Need accountability and encouragement

Leeny01 Posts: 48 Member
Hello ladies :)
I have at least 100 pounds to lose and I get discouraged so quickly because of PCOS. Just today I was going through the grocery store, trying to find some new low carb options and got so's hard wishing you could just go on Weight Watchers or eat what you want in smaller portions and lose weight. It just doesn't work like that for me. It would be great to make some fellow PCOS friends and share some encouragement and accountability. I really want 2012 to be the year I finally lose this weight!

Thanks girls xo


  • Angieh0811
    Angieh0811 Posts: 36 Member
    I am in the same boat. I want to lose 40 pounds. It is such a hard road and unless you have PCOS you have no idea how tough it is to deal with. The weight, the mood swings, the depression, and the "best" part the lovely unwanted chinny chin hair.
    My best friend (who resembles Barbie) is getting married next August and when I stand beside her in the little strapless dress she has picked out for us I will look good. I am determined not to be the chubby friend anymore. I have kicked up my gym schedule, tightened up on the type of food I eat and have been seeing a naturopath. Slowly seeing results. It won't be easy by any means but I am not letting myself down this time.
    YOU CAN DO IT!!!!!!! You can kick the crap out of PCOS. I have faith in you!!!!!
  • atrjohnson
    atrjohnson Posts: 77 Member
    I am on a long slow PCOS road as well. Eating for this new lifestyle is consistantly challenging. I just keep reminding myself that I do not want to be on medication. Health over vanity. If I keep doing my best I am ok. I definitley indulge weekly but that's definite drop from when I was indulging daily. Also, when I go to the grocery store even though I am eating lower carb, I focus on whole foods. Vegetables, sometimes cheese(full fat), and I am a nut lover. Even though nuts are high in fat I love them for snacks I just keep a watchful ever over the amount, never more than a serving or two max. It's a process and it will not happen overnight. It takes more than a fortnight(being humorous) as well. My PCOS had my blood sugar so crazy I have to eat this way to feel better. That's the key. When I eat mess I feel like a mess. When I eat better, I feel human.
  • I am totally with all of you! I was on a low carb diet before but am changing (advice of Doctor) to low carb and high protein. To be honest, I'm not a huge fan of meat...haha...but I can tell the difference immediately in energy, alertness, and just feeling better. It's weird to have an upside down food pyramid but I know its going to be worth it!

    I also agree that it is hard to find recipes and things to cook that are good but still PCOS friendly. I've found a few good sites that take "normal" things and make them low/no carb! Like this... check out the "crust" its a good dish and the crust has lots of potential to be used in other things. And here's a good one with a spin on one of my fav's (that site has a lot of good info.

    I think the hardest thing is the amount of work it takes. Youre right being able to do WW would open up a whole new world. And being PCOS friendly forces you to cook alot more....but if its what it takes to be healthy then I'm going to keep trying. :-)
  • Leeny01
    Leeny01 Posts: 48 Member
    I'm in the same boat with the Barbie best friend's wedding...except she just pushed hers up from April 2013 to this November! Lol. I'm nearly at my biggest weight wise right now and the last time she saw me was about 30 pounds ago...I would def. like to lose some by then. We can do it! I'm tired of not taking photos or not wanting to keep photos from events because I look big.

    Thanks so much for the feedback, girls. It's so encouraging to know that we're not alone in this, especially when it's hard! Keep the comments coming :smile:
  • aatlchavens
    aatlchavens Posts: 44 Member
    A wedding is spurring my desire to lose the last bit of weight too. :) My sister is getting married next summer. I only have 15 more lbs to lose to hit my goal, but I want to be toned. Despite the weight loss, I am still carrying my excess weight in my belly. Hoping upping the workouts will take care of that.

    Overall, this has been a slow process for me as well, going on 2.5 years to lose what I have lost but it is worth it. I totally agree with whoever said they feel like crap when they eat crap. Totally changing my eating to lower my carbs and increase my protein has made a major change for me!

    Just stay the course. It is going to be hard, thank you PCOS, but it can be done!
  • If this helps, I don't look for low carb food, I only try to distribute my carbs. I know that buying something labeled "low carb" is essentially giving in to processed food when I know I should be eating less of it and more fresh foods. I've also limited my candy/sugar intake as well as white breads/rices. I'm going on 3 weeks of doing this and I've already dropped 9 lbs so far. Exercise helps as well...I try for 60 min for 3x/week and more if my schedule allows.

    Best way to be accountable is to journal (just like WW!). Also, I find it even easier to be held accountable to make my journal viewable to my friends so that in the back of my head I know someone other than me may be looking at it. You have to be true to yourself when logging your food though, in other words, log EVERYTHING you eat.

    I hope this helps a little. Wishing you the best. You can do it!
  • LoyalAngel16
    LoyalAngel16 Posts: 186 Member
    I have PCOS as well. For me to get to my goal weight I have at least 80 more pounds to go. I have lost 54 in the past year. I am doing South Beach Diet and I love it. You are welcome to add me if you like.
  • Lina4Lina
    Lina4Lina Posts: 712 Member
    South Beach diet was what I used many years ago as a general guideline for healthy eating. I think it is a good guideline for anyone with insulin sensitivity. I don't follow it myself but I do like the guidelines.
  • kellison89
    kellison89 Posts: 33 Member
    I'm in the same boat with the Barbie best friend's wedding...except she just pushed hers up from April 2013 to this November! Lol. I'm nearly at my biggest weight wise right now and the last time she saw me was about 30 pounds ago...I would def. like to lose some by then. We can do it! I'm tired of not taking photos or not wanting to keep photos from events because I look big.

    My best friend just got married and I was that girl! I have about 100 lbs to lose too. I want to let go of all these insecurities about the way I look and just feel healthy.
  • Looks like a lot of us are in the wedding boat! I have a couple of weddings coming up in 2013 and I want to be healthier for them.
    I've gotten into running over the past two years and am currently a month away from ym second-ever half marathon (my third one will be in february, right before the first friend's wedding!). However, I find that running is just not enough.

    I've been working on drastically changing my diet- meaning eating cleaner and healthier, for the past year or so. it's been a slow process, but every day seems to get better. For me, eating low-carb is sometimes tricky because I'm also trying to maintain a gluten-free and processed/high sugar food free lifestyle. (Grocery items can get pretty pricey!)
  • cloe31
    cloe31 Posts: 75 Member
    I've been getting lots of my recipes from I love it lots of good recipes. Check it out!!
  • Leeny01
    Leeny01 Posts: 48 Member
    Thanks for the responses and friend requests, girls. I'm in an incredibly high stress season of life right now and I've been so discouraged lately...I've had chronic insomnia so that def. hasn't helped! I think I know of a good structure to get into with my eating but I'm severly lacking in motivation right now. Hope you ladies are doing well! Thanks for writing, it really does help.
  • mloreman
    mloreman Posts: 11 Member
    I'm in the same boat! PCOS, heart palpitations, exhaustion, etc. I have about 75 pounds to lose to be where I'd like to be. I am hoping that this will be IT for me!!