People making annoying comments about your height!



  • amflautist
    amflautist Posts: 941 Member

    there are times I would love to remark on how wonderful a tall girl looks either in heels or without but admit that for the most part I don't as I don't want to offend.

    Big smile, twinkle in your eye, "You look wonderful".

    You would have tall friends for life!!!
  • m11ekd
    m11ekd Posts: 46 Member
    You DO look wonderful :smile:
  • VanillaBone
    VanillaBone Posts: 119 Member
    You don't even have to make a point of mentioning a woman's height...Just a random "You look beautiful!" or "Those shoes look great on you!" would be awesome. Most people focus on our height, which (in my mind) is like walking up to a woman with a huge rack and saying "Wow, you have a huge rack!" Seriously, she knows that. She hears it all the time. Tell her waist is tiny, or her eyes are stunning...

    Be original in your compliments. :wink:
  • RiaLucia
    RiaLucia Posts: 121
    Every so often someone looks at me all bewildered and says, "How tall ARE you?" And I casually reply, "Just 5'9"." And they go on to insist that I must be 6 feet tall. I'm like, "Uhh...nope. 5'9"." It doesn't really bother me much, though. I'll wear heels as high as I can stand it if it suits my fancy. I only get truly frustrated when I can't find pants, skirts, or dresses to accomodate my long legs.
  • mgobluetx12
    mgobluetx12 Posts: 1,326 Member
    I haven't had many comments about being tall lately but it cracks me up when guys profess to be 6'4 and I'm taller than they are at 6'2. I love calling them out on it.

    My husband and I do get a lot of stares because he is 5'8, but we're used to it.
  • Duckz1
    Duckz1 Posts: 145 Member
    Yup, I once argued with a guy at a bar about my height - I'm 6' even and you're not as tall as you think you are :p

    I'm used to the tall comments. I try to take them as benign but sometimes (especially with men) I feel like its an accusation. And god forbid I wear heels :laugh: My BFF likes to wear big ol heels around me and if I decide to wear heels she gives me a hard time. But she's my bff, not some random person, shes allowed ;)
  • Rebzan
    Rebzan Posts: 24
    All of the time!! And I swear if one more person asks me if I play basketball I will throat punch em!

    Same here! When I say I haven't played basketball a day in my life, half the time they'll follow it up with "Volleyball?" Wrong again. Apparently there are only two sports tall women can play. Who knew?

    My reply to that is, "do you play miniature golf?" First they look at me like what?? Then it sinks in and they get it.

    Then you have the guys that are way shorter than you who the only reason they want to dance with you is because they know where their head will be resting.

    The only time I have ever felt short was in college standing in line between 2 basketball players who were 6'7" and 6'11". They were actually talking over top of my head.
  • smhaze77
    smhaze77 Posts: 52 Member
    I haven't got the basketball comment since high school. (I'm 5’10") But I do get the "did you really need to wear heels? " comment all the time, especially when I'm with my fiance’ (5’ 7"). The one that really bothers me though, and I'm not quite sure why, is when friends are curious about how much I weigh, I tell them, and they respond with "Oh, well your tall" Uhm so tall people aren’t over weight? Its that kind of thinking that helped contribute to my weight issues in the first place. :explode:
  • TinGirl314
    TinGirl314 Posts: 430 Member
    I'm 5'11" and my frame is big. Plus the fluff on top of it I'm trying to get rid of.
    What annoys me is that people assume that because I'm tall, I'm really strong. They'll ask me over the short guys to lift heavy boxes and I just don't have the strength for it.
  • mandybledsoe
    mandybledsoe Posts: 43 Member
    All the time, my husband is 5'4" and I am 6' so we constantly get the stares. I think people think he is my child! People comment all the time too, most of the time I ignore it or just chuckle. Sometimes, when they are rude though I will point out one of their physical flaws and explain to them that I have no control over my height just like they have no control over the size of their "nose" lol not to be mean just to prove a point. My friends all call me their Amazon Princess and sometimes Xena, that doesn't bother me at all. I love being tall, it fits my personality, I would have no idea what to do with a tiny body.
  • Sapphiredroplet
    Sapphiredroplet Posts: 24 Member

    The most awkward thing is when I meet a guy taller than me & my friends will call us out & say "You two should date because y'all are tall." Thanks for making things weird guys!!

