Headed to first day at gym in a long time - intimidating :)

Ok, my goal is more weights than cardio. I'm making an appt with an Active Start trainer to help me get on the right choices, but I don't want to wait for the appt, I want to get started today.

Sooooo, pray for me at 4:30 :)

Wooohooo!!! Catherine


  • MyHighestPraise
    MyHighestPraise Posts: 87 Member
    Well, can we say that was a flop! LOL I was totally in over my head, intimidated, and not ready for that! I looked around for a minute, walked straight to a treadmill, and did a 30 minute program.

    On the plus side I burned 190 cals :) But my goal was strength training not calories....

    Oh well, I will have to rethink my plan. My sons were totally not enthused about the Kid Fit room, and I'll have to work out the details in this endeavor for sure. In their defense of the Kid Fit Room, it was seriously young to be designed for their age. And it was just entertainment, not fitness like the description said. They had a gymnastics mat with the rules of no flipping posted. And the rest was cartoons, a mini pool table, an indoor loft you can go up the stairs into, to sit down. Nice people, not a "Kid Fit" room, just a baby sitting room.

    :) Catherine
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    Catherine~ sorry your first gym experience was such a bust for you AND the kids!:frown:

    Most gym "babysitting" services are just that~ they "watch" your kids while you workout. Not sure how old the kids are but is there any chance you can go to the gym while they are in school?

    The "Weightlifting" area is VERY intimidating indeed!! But just like anything else in life, once you get accustomed to it, you'll be fine.

    When I decided to do NROL4W, I took advantage of a free personal training session and asked the trainer to just show me around the weight area and also the exercises in the program.

    That was in June and now I am a regular in the lifting area and even found a couple of friendly jocks willing to help me from time to time.

    I hope you try again and have a better experience~ it is soooo worth it!!!:wink:
  • MrsSki38
    MrsSki38 Posts: 68 Member
    I'm going to be starting with a personal trainer very soon and will become a regular at the gym. I'm extremely initimidated as the gym is full of fit military soldiers. Mind you, the eye candy will be very nice however being the squishy, old chick will not be fun.

    I hope you can find a happy medium with going and with the kids. See if someone can show you the weightlifiting equipment and how to properly use it. That's a helpful step.

    Keep up the great work!!!
  • LuluProteinFueled
    LuluProteinFueled Posts: 261 Member
    Even after almost the whole of NROLFW stage 1 at the gym, I am still intimidated in the weights section. I am usually the only female loitering around the heavier weights and definitely the only female using the assisted squat machine and the like. I honestly feel like all the guys are looking at me going "ummm... she should be doing cardio like all the skinny girls do... ". And when I can't help but make a few lifting noises, I feel even more self-conscious!!

    When I start getting closer to my goal physique, I imagine I might feel a bit better. But I definitely feel a out of place at the moment. However I am not a quitter and I will persevere.

    Sorry, this doesn't really offer any assistance, just wanted to share with you that I feel the same. Insecurities suck but I think it's almost impossible not to have them as a woman in today's world. I just keep telling myself that this is where I need to be.
  • MyHighestPraise
    MyHighestPraise Posts: 87 Member
    Thanks y'all :) The Active Start program at the Y will give me access to a trainer for six sessions to oversee my progress. Our first meeting will have as assessment done on where I'm starting and he/she will teach me the equipment, how to use it properly and what is best for my goals. I'm still excited, but I'm definitely going to wait for that appt before I go back! ROTFLOL!

    I homeschool my sons (9 and 10) so school hours don't help me in this one... lol :) However, I think I'm going to go during the day when it is less busy - for SURE - and have the boys go into the gym to play basketball or something while I work out. If they say something about them being in there, then I'll have to come up with another plan.

    I'm going out of town this weekend, so I won't really get started until next week now.... oh well.

    You know the thing about the Kid Fit room is the description was sooo detailed and then it was nothing like the description. Come on, if it really is just child watch, then call it that. but don't call it a Kid Fit room, describe with a rock climbing wall and tout it to be a place that your kids will be active and exercising while you are if it in fact it is nothing like that and being active is not allowed for safety reasons... kwim? Just call it a child watch room and I'll take the boys there with an accurate idea of what to expect.

    I use to work in the nursery of that very same Y when my boys were small. (toddler and a cruiser...) I'm okay with child watch, just be honest. Don't get me wrong, I love my Y!

    Tell me what visual image you get from this description... http://www.ymcaofcoastalga.org/ymca/kid-fit
  • woodsygirl
    woodsygirl Posts: 354 Member
    I homeschool also, during the day is a great time to go and probably less intimidating. :)
  • rosied915
    rosied915 Posts: 799 Member
    If you can get there by around 8am and leave by around 9:30ish, the crowd is seniors and an overall "kinder and gentler" group than the after work crew in the evening.
    I've had to evenings in the past and now I do mornings and it's a COMPLETELY different experience (for the better!!)
  • Raynn1
    Raynn1 Posts: 1,164 Member
    Like anything new, you feel out of place when you first begin, but the more you keep pushing yourself to going, the more comfortable you feel.
    I luck out in that my gym is an all womens gym so I never felt intimidated by Men in the weight room.. However I was a bit intimidated by some of hte women. But after a while I became more comfortable in there, and now all of the trainers give me a smile and wave when they are with other clients.

    There is a big sign in our gym near the weights that say "NO Judgement. EveryBODY is welcome here"

    Dont let others dictate your workout simply because you are too afraid they might judge you.. chances are they are looking at you and saying " Right on Girl! Good for you!"