8-20-2012 Motivating Monday

Hello everyone! It's a great Monday and one to start off the right way!

My work-out schedule for this week is as follows:

M: 60 minutes of Elliptical
T: No work out
W: Weights (Arms, Shoulders, Back)
Th: Walk/Jog (as much as I can!)
F: 60 minutes Elliptical
S: Weights: Legs, Butt & Core
S: Yogaaaaa!

I hope everyone had a really great weekend and is starting to see changes.

I once read that it takes about 4 weeks for you to notice changes, 8 weeks for friends and 12 weeks for the whole world. Let's make it to 12 weeks!


  • lepow
    lepow Posts: 92 Member
    I will be starting week 3 of C25k this week (re-did week 2 last week). I am also going to try PF Express (30-minute workout) at my gym (Planet Fitness). This week, I'll also eat WAY better than last (despite the funeral this coming weekend).
  • cmecme
    cmecme Posts: 227 Member
    I LOVE IT:
    I once read that it takes about 4 weeks for you to notice changes, 8 weeks for friends and 12 weeks for the whole world. Let's make it to 12 weeks!

    And yes - i've noticed changes in my 4 weeks. Cant wait for the world to notice so keep up the motivation!! Yesterday my w7d2 of C25k went by too fast -- what the heck. I used to count seconds - literally count the seconds!!!

    This week:
    1) Finish week 7 Monday and start Wednesday - also my SIL is coming in town and is a marathon runner - going to run 3 miles wtih her on Sunday - oh my gosh!!!
    2) Add 20 additional reps to squats, crunched, extensions, calf raises, bicep curls,
    3) Do 150 jumping jacks.....just try....why not!!!
    4) Yoga twice.
    5) Hold plank for one minute. You can do it yes you can....

    And -- keep up my clean eating. Its giving me SUPER energy. I laugh at how I thought I was eating clean until i started reading the ingredients on EVERTYHING i buy. Including deli meats - I am a fanatic now because it makes me feel so good.

    Keep up the motivation --
  • is4031
    is4031 Posts: 71
    Monday: Run Day
    30 minute trail running

    Tuesday: Bike/Upper Body Day
    10 Mile Bike with kid trailer or Hike
    Upper body low rest weights

    Wednesday: Run Day
    30 minute trail running

    Thursday: Hike/Lower Body Day
    Lower body low rest weights

    Friday: Run Day
    30minute trail running

    Saturday: Long Run/Upper Body Day
    50-60 minute trail running
    Upper body low rest weights

    Sunday: Rest Day
    15 Mile bike with kid trailer or Rest