
This is where I would like everyone to introduce themselves. I will be posting another thread later next week where we can post our weighs in and such!

My name is Amanda.
I'm 23 y/o
I'm 5'1
My highest weight was 210.
My ultimate goal weight is 140.
I was diagnosed last October with type 2 diabetes.
My main reason for getting healthy is so my Hubby and I can start our family. I wanna be healthy for my baby.
I love going fishing!


  • nomayo
    nomayo Posts: 228
    Thanks for starting this group :)

    My name is Gerardina
    I'm 30 YO
    I'm 5'7"
    My highest was 206 lb
    I'm 191 lb now
    My goal is 150 lb by July or August next year
    And I'm looking forward to use a bikini next summer.

    EDIT to add: I know the group timeline finishes in June 1st, but I'm doing my best to be on track since I'm moving around too much: 2 countries and 3 cities in one year.
  • koreanqt
    My name is Missy
    I'm 31 y/o
    I'm 5'4
    My highest weight is 222
    My ultimate goal weight is 150
    I just had my 3rd child so I need to get back in shape like I was before. Also next summer I will be going to Hawaii :)
    My main reason for getting healthy is to be a great mom to my babies and a great wife to my hubby :)
  • kr1ssy23
    kr1ssy23 Posts: 270 Member
    Hi Amanda and thanks for the invite :)
    My name is Kristen.
    I'm 26 years old.
    I'm 5'0"
    My highest weight was 206.
    My ultimate goal weight is 120.
    I was heavy up until my teen years where my lowest weight was 112. After my 3rd pregnancy I went into a depression and started drinking, not watching what I was eating, and just didnt care.
    My main reason for getting healthy is so that I can be here for my kids. I want to be able to keep up with them and also have more confidence in myself.
    I look forward to getting to know you and everyone else in this group. Good luck! :)

    Also : I will be re-starting TurboFire and I also have Slim in 6 :)
  • PattieCakes23
    Im Pattie
    Im 23
    SW 197
    CW 195
    GW 150 or under

    I am currently doing Insanity so my weigh in my be spread out a bit. I don't plan on weighing in until Day 31. But I'm doing measurements every two weeks.

    I just want to get myself healthy and into shape.
  • heartofviolet
    heartofviolet Posts: 119 Member
    Hi! Thanks for the invite, glad to be here!

    My name is Myra.
    I'm 19 years old.
    I'm 5'6".
    My highest recorded weight was 178.
    My current weight is 165 (I think--I need to buy a new scale because the one I own now works sporadically at best and I haven't weighed myself in a few weeks.)
    My ultimate goal weight is 125.
    I want to lose weight because I want to be confident in myself, body AND mind. :) I don't want to be fat during university, TBQH. So yeah, my main motivation is because I want to be thinner so I can be confident in how I look, but I also want to become more healthy (and I'm taking steps every day to eating healthier/cleaner) and fit (working on this, but with a foot injury from doing something really stupid which I'm choosing not to share with you guys, it's not the easiest thing in the world to exercise regularly.)

    Glad to be in this group. :) I like that we're aiming to be at our goals by June the first--that is long-term so it's much more sustainable than wanting to lose x amount of weight by, say, Christmas or something. Hello everyone! Looking forward to getting to know you!
  • crocal
    crocal Posts: 38
    Hi all, I'm Alison
    I'm 46
    I'm 5'0"
    My highest wt was 216
    Current wt 213
    Goal wt 133

    Only just joined the site so I'm hoping with your support I can lose the wt I need to lose and get fit.
  • Francesca3434
    Hi everyone! I'm Francesca, I'm 21, my stats are:
    SW 172
    CW 148
    GW 130
    and then 126 if i feel good :)
    I've always been fairly 'cuddly' but i got to that point where at 21 i couldn't excuse an overweight BMI as puppyfat ;) that and fit is sexy!
  • oJulia
    oJulia Posts: 33
    Thanks for starting this group. I hope to reach my UGW by June 1st

    My name is Julia
    I'm 23 y/o
    I'm 5'8"
    My highest weight was 206lbs (August 10th, the day I gave birth)
    I currently weigh 182lbs
    My goal weight is 135lbs (my pre-pregnancy weight before my first child).

