Week 3 - 8/13-8/19



  • ingalynn
    ingalynn Posts: 136 Member
    I had such a hard time getting up to run this morning. Felt tired, and I knew how bad the humidity was here in the Sunny Philadelphia area! But I got out there and did it, and I am glad I did. Week 8 day 1. About 2.5 miles, 28 minutes.

    Anyone else here from the Philly area?
  • joyfulteach
    joyfulteach Posts: 419 Member
    Week 3 day 3 done!! Was definately harder today... I did 30 day shred first! But I did up my walking speed some and managed 1.25 miles vs. Monday's 1 mile :-)
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    I did W3D1 yesterday, and I have a question. If we're going by times, not distances, how far are we supposed to be going? I went farther than 2400 yards, that's for sure. [edited for grammar]

    My Week 1 Day 1 was 2.03 miles, I'm up to 2.67 miles - but everyone is different. Don't worry on how far or how fast yet, focus on getting through it. Speed and distance will come with endurance. A 5K is like 3.2 miles? So you have -plenty- of time to work up to it.
  • cmecme
    cmecme Posts: 227 Member
    I don't think pace is super important just yet - or least that's what i've been told. Go as fast as you can to finish the jogging intervals.

    For me, on week 6 i had to slow my pace way back to finish. I am working on jogging faster for a few minutes during the longer jogs and then going slower so that i can finish, rather than run fast and not get through. I will work on pace once i can jog for a steady 30 minutes.

    This is from the website:

    A few minutes each week

    Each session should take about 20 or 30 minutes, three times a week. That just happens to be the same amount of moderate exercise recommended by numerous studies for optimum fitness. This program will get you fit. (Runners who do more than this amount are doing it for more than fitness, and before long you might find yourself doing the same as well).

    Be sure to space out these three days throughout the week to give yourself a chance to rest and recover between efforts. And don't worry about how fast you're going. Running faster can wait until your bones are stronger and your body is fitter. For now focus on gradually increasing the time or distance you run.

    Run for time, or run for distance

    There are two ways to follow this program, to measure your runs by time or by distance. Either one works just as well, choose the option that seems easiest for you to keep track of. If you go with the distance option, and you are not using a track to measure the distances, just estimate. It's not important to have the distances absolutely exact.
  • ladasade
    ladasade Posts: 11 Member
    Finished W3D2 this morning and made it through all of the runs. So much easier than W3D1. I slowed down my runs and did more stretching between each one. Didn't get the shin pain and calves didn't tire out so fast. Woo!
  • ktb1962
    ktb1962 Posts: 33 Member
    Finished W3D2 this morning and slowing down made the difference. I am ready to take on Day 3.
  • abbylaine104
    abbylaine104 Posts: 7 Member
    I did Week 3 Day 1 yesterday......When I looked at the run plan, I thought I would have trouble. but I actually made it through yesterday better than I did the previous two weeks!

    My trick is: I listen to a podcast instead of music while I'm running. (just discovered this yesterday.)
    My mind is so focused on what the person is SAYING and my brain is processing the information and it's not focused on what my feet are doing or how much longer I have. I'm more focused on processing words than forcing myself to run to a beat of music.

    This epiphany is a huge deal for me because I am a music lover to the max. I always have music going! BUT if podcasts will help me run better, then you better believe that's what's going to be happening in the next few weeks!!! :)

    I've decided on a 5k to participate in as well- It's in my home town and will benefit a local mission that provides food for needy and housing for women and kids that have nowhere else to go! I haven't registered yet but it's on Spetember 29th- that gives me just enough time to do the C25K program and get where I need to be :)
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    I'm a day behind due to the fall I had last week (I'll catch up next week though - was doing w/f/su) and today was my day 1 for week 3 - I have to say, completing the 3 minute interval felt really awesome :) I was so proud that I was grinning the rest of the run. I felt like I was going really slowly but my time didn't reflect that. It was funny, I walked back in the door and my husband asked how I felt - to both of our astonishment the first word out of my mouth was "Awesome!" My knee is no longer hurting after the fall (twinges if I land wrong, but that's rare - it didn't happen at all during today), and my sore shins are way better than my first week.
  • tennesseeleigh
    My schedule is all screwy this week from being off work. Back to work today and did my first run of the week, W3D1 is in the books. Did fine until the last 3 minute run. Had to stop and walk for about 30 seconds halfway through. My schedule is now all messed up for the week but aiming for Thursday/Saturday/Monday and then start week 4 next Wednesday.
  • Kamnikar64
    Kamnikar64 Posts: 345 Member
    Tomorrow is Wk3 Day3. I'm feeling pretty good about myself. I thought Day 1 that the 3 minutes would be bad, but I made it through both and threw in another one for fun. I have been doing a combination of walking and jogging on my off days to build up my endurance.

