body pump as main source of strength training

I just started Body Pump about a week ago, and I was wondering if anyone used it as their strength training weekly? My gym has it 3 times a week every other day and I was wondering if it would be a suitable weight training replacement.


  • daphnemoon
    daphnemoon Posts: 216 Member
    Absolutely. At the moment I am happy going to pump 3x a week, I've had excellent results from that and it is a good way to get into strength training. In the near future I'd like to try 'heavy' lifting, and combine that with pump to get the best of both worlds. But I don't think I'm motivated enough to lift regularly in the gym, I much prefer the atmosphere and environment of group exercise classes.

    Actually I don't think of it as weight training *replacement*. It IS weight training, at least if you have enough weight on your bar throughout the class it is :)
  • rumpusparable
    rumpusparable Posts: 160
    Definitely it's a great tool as your primary/only form of weightlifting. I do other lifting in addition to it, but it's my main method (I do it 3X a week). I've been seeing great progress in my strength from it.
  • EyeBite
    EyeBite Posts: 35 Member
    I think body pump is awesome for getting started with using weights, but only if you CHALLENGE yourself. Personally I think BP fails to do any good for resistance training if you stay comfortable. The magic happens when you up your weight and make sure you give your muscles a chance to heal. I feel stronger and I can tell a difference...I certainly feel different in that I feel stronger anyway. I can do muscle definition going on in my arms but not much to see b/c they're covered in fat.
  • ScottyV013
    I think body pump is awesome for getting started with using weights, but only if you CHALLENGE yourself. Personally I think BP fails to do any good for resistance training if you stay comfortable. The magic happens when you up your weight and make sure you give your muscles a chance to heal. I feel stronger and I can tell a difference...I certainly feel different in that I feel stronger anyway. I can do muscle definition going on in my arms but not much to see b/c they're covered in fat.

    very well said. you want to go for complete fatigue on each of the tracks. if you get done with the song and feel like you could go for a few more minutes, bump it up a little next time. just don't bump it up too quick to avoid the risk of injury.
  • jmoneycgt
    jmoneycgt Posts: 80 Member
    BodyPump is more "muscle endurance" than strength training. Will you get stronger? Absolutely. However BodyPump will not prepare you to lift super heavy. You will get really awesome at lifting things that are pretty heavy, for a longer period of time without getting tired. This is what some people hate about BodyPump, but I love about it.

    When am I going to ever in my life have to squat 300 pounds? Pretty much never. However, lifting 50 pounds or so multiple times without getting tired? My friends absolutely love when I offer to help them move! I almost never tire out. Carrying cases of bottled water up to my 2nd floor apartment? I put that bad boy on my shoulder and bound up the stairs like I'm carrying a pillow.

    It is really building strength for practical application, not for bulking up to do ridiculous 1 rep maxes.