Weekly chat - Aug 13 - Aug 19

shorty313 Posts: 432 Member
Welcome to our weekly thread! Please feel free to repost the thread on Monday of each new week. Just remember to change the dates in the topic title.

We post here for motivation and support. Feel free to share your successes and your failures. Really, you should feel free to share whatever is on your mind. Just be respectful and expect respect in return.

☞ Name/nickname reminders -
Paul (PJYoung2012)
Carrie (camsmommy2008)
Sara Grace (SaraGrace82)
Susan or Susie (susieq101178)
Debbie (shorty313)
Melissa (lissa0040)
Jackie (jaxygirl)
Sonya (sonyachan)
Ellie (ellie78)
CurlyPep (lilpe5512)
Harold (hcdawg)
Jill (Blueyz82)
Dan (G3tR1pp3d)
Stacy (chanstriste13)
Cristi (blueeyedcrist)
Amanda (AmandaK3)
Bishop or Todd(BishopSmurf)
Kelli (daisy51981)
Sarah (SarLem81)
Clare (clareeast)
Amanda (WhiteCloud)
Emma (elstein)
Cynthia (saihtnyc)
Emily (emom3boys)
Randy (Randyamc)
Sandra (Leeloominai01)
Toni (Themoodys13)
Corey (coreyisaacs)
Joe (misterbigg36)
Dee (Dedee36)
Tawnya (RubytOU)
Mariesa (princessmariesa)
Sri (slimntrim77)


  • shorty313
    shorty313 Posts: 432 Member
    I almost broke my logging streak, last night I was in bed at 1030 and realized I hadn't logged food all day! :embarassed: So I got up and did it (I had indulged and knew I was over so I was probably avoiding it!)

    Last week was abysmal for exercise due to a series of uncontrollable circumstances, but I feel renewed this week. :smile:

    Hope everyone had a nice weekend. Happy Monday!
  • susieq101178
    susieq101178 Posts: 305 Member
    Ha! Debbie - you are definitely more committed than I am. I skipped out on logging all day Saturday. I logged in and started to, then got sidetracked and just forgot about. We were out running around and then my son had friends over . . . I was probably way over anyway, so it would've just been depressing.

    Now instead of finding new ways to exercise I was brilliant and went in the opposite direction - I'm learning how to crochet. :tongue: Not sure why I decided to do that, but I am in the process of making a scarf now. Pretty sure I'm doing something wrong with the ends . . .:ohwell:
  • Hi Everyone!

    I am still staying with my friend on the east coast. She made a lot of emotional progress since I got out here. We are now at the stage where she is more looking forward to getting her ex-fiancees possessions out of the house. I figure that is a good sign that she is moving from shock and sadness to anger and a desire for control. She cancelled all the wedding related things. Looks like she will lose about 8k on all that but I suppose it could have been much worse. Now she has to move on to getting their house in her name only. So much to deal with when you have just had your heart broken, but she is being really strong and I am super proud of her.

    I am headed back to California on Wednesday. Just in time to clean up for a week of visitors. The timing could be better but it will be ok. I would have loved a week to get things back to normal but oh well.

    I did manage to get more exercise this week. I am still loving my Fitbit. It is great to see just how much exercise I am getting daily. It really encourages me to get out and do more even on days when I can't make it to the gym.

    I haven't weighed in since I got here. I am a little nervous about finding out the damage but I am just going to hold out and deal with that when I get home.

    My friend has a rowing machine in her living room. So far the best I have managed is sitting on it and sliding back and forth while talking on the phone... Maybe today I should actually take it for a spin. I also need to finish mowing the lawn so that will get me some more exercise.

    Have we reached a summer slow down on our 30 Something board? Probably is pretty standard. Hopefully we will see people come back in the fall!

    Sara Grace
  • Debbie - Congrats on remembering not to break you streak! I can never remember. I suspect if I were more diligent about logging my food that would help. Heck that would help with loads of things! :-) Now that I have the Fitbit and am fairly confident about how much I should be eating daily I am certainly running out of excuses...

    Susie - I bought a Groupon to learn how to knit. I should probably sign up for that when I get back. Can a person knit while on a treadmill? Maybe a stationary bike? ;-)
  • Hi girls,
    I joined this board over the weekend and am really looking forward to be part of your challenges. A little bit about me - I am a mom of an almost 6 year old and a full time software engineer. I am on my butt all day and stress levels are also super high. I gained close to 50 lbs in my pregnancy but managed to lose it all when I did a biggest loser challenge at work after I had my son. I work out 5-6 days a week (only way to reduce my stress and not be yelling at my husband or kid) but my eating has gone to dogs of late and I gained 15lbs back. I am here to lose this and also to change my lifestyle a bit so I won't find myself in this situation couple of years down the line.

    I started logging my food since this morning. I hope to keep it up. I am still waiting to finish my exercise for today (I either go to a jazzercise class or walk on the treadmill).

  • Sri - I am also logging food today! Gonna need to get some exercise so I have some calories for dinner. :-)

    I just vacuumed around the rowing machine... That seems a little like getting closer to using it.

