New and looking for support.

Hi, I am 53 and have been working at loosing weight since February. So far I have lost 65 lbs and still want to lose at least 65 more. I have been doing a low fat low carb diet, about 2 weeks ago I started following Paleo. (no refined carbs). I would love to form some weight loss buddies. I am married, have two daughters. I do not work, I was a military wife for 26 years. With all our moving it was too hard to maintain a career. I volunteered almost full time to keep busy. Now we are retired, (from the Army). We own our first home. I have two Corgis, LT and GiGi. :happy:


  • marsellient
    marsellient Posts: 591 Member
    Add me as a friend if you like. I don't follow any diet in particular, but try to stay within my calorie and sodium levels. I'm on the slow and steady plan and eat mostly homemade foods. I started in February and have lost 30+ lb. Logging and communicating with friends on MFP has been so, so helpful.
  • pauliehope
    pauliehope Posts: 9 Member
    Feel to as well. I've been 'on track' since September 2011 and have lost 60 lbs thus far (with more to go). MFP is a great place to make new acquaintances with similar interests :). The encouragement you receive from others is amazing!!

  • gegsat
    gegsat Posts: 2
    hi im 57 female i would like to lose 60 lbs i started zumba today dvd at home i like it, i have cut alot of my eating down, i would like to lose 20 lbs by newyears i know it can be done i have to stay motivated in doing excerise thats my culprit