Tuesday's today and future endeavors!

garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
Fatigue...who likes it! Fatigue makes you feel like walking through mud up a steep hill! This is a challenge not just for today but for the rest of our living days:
Make regular appointments to the doctor esp when with family history of thyroid issues and women over 40. Men make your wife go to doctor and get it checked!

Eat a varied balanced diet...I was reading how magnesium plays in many parts of our bodily functions that help with this issue so eat foods with magnesium! Almonds, spinach and wheat bran and much more.

Get sleep! Sleep helps us repair and restore body functions at rest....lack of sleep promotes mood changes, depression, diabetes2, high blood pressure so try and get good quality sleep.

Exercise too helps...look at little kids...when they go outside and play hard expend energy and look at the sleep at night! Ha! KNOCKED OUT!

Last my two cents...try not to worry about things...worry solves nothing but destroys your body and spirit! Work through that you can do something about others learn to let go.



  • lisaissasa
    lisaissasa Posts: 402 Member
    So true. I am really working on following this sound advice. I worked midnights last year for 10 months for the first time ever and after not working for seventeen years. I fell apart in every aspect because I lacked sleep,a balanced diet, physical activity, and in turn I worried much and went into a deep depression.

    My journey to better health is all about taking good care of me because when you are not well cared for you cannot care for anyone else.

    Have a blessed day MFP friends.
  • BrieLP
    BrieLP Posts: 300 Member
    Oh lordy am I trying!!! But No caffeine!!!!!!!! ahhh

    Today I started a new/old schedule at work (8am to 5pm) (for a while i was working 10am-7, 9:30-630 then recently 9-6) I am not a morning person and I do no want to go through my days like I use too- wake up at 6:55am and leave the house by 7; that leads to bad eating habits because i wouldn't have the time to 1. get ready and be able to feel good about myself and 2. make breakfast or lunch for that matter... So today I was up at 5:30 (after pushing snooze for half an hour :bigsmile: ) but I got up made myself presentable, made breakfast and my lunch.... lord help me NOT crash!!! That rattle snake kept us up late!!!.

    Have a good day y'all!!!
  • This is a great challenge. I learned I must take part in all of these particular challenges and more the hard way after I had my heart attack in May of this year. I didn't really start to make the dietary and exercise changes that I needed until July but it definatly shows when you do make those changes! I learned positive changes = positive life and healthy eating = healthy life.
  • slsmoot123
    slsmoot123 Posts: 98 Member
    I take B vitamin complex as part of my supplement, it keeps me energized all day!
  • kborton1122
    kborton1122 Posts: 914 Member
    I'll be the first to admit that I do not get enough sleep. I'm working on going to bed an hour early a couple days a week.
  • singingpeach6301
    singingpeach6301 Posts: 12 Member
    I definitely never get enough sleep. I probably average 5 a night and then am always too tired to do anything in the evenings. I've come to realize though that if I actually want to get to the gym it has to be before work because after I'm either too exhausted from a 9 hour day and 2 hour commute or I've got other commitments. One of my new goals is to get to bed by 9:00PM at the latest so I can be at the gym at 4:30AM (I have to be at work at 6:30AM).

    I'm currently out of town for a couple of weeks b/c my brother just had surgery and is in the hospital, so while I'm here I've made it a goal to walk around at least 30 minutes every day so I still get some exercise at least.
  • garlic7girl
    garlic7girl Posts: 2,236 Member
    I need to get more sleep...I see more sleep helps me perform better with exercise and I make better decisions with life. Even though I eat fruit and veggies daily and I love them...I think I need to still even eat more.
  • nbates9254
    nbates9254 Posts: 17 Member
    I try to put my lunch together the night before, set the coffee pot to automatic and have something I can take in the car if I have to -whole wheat toast with nutella is one of my faves! This way I can hit that snooze button one more time!