Weigh In 8/20

sheila_shine Posts: 66 Member
Hello Lovely Ladies

I will start this weigh in at 170.3, yes I am back up. Had a really hard week(baby shower, new niece born, father-in-law had six bypass surgery, and my 38th birthday). So glad that is all over. Now I am back on track this week.

For any of you belly dancers out there, I am starting Datura online this week.

Have a great week. Shine.


  • RetroGlitzDiva
    RetroGlitzDiva Posts: 109 Member
    181.8 after being under 181 all weekend. Grr Brew Fest did me in!
  • karen_thinmint
    karen_thinmint Posts: 500 Member
    139.8 for me :o)
  • I'm 160 Today this is my first weigh in since last time i was here 5 months ago i gained 5 pounds...need some support and motivation pleaseeeeeeeeeeee!:'(
  • whats your channel?
  • Dorianlg
    Dorianlg Posts: 65 Member
    Alright, I am weighing back in after not participating for oh... way too long. I was at 172 this morning, and here's hoping I continue downward.
  • sray30
    sray30 Posts: 97 Member
    Bad week but I knew it was going to be. 183