    I'm short, 5'1", so fast walking is 3.4 and running is 4.5, I started jogging at 3.5 and am now jogging at 3.8. I'm so excited by my progress, it sounds like everyone else is pretty impressed with themselves as well. I can't wait to be one of these people!!

  • Overboard_Eater
    Overboard_Eater Posts: 105 Member
    Completed Week 3 Day 1 - behind schedule due to vacation. I've lost my training partner daughter but hoping she will come back to it. The 3 minutes of "running" weren't as bad as I thought they would be.
  • goforit06
    goforit06 Posts: 132 Member
    Did W3D1 yesterday and i wasn't sure I could run for three mins but I did it!!! I was so super excited!!! Everyone is doing a great job!! Keep it up we are getting through this!!!
  • kehuizenga
    kehuizenga Posts: 151
    Finished Week 3 today! I accidentally jogged for 3 minutes instead of 1.5 for the first jog section because I didn't hear my notification to walk...oops. It makes me a little more confident about next week though. Good luck everyone; you're all doing great!

    On a side note, who else is really nervous that the 20 minute run is only ~2 weeks away? Eeek!
  • LoNCole
    LoNCole Posts: 25 Member
    Just finished w3d3 this morning. Felt good but I should not have looked at w4d1 yet! Feeling nervous already! Glad I have a two day break to get ready.
    I am already seeing a change in my family. My mom is now motivated to get out and walk and so is my four year old who went on a two mile walk with me yesterday with no complaining! He even said the best part of his day was our morning walk last night, which is huge since we went to the beach yesterday too! It makes it all worth it.
  • AsellusReborn
    AsellusReborn Posts: 1,112 Member
    Just finished w3d3 this morning. Felt good but I should not have looked at w4d1 yet! Feeling nervous already! Glad I have a two day break to get ready.
    I am already seeing a change in my family. My mom is now motivated to get out and walk and so is my four year old who went on a two mile walk with me yesterday with no complaining! He even said the best part of his day was our morning walk last night, which is huge since we went to the beach yesterday too! It makes it all worth it.

    That's awesome! I've got my husband doing this with me - I'm a little ahead of him but so proud of him for doing this, we're going to run the Zoo Run together on 9/23.
  • AngelP74
    Took a few days off and I'm going to run tonight. I'm doing it on the treadmill at an incline and it's going so much better!!! The fact is that I'm even DOING it!! LOL Go me! Go US!! ;)
  • ktb1962
    ktb1962 Posts: 33 Member
    Week 3 is done! Looking forward to moving on to Week 4! Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • joyfulteach
    joyfulteach Posts: 419 Member
    Week 3 is done... Nervous about 4 as I still feel like dying... Maybe I should not do it right after the 30 day shred. :-)
  • stepher80
    stepher80 Posts: 37 Member
    I started week 5 today and was shocked that after taking almost an entire week off from running (due to starting work and going on a work-retreat) I did better today than I have on any of my runs! Today was run 5 mins, walk 3 mins, run 5 mins, walk 3 mins, run 5 mins. I didn't think I would be able to make it but I did! I even ran 3 extra minutes into the cool down because I got so caught up in my music that I missed the cue to cool down! I never thought I would get to this point! Feeling really good and looking forward to my next few runs. I think this week on w5d3 I am supposed to run for 20 minutes without stopping...I'm REALLY nervous about that one!

    It's great seeing so many of you guys checking in and being consistent! Feels good to have the encouragement and accountability from this group!
  • eli_802
    eli_802 Posts: 60
    just finished week three :) lets get em guys, week four here we come!!!!