HRM or FitBit or what?

funylady Posts: 10 Member
Hi everyone,
I see that some of you have commented on how far and/or how fast you have been running. What are you using to be able to determine this?
I have been looking into something that will tell me what activity I do during the day. I work on my feet walking around and sometimes going up and down stairs and would love to be able to account for this activity but can't tell if an HRM or Fitbit or something else would be best.
What are you using and do you like it?
As a side note, I commute 60 miles to and from work so I am trying to avoid just a standard pedometer because the ones that I have attempted to use (cheap ones given for free) have added steps during that time. It's a pain to have to write down my number before I leave the house and then reset it when I get to work.
Any thoughts would be helpful!!
Thanks and great job everyone!


  • LoNCole
    LoNCole Posts: 25 Member
    Right now I am using the Nike + app to get my distance and pace on my runs and it calculates calories burned in the app too. Although I do want to get a HRM to be more accurate since the Nike + app does not calculate the jogging stroller I am pushing on my runs and I am just using the cardio sit ups to estimate my P90X work out.
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    I use to calculate my distance, but not in app form since my phone is too old for most apps - just plug my route in when I get home.
  • seaKind
    seaKind Posts: 136
    ahhh- i think this is the thread I am looking for...

    I am interested in seeing how much i burn when i do say step or zumba or intervals group exercise class for an hour,
    but i also want a picture of how much i am burning throughout the day since i am a busy mommy who spends Most of every day carting around an infant, chasing a toddler, playing, washing, scrubbing, doing doing doing- I Never sit for more than 5 minutes... Surely there's a hefty calorie burn in that versus say a desk job???

    so the fitbit only measures steps, right? and not so accurate on logging strength training in like a RIPPED class or baby carrying afternoon?

    would the HRM be better? Does one wear thie hrm strap all day, or just during exercise?

    any input on the accuracy of one vs the other?
  • funylady
    funylady Posts: 10 Member
    LoNcole: are you able to use the C25K app and the Nike app at the same time?
    That sounds great for now until I decide what I'm going to get. I think I am leaning towards a polar for now but I still have a lot more research to do.
    Thanks for your tips!
  • kehuizenga
    kehuizenga Posts: 151
    I run nike+ and c25k at the same time. I just start nike+ with no music as a "basic" workout and press start, then I hit the home button, then I open up c25k and start that. It works pretty well for me.
  • arenkel
    arenkel Posts: 77
    I don't have a smartphone or iPod touch or anything, so I just kinda get out and go. I know approximately what my run speed is because I have used treadmills in the past-- or at least, what it used to be. I may be going faster now. Where distance is concerned, I've used Google Maps, MapMyRun, trail maps, and driving in my car. From my apt complex to a certain stoplight is 1 mile, so I've been using that as a marker.

    Fancy devices are great, but I get along fine without them. :smile:
  • carolemack
    carolemack Posts: 1,276 Member
    I use both a Fitbit and a HRM. The Fitbit I wear all day and use the stopwatch function on it when I do my C25K training, or some other form of exercise that entails foot motion and exertion...just for normal everyday walking around I don't use the stopwatch function. When you use the stopwatch function you can then go to the Fitbit website and see graphs on how many steps you took, how many miles you went, or how fast you went.

    I use my HRM for any exercise that requires a lot of exertion, the Fitbit is really good at counting steps but can't tell your exertion level, so if you are running, or fast jogging, or working out at a high intensity, you need a HRM to accurately reflect your calories burned.
  • seaKind
    seaKind Posts: 136

    I use my HRM for any exercise that requires a lot of exertion, ... , you need a HRM to accurately reflect your calories burned.

    so does the hrm Not log low exertion activities (like carrying a baby while folding laundry...)?
  • carolemack
    carolemack Posts: 1,276 Member

    I use my HRM for any exercise that requires a lot of exertion, ... , you need a HRM to accurately reflect your calories burned.

    so does the hrm Not log low exertion activities (like carrying a baby while folding laundry...)?

    That kind of activity is part of normal day-to-day activity and you would consider that when setting your activity level both on MFP and on Fitbit...sedentary, lightly active, or very active, it then becomes part of your TDEE (total daily energy expenditure). HRM's are normally used for specific exercise, jogging, running, treadmill, Zumba, etc. Any activity that gets your heart rate up above normal for a sustained period of time. They are not meant to be worn all day.

    edited to change the second HRM to Fitbit
  • carolemack
    carolemack Posts: 1,276 Member
    Wearing a Fitbit for a week will give you an excellent picture of how many calories you burn on average every day. There is a weekly chart that would show you that. If I could only have one or the other, HRM or Fitbit, the Fitbit would win hands down.

    edited to omit extra 'o'
  • tennesseeleigh
    I have a fitbit and really like it. All of my workouts right now are either walking or running so it works well. I'm sure it's not as accurate on calories burned, but it seems pretty on target as far as distance. I have a HRM too but only plan on using it when I do something that the fitbit has a hard time measuring.

    Here's a group with fitbit users on MFP if you want to ask some questions.