    Edit: I did the rowing machine! Victory!

    Sadly the Fitbit isn't giving me seconds when reporting my time. So it was 11 minutes something for 2000 meters. I am going to give myself a break and say that it was 11:50 so that I can not murder myself trying to beat that time tomorrow.
  • You can do it, Sara!!! Go for it! I just got off the treadmill - 60 minutes of walking with some random intervals on the incline and speed.
  • Blueyz82
    Blueyz82 Posts: 151
    Hello All! I feel bad for being so absent lately! Sorry guys! I haven't forgotten about you! Ever since I joined a real gym I have been less involved with internet. I basically work 10 hours, go straight from work to the gym for like an hr or so and then go home, shower, get my meals ready for next day and then lay on couch til bedtime...I had recently been OBSESSED with the show, The Firm, but after learning that it was cancelled, ,my obsession and excitement, shrank down to nothing and am taking my time now finishing watching the season. Boo!!! :frown:

    I am in love with using the Arc Trainer at my gym! Awesome burn and work out! I kinda wish though that you can work your arms out too with it. I am now changing up cardio to treadmill, elliptical and arc trainer as my options. I haven't rode my bike in a awhile, I need to get back to that! Also, it's been raining on my days Im off, so no swimming :frown: hopefully Wednesday I'll be able to go swimming! Fingers crossed! :smile:

    Sara- way to go on getting in the exercise! I know how hard it can be when you are busy busy! It's even harder to do when you are out of your usual environment.

    Welcome to the group, Sri!
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    Morning everyone! I've been really off track for the last couple weeks and despite my best intentions have just struggled to get back with it. I've come to the conclusion that I've fallen back into that make sure everyone else is happy type behavior so I need to refocus on what's important to me and work on making it happen! I've been doing good with my exercise but my eating habits have just been off the charts. So as of today no more accommodating everyone else at the sacrifice of my own goals!
  • neurochamp
    neurochamp Posts: 261 Member

    Have we reached a summer slow down on our 30 Something board? Probably is pretty standard. Hopefully we will see people come back in the fall!

    For me, at least, it's precisely the opposite of the summer slow down over here. School starts in two weeks, which means I'm in crunch-time for prepping my fall classes (which, for this fall, involve preparing for the first biology lab course I've ever taught solo and *so much* beginning-of-school-year jitters...GAH!). Thankfully, I decided to start my rest week between stages 2 and 3 of NROL4W early - my knee is STILL sore from water skiing a few weeks ago, and a doctor friend said it's probably not very smart to continue doing squats and lunges with heavy weights until it feels normal again - so I have "extra" time this week to just focus on getting work done.

    On the plus side, I'm loving my Fitbit. It's pretty cool to get another "opinion" of how many calories I actually need during the day (using my actual activity level instead of just online calculators and estimations), so I'm finding myself fairly obsessively checking the website for that as well as MFP. It appears to be doing some good, as I *finally* seem to have broken my plateau - I've lost 3lbs since buying my Fitbit a little under a month ago - yay! :drinker:

    Hope everyone has a great week! :flowerforyou:
  • shorty313
    shorty313 Posts: 432 Member
    Ellie I sympathize! I've been slacking a bit food wise too. I just yesterday changed back to MFP goals plus exercise to shake things up a bit. So I'm down to 1380 cals plus exercise. I think I'll round up to 1400 to make things easier.

    Welcome Sri!

    Emma you are making me itch for a fitbit! Too bad I don't have a birthday coming up. Maybe Christmas? I can't justify it otherwise! Awesome work breaking your plateau!

    SG - way to get ON the rowing machine! :laugh:

    As for me, I keep on keepin' on for my race this Sunday. In keeping with the spirit of the Tortoise Challenge this week, my goal is to finish the 5 miles in 1:05 (so 13 min/mile). That should give me some leeway for some walking breaks. I'm not going to win any medals at that pace (unless there's a category for used-to-be-paralyzed-from-the-waist-down :laugh: ) but I WILL finish!
  • Ellie - You are probably right! I forgot all about back to school. I just figured people were vacationing and generally busy with summer. I am also really loving my Fitbit. I find myself constantly trying to fit in a couple more steps when I am wearing it. It is also nice to see how much sleep I am getting and how much ambient exercise.

    Debbie - Good luck with your running! You will be great. :-)

    Jill - Great job on all the gyming!

    Oh my, I just weed eated the yard (after mowing the parts I couldn't finish last time). I started thinking, "Well isn't this weed eater so lovely and light." By the end I was like, "Get this monster off of me!" I think I might hold off on rowing until tomorrow cause my poor little arms are killing me! Maybe four times rowing is a more reasonable goal for the first week. I sure do love setting really difficult goals for myself. *sigh*

    Tomorrow I fly home. I am excited to get to be with my husband and puppy again. My friend is doing really well so I feel ok about heading home. Seems like two weeks was exactly the right amount of time to be here.

    Hope everyone is having a great day!

