End of day 3

svesemenja Posts: 67 Member
HI ladies,

How was your day?

I was super busy about my work, but I managed to finish it on time, and return little bit earlier than yesterday.. I went to gym, did 25 min on elliptical, or 27 i am not sure now. ahha... and I did my 16th day on 30D. I feel great... I can do more strength now, more push ups, yay for that. But my angles during cardio hurt, so I have to stop.. I will put tonight some ice, maybe it will help. They are not swollen, just hurt when I start to jump.

I had a wonderful dinner, yummy.. grilled chicken. Some stand at the fair is making grilled chicken and fish. today i bought chicken, tomorrow i will try fish.. it was so yummy.. I stayed under my calories..:) and I found very good sunflower seeds for snacking.. non salted of course.. I had few today, i think its a good snack when i come back from lab, before gym. :)

Now I am going to prepare dinner for my pets.. Guess what they are eating.. Fruits and veggies only.. I have protein supplement for them, that I make separately.. I should follow their diet.. :)

Good night...


  • Rebeccawks
    Rebeccawks Posts: 61 Member
    Hey Guys!

    My day has gone pretty well! I'm down 3 lbs which is awesome! It doesn't bring me to a new low (I fluctuate alot) but it definitely is motivating. :) I am promising myself that I will beat my plateau this month and it is this promise that is making me not snack even though I am SUPER munchy right now. I just grabbed a water and am waiting until I get off in 2 hours to have dinner and go to the gym. :) I am planning on jogging 2 miles on the treadmill, squats, leg presses, hip adduction/abduction, calf raises and some abs tonight. My daily goal is to not leave the gym until my heart rate monitor says I've burned 500 calories at least. :) I was so excited when I completed my day last night and it said that in 5 weeks I should be weighing 183.3!!! That is less than ten lbs away from my ultimate goal weight (and a NORMAL BMI- which i have NEVER had :) ). That also means that I should be getting really close to this while in this amazing group with all you wonderful women (and men?)! I definitely feel more motivated than I have in a long, long time.

    Let's keep it up! We are almost 25% done!

  • nikihampton
    nikihampton Posts: 62 Member
    Never did get back out there tonight. Up against a work deadline for tomorrow. Kept my calories low though and finding I am not "hungry" all the time. The heat actually curbs my hunger too, so that helps. I so want to do a quick weight peek, but I also want to wait until Monday to see a fab number. I feel amazing since I broke through my plateau and now I want to see my hard work from these past few days pay off!

    Have a good night everyone. :)
  • AmyJKSaunders
    AmyJKSaunders Posts: 39 Member
    Hey, all! Did pretty well today. I do better each day. Can't complain at the end of day 3. Congrats on all successes today!
  • KateL1969
    KateL1969 Posts: 98 Member
    Day 3 was good despite realising I couldn't run home from work as I need the car to take my daughter to the orthadontist first thing day 4 morning. Took the dog for a run instead for half an hour and with a 15 minute walk each way too, it meant I was under my calories by the end of the day.

    Was going to add a photo of my dog but havent worked out how to do it on posts. Tried copying it then pasting it but it doent work. Will have to look on the help menu. Well done everyone and remember - we need to log bad days as well as good days becasue we will all have bad days at some point. Kate