
    One tried to pull a tooth to make room and found a twisted root,after a lost count of Novocain shots he sawed it out of my jaw with his drill.
    Have a dim view of dentists at this point but also bear the responsibility for poor care/hygiene on my part.

    Off to an Orthodontist and another 5 grand to start with on top of the 2600.00 this cost over the close to 1500.00 I spent last year of which I am guessing a quarter or more was a waste with a local dentist office.
    Live and learn and hopefully one day I will be able to smile. :bigsmile:
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    Fwiw saw a Periodontist today as a follow up to having some bone grafts done on July 3rd.
    It has been an 18 month and not entirely productive trip to get really fixed what various dentists have said they were going to do,as they lined their pockets and created worse things.
    One tried to pull a tooth to make room and found a twisted root,after a lost count of Novocain shots he sawed it out of my jaw with his drill.
    Have a dim view of dentists at this point but also bear the responsibility for poor care/hygiene on my part.

    Off to an Orthodontist and another 5 grand to start with on top of the 2600.00 this cost over the close to 1500.00 I spent last year of which I am guessing a quarter or more was a waste with a local dentist office.
    Live and learn and hopefully one day I will be able to smile. :bigsmile:

    I was afraid I would see you in here. :(
  • Carl01
    Carl01 Posts: 9,370 Member
    Fwiw saw a Periodontist today as a follow up to having some bone grafts done on July 3rd.
    It has been an 18 month and not entirely productive trip to get really fixed what various dentists have said they were going to do,as they lined their pockets and created worse things.
    One tried to pull a tooth to make room and found a twisted root,after a lost count of Novocain shots he sawed it out of my jaw with his drill.
    Have a dim view of dentists at this point but also bear the responsibility for poor care/hygiene on my part.

    Off to an Orthodontist and another 5 grand to start with on top of the 2600.00 this cost over the close to 1500.00 I spent last year of which I am guessing a quarter or more was a waste with a local dentist office.
    Live and learn and hopefully one day I will be able to smile. :bigsmile:

    I was afraid I would see you in here. :(

    Hush,just as all of lifes circumstances have been a turn off so is this,I know it and at least this one I can fix rather then waiting for time to change it.:flowerforyou:
  • porcelain_doll
    porcelain_doll Posts: 1,005 Member
    Fwiw saw a Periodontist today as a follow up to having some bone grafts done on July 3rd.
    It has been an 18 month and not entirely productive trip to get really fixed what various dentists have said they were going to do,as they lined their pockets and created worse things.
    One tried to pull a tooth to make room and found a twisted root,after a lost count of Novocain shots he sawed it out of my jaw with his drill.
    Have a dim view of dentists at this point but also bear the responsibility for poor care/hygiene on my part.

    Off to an Orthodontist and another 5 grand to start with on top of the 2600.00 this cost over the close to 1500.00 I spent last year of which I am guessing a quarter or more was a waste with a local dentist office.
    Live and learn and hopefully one day I will be able to smile. :bigsmile:

    I was afraid I would see you in here. :(

    Hush,just as all of lifes circumstances have been a turn off so is this,I know it and at least this one I can fix rather then waiting for time to change it.:flowerforyou:

  • toots99
    toots99 Posts: 3,794 Member
    I'm not sure why you would expect someone on a date to bring up potential short comings. It seems counter productive. Most people here have some sort of issues with their weight. Size certainly affects attraction between people. How many here would say You can obviously see that I am fat but I am working on losing weight? I doubt anyone of us would do that. Most would say, if (s)he doesn't like me as I am, then we aren't meant to be together. Why on earth would anyone expect the guy to say I realize my teeth are missing. Here's what happened. It's a pretty ridiculous expectation.

    I do it all of the time. I want the guy I'm going to be meeting for the first time to know that yeah, even though I'm a bit pudgy, I'm working on it. My mind is in the right place and I'm stronger than an ox so don't mess with me... Okay, I don't tell them I'm an ox...

    So yeah... I bring up potential shortcomings BEFORE I meet a guy that way he can elect NOT to meet me if he deems he can't get past that. So far, I haven't had anyone unhappy with my appearance.

    I have done that before, also.
  • farmers_daughter
    farmers_daughter Posts: 1,632 Member
    Dont know if this helps but i actually dated a guy for a few months that was missing his top front teeth..like four of them i think. and at first i thought hes really nice and he kind of tries to hide it. so one evening i asked him about it. i said hey..i dont wanna be rude but what happened to your teeth...and he explained that they were knpcked out when he was like 17 or so i cant exactly remember why he said..but then i very politely told him....honestly they bother me a little bit and he said yeah he could tell...and i wasnt the only one. that he just mever made it a priority to fix them and at the time didnt have the money.

    we ended up goimg seperate ways over distance issues but i can honestly say the teeth were part of the reason i didnt try super hard to make it work.

    I dont think it made me any worse in his eyes because we talked for a while afterwards....
  • Prahasaurus
    Prahasaurus Posts: 1,381 Member
    There's no need to be so scathing and judgemental about a person just cos they have lost/bad teeth! Jeeeeeeez!

    British.... ;-)

  • toriaenator
    toriaenator Posts: 423 Member
    dont beat around the bush! just tell him its not personal but that the spark just isnt there so you want to be friends :)