day 7 21 August

KateL1969 Posts: 98 Member
Will eat and exercise well until Wednesday as at my Mum's. My Vizsla expects lots of walks while we are here! Will weigh myself when I return to my house. No point in using different scales. Have a good Monday!


  • KateL1969
    KateL1969 Posts: 98 Member
    Put wrong date!!!! Can I edit somehow?
  • cmecme
    cmecme Posts: 227 Member
    Wish I knew how to edit - but no idea : )

    182.2 Today - wow!! After my one bad day I'm still down!! Yesterday I did week7 day3. The 25 minute run is actually becoming easy. Yesterday i sneaked a look at the app and couldn't believe i only had 10 minutes left. I was amazed. What a great feeling. It all because of my affirmation : )

    This weekend my family comes in town - I'm so worried I'm going to blow it. One of my family members is a marathon runner so we have plans for me to start the first 2 miles of her run with her. Should push me and keep me motivated. They leave wednesday and thursday I fly out for a wedding. This is my first test, I've addressed this in my affirmation as my "evil" evil temptation. I CAN make it through without overindulgence.

    Good luck everyone.

  • mandypizzle
    mandypizzle Posts: 633 Member
    No idea how to edit. You could delete it and do a new one. It doesn't bother me though...

    I ate horribly all weekend. :/ But it's a new day!! I'm taking my kids to the candy factory for a field trip.
  • svesemenja
    svesemenja Posts: 67 Member
    I felt to tired and sleepy today... not my best day def.. i ate a lot of soup today and noodles today... but i will log it anyway...

    I didnt fell like exercising today, but my boyfriend kicked me out of apartment to go to gym.. i took lap top, and watched falling skies season finale.. sound was bad, but i watched the pictures moving..hhaha..and the time just went to quickly.. now i am preparing to do my 30D, almost level 3.. yay :)

    i felt bloated all day, so i didnt measure myself on scale.. maybe next week.. :)

    hope you all will have a great day....
  • dvelocity
    dvelocity Posts: 309 Member
    The scale is not moving and I feel discouraged. I feel stronger, my face looks thinner and my clothes feel better. I hate the scale and that I let it get to me like this. I need to focus on how I feel.

    I will not let the scale determine my worth only my actions!

    Yesterday was a hungry day! I could not feel satisfied with anything that I ate. I went over my calories but I did get in a lot of exercies.

    Today is going to be a good day.
  • Rebeccawks
    Rebeccawks Posts: 61 Member
    Yesterday I was 192.0 lbs (.4 lbs away from my all-time lowest EVER). For the past few months I have been stagnant between 196 and 203 (on bad days :( ) and was severely losing my motivation. This week, with the reassurance of this group, I have gone full force back into the swing of things. I realize that 6 lbs down in a week is great, but I'm sure alot of it was waterweight and post-TOM weight. I ate really well yesterday and had a horrible time saying no to cravings but I stayed strong. Today I was up 1.2 lbs. I know, overall it is a loss but I was so looking forward to finally making it back to 191.something and finally getting to the point of actually losing weight again that I was devastated. I will not let this get me down! You guys are keeping me in check and helping me realize that this is not an individual journey and everyone faces set-backs, we've just got to keep chuggin' along!

    Starting: 199.6
    8/20/12 weigh in (I didn't see a new thread for this): 193.2

    Ladies, if you want, I can make a chart to post on here that will help us see our progress each week. I know that seeing overall trends helps me put things into perspective. Just let me know!!!

  • AmyJKSaunders
    AmyJKSaunders Posts: 39 Member
    Good morning! I had a bad weekend, and then forgot to weigh in yesterday. I will weigh in tomorrow, although I believe I went up. I will get in all my exercise and then some this week. That is what really helps me with my eating.

    Have a great day, everyone!
  • haasgirl
    haasgirl Posts: 55
    I went way overboard this weekend and am paying the price. I am up 2.5lbs from 163.8 so i'm currently sitting at 166.3. My goal this week is to not keep on going over the weekend in my head and just let it go. I am taking my 2 girls to our kids running club tonight and thursday night. Will do my exercise dvd's once they are in bed. I will do this!

    Have a great day everyone!

  • going2befit4ever
    going2befit4ever Posts: 225 Member
    After more than a month stalled at 189-187 i was down to 185.4 I am so happy I cannot tell you

    today we are doing the 30 ds and going to try my nemesis ride (wish me luck)

    diet isn't an issue really although I'm never hungry but my hubby makes me eat regular and he cooks cos I don't and now he's got portion size down I am doing better. Snacks have always been an issue I am a chocoholic but except for a brownie I have not had chocolate since June so proud of myself.

    Stick with it its tough but trust if you are sticking with the food and exercising it will eventually move in the right direction

    hope you have a happy Monday- if I beat my nemesis there is no stopping me
  • nikihampton
    nikihampton Posts: 62 Member
    I didn't bother being accountable and let yesterday be a spike day the day before a weigh in. Never a good idea. A little worried going into the race week. Not about food, but about whether or not I'm prepared. Let's have a good day everyone!
  • Balance79
    Balance79 Posts: 86 Member
    I too, over indulged during the weekend. :( I will stop doing that, from this point on. It reverses all of the hard work I do during the week. It isn't worth it.

    Back on track today, eating clean. I went completely without my ritual morning ice coffee - I'm impressed with myself!

    I will see the scale say 125.0 by 9/11/12 & will be so proud of myself and the hard work I did to get there! Thanks to this group!!!

    Please say there will be another 4 week focus group going on after this one is done! :happy:
  • haasgirl
    haasgirl Posts: 55
    Please say there will be another 4 week focus group going on after this one is done! :happy:

    I hope there will be another one!
  • GrammaBonnie
    GrammaBonnie Posts: 232 Member
    The scale was kind this morning. I should be happy. But I'm a little bummed.

    I've been struggling with blood sugar issues, fatigue, extreme thirst, exhaustion, over-heating. I'm questioning my electrolyte balance.

    I had a weird stress fracture in my knee a week before Easter. It was followed by, or accompanied by, a blood clot, which was diagnosed about a month later. I also learned that I have osteoarthritis in my knees (and, undoubtedly, in my ankles). I've been doing physical therapy since June.

    Yesterday I tried C25K for the first time. It felt good!!! But today my knee and leg hurts more than it has been lately. I can't tell if it is joint pain (bad) or muscle pain (good). And I'm pooped.

    I haven't worked out yet today, and I'm struggling trying to get motivated. Usually I feel so tired after, that I'm no good for a while. Isn't exercise supposed to make me feel better???

    Sorry for whining. Pity party over!
  • cmecme
    cmecme Posts: 227 Member
    I'm sorry so many are struggling!!! Just let it all go and LOOK FORWARD : )

    Football season starts next week and thats ALWAYS a challenge for me. Not sure how I'm going to tailgate and exercise and keep within the calorie limit - i have to figure it out somehow..... I wont go back - i am finally down 12 pounds from my all time "top" weight and it took a YEAR!!!!!!!! I wont go back there - I just wont --- so I have to figure something out.......

    It took 7 years to gain 35 pounds - so a downward trend - no matter how long it takes, or how much I struggle is fine with me.

    I need to make a plan for holiday season ---- it seems so far away but i know it will sneak up on me - and so will the weight if i dont start planning : )