    This is really a ridiculous comment because people say it all the time. Maybe thats why I'm not dating anyone because the ones shorter than me don't want their GF taller then them or my friends scare off all the taller guys with that comment. I just want a nice guy who loves me, I've always said I wouldn't date a shorter guy but maybe I would. LOL
  • bluesummersea
    After reading everyone else's stories I'm feeling lucky with the lack of cruel comments said to me, though perhaps because I'm not as tall as you other ladies! (I'm 5'10")
    Though I do hesitate to wear heels, especially since the majority of my female friends are much shorter than me, and I dwarf them as it is! (Plus I'm kinda too young to wear heels all that often)
    Did anybody else used to slouch when they were younger sub-consciously? As in, when you're standing still you have one knee bent so one side of your hips is lower than the other? Even though I'm not hugely tall I still catch myself doing that sometimes!
  • rebsgee
    rebsgee Posts: 19
    I haven't got the basketball comment since high school. (I'm 5’10") But I do get the "did you really need to wear heels? " comment all the time, especially when I'm with my fiance’ (5’ 7"). The one that really bothers me though, and I'm not quite sure why, is when friends are curious about how much I weigh, I tell them, and they respond with "Oh, well your tall" Uhm so tall people aren’t over weight? Its that kind of thinking that helped contribute to my weight issues in the first place. :explode:

    This! This! This!

    I slowly gained weight in the past few years and people always respond with "Oh, it's because you're tall!". No! I used to weigh less than people shorter than me! It frustrates me quite a lot that people seem to think that because you're taller you automtically weigh more. I know that sometimes is the case, but it still bugs me!
  • MrsCassieThreatt
    MrsCassieThreatt Posts: 42 Member
    I have a pair of killer espadrille wedges from Nine West in my closet. The movers came 3 months ago to pack all my things so I could leave Fort Hooah (Bragg) and one of the packers took my shoe showed it to his buddies and said "look at this! would you look at this! She's so tall what's she doing wearing shoes like this?" He didn't know I was standing in the room opposite him watching everything he did. Not to mention I wear a size 11 and sometimes a 12 depending on the brand. I always get comments on why would I wear heels when I'm so tall. I say whatever...and rock em anyhow. ;o)
  • BruceDaley
    Personally I like tall women. The tallest woman I ever dated liked to say she was 6' 4" (though actually that might have been an underestimate). She was perfectly proportioned and very fit. A very kind heart. Not afraid of anything but unkind remarks. Of all the women I have known, she still feels like my soul mate.
  • ElleBee66
    ElleBee66 Posts: 128 Member
    There is a woman in the local shop that I go into periodically. EVERY TIME she sees me she says

    "oooh, you must suffer from terrible back pain"

    It drives me mad - I am not that tall - 5'11" though I do wear three inch heels, but seriously! Grrrr
  • Caligirl_92
    Caligirl_92 Posts: 53 Member
    It can be annoying and used to really bug me but the hell with them. I wear heels now and darn proud of it:happy: the ones that used to annoy me the most by amazon. But I got these two one the same day at work: " Wow your tall, where's the basket ball hoop?" and " Your so tall like screw in the light bulbs tall!" Really? Light bulbs come on lol
  • Cindy873
    Cindy873 Posts: 1,165
    A male co-worker once asked me, "Why do you wear heels when you're already so tall?" To which I replied, "Well, I find that it makes some men feel intimidated. How are you feeling right now?" :laugh:
  • ElleBee66
    ElleBee66 Posts: 128 Member
    I was just in the supermarket and a TOTAL STRANGER walked up to me and said (and I am quoting his exact words)

    "I don't know why the *kitten* you are wearing high heels because you are too f*cking tall anyway"

    He then walked off, I was left standing there with my mouth hanging open in shock and he shouted back at me

    "and I am over six foot myself" and disappeared. What the hell?

    and, of course, he was no more six foot than the man in the moon is... what a ****

    I have never had anyone actually abuse me before for being tall - and I am only flipping 5'11" - I am SO cross!
  • Celeigh12
    Celeigh12 Posts: 763 Member
    I was just in the supermarket and a TOTAL STRANGER walked up to me and said (and I am quoting his exact words)

    "I don't know why the *kitten* you are wearing high heels because you are too f*cking tall anyway"

    He then walked off, I was left standing there with my mouth hanging open in shock and he shouted back at me

    "and I am over six foot myself" and disappeared. What the hell?

    and, of course, he was no more six foot than the man in the moon is... what a ****

    I have never had anyone actually abuse me before for being tall - and I am only flipping 5'11" - I am SO cross!

    What could POSSIBLY make someone so angry about a person's shoe choice?! That's horrible...