exercising but not losing weight

Help, im dieting and not losing weight, ( well one week a pound off next week back on) i've been doing 3x body combat and 2x body pump sessions per wk for six weeks now and have lost two inches off whole body
i wear a heat rate monitor in body pump i burn about 560kcals per hr and combat between 800/900kcals per hour
i dont eat meat but when i log exercise and food i'm always under the net calories goal and it says im not eating enough
so my questions are
1: Am i doing enough exercise per wk
2: on my fitness pal are we supposed to eat what we burn in exercise as well as our daily calories (mine are 1220 per day)

any help appreciated thanks


  • daphnemoon
    daphnemoon Posts: 216 Member
    Hi Amy,

    I'm afraid I don't have any answers, am pretty much in the same boat as you. Pump and combat is a great combo, maybe after six weeks your body has got used to it as your regular routine? Last month I did attack/combat on alternate days, with pump as well (2+ rest days per week) because I thought that I would see some significant results in a month, along with my healthy eating (I was eating back 1/2 - 3/4 of exercise calories). However I didn't lose a pound - rather I went up and down the same four pounds. I lost half an inch off my waist but that was it. I was pretty disappointed as though I love combat, attack isn't my favourite class in the world but I know it is doing wonders for my fitness.

    When I first started doing pump last summer, it took AGES for me to start losing weight, but I did lose inches, so maybe some slight increase in muscle is accountable for that? As you'll know from looking at the forum on here there are major disagreements about whether to eat exercise cals or not. When I first started on here that seemed mad to me, but when I started to eat them back I did see the scale shift in the right way. This is something I think you just have to play around with, to see what works for you.

    I'm mixing up my exercise routine at the moment - since I was doing the same classes regularly I'm trying all the classes I've been meaning to do for ages. I'm hoping that it will shock my body into doing something with the pounds I'm trying to get rid of.
    You could try doing other classes, or any gym-based type workouts like circuits, kettlebells, TRX to experiment? Also are you lifting heavy enough weights in pump? Do you feel by the end of *each* track that you couldn't do another rep? I've been a scaredy-cat of lifting heavy for ages but now that I am (by my own measures, not actually heavy :)) I am starting to see and feel a lot more definition.

    Sorry I can't be more help but I'll be interested to read any other replies.

    Good luck :)
  • FatAssBecky
    FatAssBecky Posts: 58 Member
    Hi Amy -

    I don't have any solid answers for you - but all I can say is that I completed my 16th week of doing Body Pump 2 or 3 times a week and I'm only down about 3 pounds. Not sure if I read your post right, but you're doing a class 5X a week? I think that might be a bit much if you are looking to shed pounds. If you want the body builder look - I think that's fine. I am mostly a runner - so I do Body Pump as my weight training. I can't do a weight class more than 3 times a week.

    Even though I'm only down 3 lbs since starting Body Pump in February - my clothes are a lot more loose, I can feel a lot of muscle tone that wasn't there and I just feel better about myself. I really didn't notice a physical change until about weeks 8 or 9.

    Even though I was on Weight Watchers for 2 months when I started, I quit and just now getting into really watching what I eat and whatnot - so maybe monitoring my intake more closely will help me see where my downfalls are.

    What I can say about Body Pump is that I love it. I don't like traditional weight training and I see a huge difference in my running.

    Hope this helps!
  • alivilas
    alivilas Posts: 16 Member
    I haven't been losing much doing body pump 3 days a week and body combat 3 days a week. I have also been following WW. Now, I use MFP and set up my points using the "Olivia Method" I read about recently. Hopefully I will start seeing my weight go down using this method of tracking using MFP.
  • alivilas
    alivilas Posts: 16 Member
    So far so good, weight seems to be going down.
  • stevier
    stevier Posts: 2 Member
    Hi Amy,

    First, you seem to be doing the right combo (from my perspective) Combat is definitely cardio, and Pump gives you weights. Because it's low weight, high rep I think it's unlikely you'll bulk up from doing Pump. I run and do Pump for my weights, with an occasional nod to Attack, CX Works, RPM, and Combat. I haven't lost, either, but honestly, it's the inches that count. How do your clothes fit? You could try to use the Naval circumference method to measure your lean muscle mass, and then compare that over time. The key is not to lose lean muscle.

    I'm currently trying to do two workouts a day a couple of days a week (one cardio, one weight) to see if that ups any fat loss for me. I'll be interested to see if/how that works. :)

    Best of luck!
  • EyeBite
    EyeBite Posts: 35 Member
    The scale is such a little liar. It doesn't say...oh hey Amy, you been awesome getting low in body pump and increasing your weights to get your heart pumping...yep you lost fat but you gain muscle! Congrats!

    You said something to me that confused me. I by no means am a weight loss expert, and forgive me if I'm wrong, but I believe you, that you eat back what you burn on top of the calories you are suppose to have for the day.? This sounds great to me if you are trying to maintain your body fat weight, but sounds really wrong to me if you are trying to loose weight. Maybe I'm just confused...but there are days I burn literally a ton of calories and I'm not sure what or how much to eat.