    Sara Grace
  • SavageRabidBeast
    SavageRabidBeast Posts: 481 Member
    Totally agree Ellie, you need to be the one to put the hammer down and say "this is about me and my goals. The rest of you work on your own goals and let me deal with my own". Because in the end, they are not gonna reach them for you! Go kick some more *kitten*! You can do it :)
  • altheiathepixie
    altheiathepixie Posts: 3 Member
    Hi everyone,

    I'm Becky. Debbie (shorty313) invited me to the group, so I hope it's ok if I jump in. :)

    I'm a 31 year old mother of 2 kids, ages 4.5 and almost 2. I work full time for an insurance company. My husband is a cop and works more than full time. :-P

    This is not my first trip down the weight-loss road; I've struggled with my weight for most of my life. Although when I look back to my teen years and my mother badgering me about losing weight, and seeing that I was really only 15-25 pounds overweight back then, makes me want to bang my head against the wall. I was successful in 2003 in losing approximately 80 pounds. I have more than that to lose now, unfortunately, but I've decided it is what it is and it's time to just do this. The time is going to pass either way, right?

    Anyway, I'm looking forward to being a part of the group! :)
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    Welcome Becky!

    I couldn't sleep last night so I'm up early perusing the boards. Been an odd week. I seem to have suffered yet another overuse injury on tuesday night so I'm letting my body rest up for a few days. This is the second one in the last few weeks! I really don't know what the cause of all this is as I have not changed up anything in my routine so all I can think is that its a long term issue with not warming up and cooling down properly. I've been doing warm ups but probably not enough and like most of us I've got a busy schedule and usually just run out of the gym once I finish my workout instead of taking the time for a cool down. Going to slow down and take the time from now on and hopefully that will solve the issue.

    Going to be a tough weekend with food and alcohol. Agreed to join the work crew for happy hour tonight and I'm going to a beer fest tomorrow. I'm going to try and just stay long enough at happy hour to be polite and then head off without having any food (its quite the deep fried bar food type joint). Tomorrow I just don't think I will even bother trying to log. I'm sure my calories will be off the charts.

    On the up side my weight does seem to be slowly creeping back down since I reset my calories and all that a couple weeks ago, yay!

    Hope everyone has a great weekend!
  • neurochamp
    neurochamp Posts: 261 Member
    Welcome, Becky!

    Ellie - what did you injure? Just a thought: maybe you *need* to change something in your routine if you're suffering overuse injuries?

    I only mention it because I have some serious chronic issues with my rotator cuffs. I never suffered an "injury" per se (my issues came on gradually) but I get horrific pain in my shoulders - like, I can't lift my arm more than a few degrees from my side without it feeling like somebody is stabbing me in the shoulder; same pain if I try to sleep on my back, simply from letting my arms fall naturally at my sides - so I have to be super careful about how I work out. I've figured out that I can trigger a flare-up in my shoulder pain if I (a) lift too heavy or with poor form (anything that works on shoulders, chest, or back can be risky if my form isn't perfect), or (b) spend too much time at my computer without taking breaks to stretch out my traps, neck, and shoulders...so I have to watch out not only when I work out, but also when I'm just sitting here typing at my computer. (After going to a physical therapist, I learned that the computer work - not exercise - is probably what caused the injury in the first place, but certain exercises were making it worse; they gave me exercises to do to help, and recommended getting regular deep-tissue massages. I have to say, I'm a huge fan of the massages.)

    Anyway, I also have weekend plans that will be somewhat of a challenge - Ladies' Night with some friends, which will likely include some really unhealthy food choices and more wine than I should drink. I'll see what I can do to keep it within my calories and macros...but I make no promises :bigsmile:

    Happy Friday, all! :drinker:
  • saihtnyc
    saihtnyc Posts: 51 Member
    I'm sorry I've been MIA this past week. I had two funerals to go to out of town - one was my grandmother and one was not a family member but someone I knew in a professional capacity and also had a special place in my heart. So I was in MA and then NY.

    The good news is I had been exercising a bit more, especially walking around NYC and going to the hotel gym, so I was feeling like I was on a roll, having started running the week before that.

    Then I was back ONE DAY and yesterday morning tumbled down the stairs head first and hit my head really hard. Spent the day at the ER and I have a concussion and mild sprained ankle.

    I'm doing better today, but still dizzy and I hurt all over - stiff/sore neck, back, etc. My ankle feels a lot better though, so I'm not wearing the air cast since it makes it almost impossible to go down the stairs safely.
  • neurochamp
    neurochamp Posts: 261 Member
    Holy cow, Cynthia, that just sounds like a terrible week, through-and-through! I hope you're doing alright and getting plenty of rest!
  • ellie78
    ellie78 Posts: 375
    This time it was my inner thigh muscle, last time it was my quad. I'm doing NROL4W and I'm in stage 5 so I'm thinking that as the program gets more intense (lower reps, higher weights) that perhaps the need for more warm up/cool down is necessary.
  • neurochamp
    neurochamp Posts: 261 Member
    That makes sense, hopefully extra stretching time will help. I'm starting stage 3 on Monday - totally not looking forward to the body weight matrix...