I am begging for Advice!

I know there are TONS and TONS of post on MFP about losing weight and breastfeeding. I have tried them all, cut calories, exercised, cut crappy meals like starbucks, etc. and I lost two lbs in 4 weeks just to gain it back again. I don't get it! I am not a snacker, but breastfeeding makes me starving! I drink water and save sugar drinks for a friday treat...NOTHING is working. I am way too discouraged and stressing over it. I don't even want a drastic weight loss, I just want to see that I am losing. I would be happy with .5lbs a week but I am not even getting that...please help I need advice. :(


  • orangebreeze
    orangebreeze Posts: 15 Member
    Have you talked with a lactation consultant? They may be able to help with this. And, as frustrating as it may be, you may not be able to lose until you stop nursing. Not a reason to stop, you are doing something great for your child. There is the thought that if you are nursing the weight will melt away. Not for everyone, some moms cannot lose until they are done with nursing.

    Good luck! You can add me if you want. I have 2 kids, my youngest being 20 months. She nursed for 13 months and I had a hard time dropping weight without my supply decreasing. My health coach (from my insurance co) said that shouldn't happen, but it did...
  • 80lbslost
    80lbslost Posts: 93 Member
    How many calories are you eating a day and does your diet consist of high sodium meals? You may be retaining water or your body may be holding onto those last 10lbs until you stop breastfeeding. I lost all my pregnancy weight eating 2000 cal/day and subtracting 500 for breastfeeding.
  • Wallace082011
    I am eating 1220+500 so I am eating 1720 calories a day give or take.
  • NeekoM03
    NeekoM03 Posts: 27
    Are you exercising too? If you are make sure you eat back most of your exercise calories (if not all of them). And if you are hungry, eat! I can't see your diary so I don't know what exactly you are eating but make sure you are getting lots of protein. Also, some women tend to hold on to the extra weight until after they are done breastfeeding. It sucks, but that could be what's happening with you if you are doing everything you can and not losing at all.
  • mycrazy8splus1
    mycrazy8splus1 Posts: 1,558 Member
    I second the idea of not eating high sodium foods. Retaining water could be one of your problems. It sounds like you are eating enough calories and drinking enough water. Make sure you are getting out with baby (walking, hiking, stroller ride to the park). That will benefit you both. I have nursed all 8 of my kids. I am currently nursing my 11 month old and will continue until he is 2.
  • smartblonde529
    smartblonde529 Posts: 61 Member
    My weight fell off while nursing my first child, but this time its hanging on for dear life. I am always hungry but what helps is eating every 2hrs and making sure what you eat is very healthy. I make sure every meal/snack has good carbs, protein, and fiber. Like have some almonds and an apple or a slice of cheese toast on whole wheat bread. Also make sure you eat your exercise calories if you are hungry. I know it is incredibly frustrating but eat if you are hungry, if not you will feel deprived and might end up overeating. Good luck!
  • AnHadley1987
    AnHadley1987 Posts: 26 Member
    I didn't start losing 1-2 lbs a week until my running mileage went up past 15 mpw, now the lbs are slowly falling off. This started last week, and I am only 19 weeks post partum today. I breastfeed, I only eat about 1800-2000 calories a day, but I also run 5 miles twice a week and one long run that is between 8-10 miles on the weekend so I am easily burning 1700-2000 calories a week just in running which is pretty much a lb, then I walk 3 miles 3 times a week while giving myself a rest day, also doing some strength training. Your body is still recovering, and dealing with hormones that will have it bouncing around, don't sweat about it right now.
  • daoc1972
    daoc1972 Posts: 92 Member
    I'm in the same boat, though I have more I need to lose. I wish it would come off faster, but at least I see progress. It's hard for me to eat enough calories per day and when I exercise, it's near impossible. I've been increasing fat and protein and reducing carbs (but not eliminating them outright). I'm also drinking apple cider vinegar daily.
  • QuinaultLake
    Try adding some healthy calories instead of cutting calories. Sometimes a few extra calories can do more for weight loss than cutting calories.
  • Sjenny5891
    Sjenny5891 Posts: 717 Member
    I know there are TONS and TONS of post on MFP about losing weight and breastfeeding. I have tried them all, cut calories, exercised, cut crappy meals like starbucks, etc. and I lost two lbs in 4 weeks just to gain it back again. I don't get it! I am not a snacker, but breastfeeding makes me starving! I drink water and save sugar drinks for a friday treat...NOTHING is working. I am way too discouraged and stressing over it. I don't even want a drastic weight loss, I just want to see that I am losing. I would be happy with .5lbs a week but I am not even getting that...please help I need advice. :(

    It's hard to say without seeing your food diary.
    How much water are you drinking?
    Are you eating 5 small meals a day or 3 big?
    Have you talked to a nutritional specialist? They might be able to help better than I can. I know what works for me doesn't work for everyone.
  • Mom4greatgirls
    Mom4greatgirls Posts: 4 Member
    What does the apple cidar vinegar do for you?