Free Day - Good idea?

Hey Moms!

Looking for some advice on a subject regarding giving yourself a "free day" to pretty much eat/do whatever you want. I am new to this weight loss journey and I know myself too well when it comes to counting my calories. I need rewards! I want to look forward to something after all of my hard work and am wondering if anyone has had experience doing this. Will this set me back completely, or if I am under my calorie count every day will I still be okay?

Thanks so much!


  • jenny9610802
    jenny9610802 Posts: 4 Member
    It works for some... I just know that if I "cheat," it's really hard for me to get back on track. That's just me though.
  • momRN2B
    momRN2B Posts: 247 Member
    From my personal experience with dieting over the years I ave found that one free day a week didnt hurt my weight loss in fact it sometimes seemed to help. As long as your really good about ur diet the rest of the week and its only one day then its ok. There is even a diet out there thats based on this concept its called "The cheat to lose diet' u can check it out for the science behind it.
    Here is a link to the book
  • KWKY
    KWKY Posts: 110 Member
    I do kind of.... but then I try to make sure on a weekly basis I stay on track. Therefore what tends to happen is that if I go crazy on the free day, I will try and do enough exercise to cover off those excess calories.

    I find the worse times are usually the day after my long runs, or the dreaded TOM. I usually just let go and just eat whatever, if I try to suppress it ends up being much worse and I seriously binge.

    Hope this helps...
  • chrissyfuchs
    chrissyfuchs Posts: 4 Member
    I pretty much always have weekends as free days. We travel at least 2 weekends a month to visit family. We don't eat well at all on those days. I just move on from it.

    I try to find a good balance between eating healthy and living a happy life. For me a happy life includes delicious, bad for me food, especially when consumed with good company.

    Weekdays I find it so much easier to be on track because I have routine on my side.

    Try it out, if it works for you, do it. If it doesn't try something different. All of us are different and have different approaches to food and life.
  • MrsJax11
    MrsJax11 Posts: 354 Member
    Rarely I will allow myself and 'do whatever with reckless abandon day' but usually a free day for me is no workout and not stressing if I go over my calories. I do have to give myself at least one day a week like that or I get burnt out. I still log if I remember to. I lost almost 30 lbs before I got pregnant with Madelyn, and it cheat days didn't seem to hurt that.