Sexist Airline Policies

daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member

Here's the scoop: An Australian airline has made it so that male passengers are not allowed to sit next to unaccompanied minors on flights. This is done in an attempt to "prevent the victimization of children". What are your thoughts?


  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    Stupid. As if women don't cause trauma to kids either? A man is now guilty until proven innocent?

    I would be offended if I were a man.
  • Koldnomore
    Koldnomore Posts: 1,613 Member
    Stupid. As if women don't cause trauma to kids either? A man is now guilty until proven innocent?

    I would be offended if I were a man.

  • daffodilsoup
    daffodilsoup Posts: 1,972 Member
    Stupid. As if women don't cause trauma to kids either? A man is now guilty until proven innocent?

    I would be offended if I were a man.


    Hell, I'm offended and I'm not a man.
  • lour441
    lour441 Posts: 543 Member
    I don't think minors should be allowed to fly unaccompanied.

    That said, I would not give up my seat. Move the kids if you have a problem with me.
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I don't think minors should be allowed to fly unaccompanied.

    That said, I would not give up my seat. Move the kids if you have a problem with me.

    As I have a fear of flying, I would probably be panicking from the ground for my kid. I would cry hysterically if I had to let them fly alone.
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    Stupid. As if women don't cause trauma to kids either? A man is now guilty until proven innocent?

    I would be offended if I were a man.

    Boom! Thread is officially done :laugh: I wonder who was the genious behind this idea and thought it would "fly"well with everyone else. (see what I did there? Pun intended)
  • Mr_Cape219
    Mr_Cape219 Posts: 1,345 Member
    I'm actually disappointed..

    I read "Sexiest Arline Policies" -_-

    But to add my two cents, yea thats pretty messed up. Unaccompanied Minors should fly with eachother!
  • fbmandy55
    fbmandy55 Posts: 5,263 Member
    I'm actually disappointed..

    I read "Sexiest Arline Policies" -_-

    But to add my two cents, yea thats pretty messed up. Unaccompanied Minors should fly with eachother!

    I too read it as sexiest... :laugh:
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    Isn't Australia home to some of the most dangerous animals on earth? Given that information, I think there should be a rule that Australians shouldn't be allowed to sit next to minors; there's a higher chance that Aussies will be dangerous.
  • Mr_Cape219
    Mr_Cape219 Posts: 1,345 Member
    Isn't Australia home to some of the most dangerous animals on earth? Given that information, I think there should be a rule that Australians shouldn't be allowed to sit next to minors; there's a higher chance that Aussies will be dangerous.

    In Australia, every animal can kill you in some way or another (and the spiders...they speak) so wouldnt it be safe to say that Australian children would be fine no matter where they are? If an adult American tried any funny buisness, I'm sure that that American man/woman would have a broken wrist! D:
  • LemonSnap
    LemonSnap Posts: 186 Member
    Some bloke made a big issue of it in the online media here. Of late it seems the new sport in Australia is to get your picture or name in the paper for any trivial complaint you can tempt the media with.

    As it turns out the policy has been in place - across all airlines - for quite some time. The policy includes any adult. That is no adult, man or women, should be sat with unaccompanied minors. In the event that lack of seating requires an adult sit there the preference is a woman.

    It hasn't come to light before now because

    1. Generally it is managed during seat allocation
    2. Nobody has been so short sighted as to publicly complain before.
  • Pebble321
    Pebble321 Posts: 6,554 Member
    Isn't Australia home to some of the most dangerous animals on earth? Given that information, I think there should be a rule that Australians shouldn't be allowed to sit next to minors; there's a higher chance that Aussies will be dangerous.

    It's OK as long as you don't seat them next to a male crocodile, dingo, snake, spider or other dangerous animal.
    Usually though, they seat the animals next to each other in a special zone so it's not generally a problem.
  • SwannySez
    SwannySez Posts: 5,864 Member
    I see it as airlines protecting themselves from being sued over allegations that they allowed molestations to occur on their flights. Pretty sensible, actually, even if it's a bit sad that they need to do so.
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    If the policy is applied equally then I don't care.. In fact, I'd much prefer not to sit next anyone else's child and play babysitter.
  • Gilbrod
    Gilbrod Posts: 1,216 Member
    If the policy is applied equally then I don't care.. In fact, I'd much prefer not to sit next anyone else's child and play babysitter.

    Hmmmm, I never thought about it that way. Now it doesn't seem that bad of an idea. I want every airlines to adopt this policy now.
  • ninerbuff
    ninerbuff Posts: 48,599 Member
    Tell this to a teenage female who has to sit by Chris, doubt it would bother her much.

    A.C.E. Certified Personal and Group Fitness Trainer
    IDEA Fitness member
    Kickboxing Certified Instructor
    Been in fitness for 28+ years and have studied kinesiology and nutrition
  • vim_n_vigor
    vim_n_vigor Posts: 4,089 Member
    I can completely understand not seating them with anyone else. Leave the seat next to them empty.
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    If I remember correctly, you HAVE to be accompanied by an adult till you're 12. I have been travelling since I was 3 so traveling abroad was a norm for us and if you were under 12, the flight attendant or some other adult would always be with you. After 12, my mother used to find a family and ask them to keep an eye on us. She knew me well and would find a family with a cute daughter :D
  • taunto
    taunto Posts: 6,420 Member
    Honestly, I think men in this society are constantly "looked at" and while I understand being on the lookout for pedophiles, I think as a society we're getting into the habit of being wary of every guy. A woman for example get to talk to strangers kids, hold them even but guy usually have to know the person first. I came from another culture in Asia and while I have adopted to the culture here, its still weird to me.

    Like many said, men are now presumed pedophiles and this policy is just saying it out loud what a lot of folks are thinking.
  • EvanKeel
    EvanKeel Posts: 1,904 Member
    I think if the stated reason for seating unattended children apart from adults is the fear of child molesters, then it's a stupid reason. Statistically, pedophiles make up a tiny % of the population. Of those, I have to think that any of them that would attempt to "prey" on a child in the confines of an airline seat must be the dumbest people on the planet. Without my blessed headphones, I can hear every single hushed conversation of the people in front of me and behind; they'd get caught. It's least advantageous "hunting ground" for a predator to choose.

    Realistically, I think the odds of an attended child being molested are higher than those of an unattended child.

    Now, having said all that, I think there is some value to seating them apart--just not for the purposes of preventing molestation. We constantly tell kids to be careful not to talk to strangers, or get in cars with them, etc. I can see it being fairly stressful for a kid, depending on their age, to be put in a seat next to a complete stranger, which might make them feel essentially trapped. If we're trying to give kids some peace of mind and make sure adults don't have to be bothered by random strange children, then I think it's great. But let's not delude ourselves that it's really keeping child molesters at bay.