    I am recovering from a c-section, off restrictions on October 5th. I am breast feeding and am itching to get up and exercise.

    My plan is to do a round or 2 of 30 day shred followed by Insanity. I also love to run.
  • kittybear86
    kittybear86 Posts: 341 Member
    My name is Lauren
    I'm 25(26 in a few weeks)
    I'm 5'8
    My starting weight was 248 lbs.
    My current weight is 241 lbs.
    My goal weight is 168 lbs.

    I have always been self conscious about my weight since my early teen years,and I don't want my weight to take over my life as I get older.

    My reason to get healthy is because I want to be healthy,get in great shape and have more energy,and also feel better about myself for many years to come.
  • Journey2Heaven
    Journey2Heaven Posts: 45 Member
    Hi all. I will make this short and sweet. I am a single mother of 4. I gained about 70 lbs. in the last 5 years and basically got comfortable with it. It was a combination of going through marital issues that aided in my feelings of worthlessness. I didn't really care to maintain my healthy lifestyle because I was so absorbed in my depression. I feel that I am a much happier and spiritually sound person now and I am desiring that my outside reflect my new inside. I am 41 years young, 5'2" 171lbs and would like to ultimately get to 120ish. The weight isn't really so much the goal as to how I look and feel. So that is my quick spiel for now. I hope to meet some awesome people that can keep me motivated and in return I will do the same. Thanks in advance...

    I'll be 42 next month

    SW 172
    CW 171
    GW 120ish

  • nmw2592
    nmw2592 Posts: 2
    I am 37.
    SW: 256
    GW: 185

    I am a mother of two (10 &8). I am doing this because I want to set an example for my daughter. I also want to get a breast reduction and anethesia wont touch me if I am obese. Anyway, I have done Atkins(boring), but it works, Weight watchers(too expensive), so here I am doing something that I can finally afford to do and maintain. Thanks for starting this group. I think that this is a goal that is realistic. Good Luck to all.
  • Nlynn78
    Nlynn78 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi my name is Nikki
    33 years old
    Highest weight - 290
    Current weight - 286
    Goal weight - 175

    I have been on and off the diet bandwagon for many many years. I finally decided I needed to take control of my own life, and stop using the many excuses I had come up with. I recently had a physical, and after being scolded about my weight, blood pressure and being told I was bordering on diabetes, and needed thyroid medication....I finally decided to do something about it. I start a C25k program on Monday with the gym I go to, and I have joined the Self Diet Club for even more support.
    Good luck everyone, we can all do it if we keep at it. Looking forward to getting to know all of you.

  • sarahx_17
    sarahx_17 Posts: 8 Member
    I'm Sarah
    Starting off at 155.4, I want to get down to 110. I'm really excited about this group, I believe it will help keep me on track. I'm looking forward to getting to know you all :)
  • DragonLady8
    Hi I'm Rosie and am needing to get back on track. I have been on my fitness pal since last November and have encouraged a group of friends to join me and they have done so. But alas they have either lost interest or just couldn't be bothered recording their food. Only one friend has remained with me on my journey - and she has achieved her weight loss and is now keeping track so that she can maintain her weight. Me - I achieved a weight loss of 13 kgs up to March this year. During Winter I haven't been as good as I should have and my weight is waivering within 1kg - 1.5kg of my lowest recorded weight. So Im reasonably happy about that. Now I need to get motivated again - as I would like to lose a further 15kgs because my daughter is getting married mid March and I want to feel good about me. I may not achieve the 15kg but I am going to try and be happy along the way as I discard my bigger clothes for something less big.
  • CherBear1968
    My name is Cher’rie.
    I live in Yakima,Washington
    I am a wife with grown children So I have an empty Nest.
    I'm 44 y/o
    I'm 5'5
    My highest weight was 346.
    My weight now is 310
    My ultimate goal weight is 135.

    I had and RNY(weight- loss surgery ) In 2002 and lost down to 180 lbs. then I was hit by a car and gained my weight back to 310 Lbs.
    My main reason for getting healthy is My back is not healing well I keep re-injuring it because of my weight. Also, I am tired of my weight confining what I can and cannot do. Finally, I wanna walk down my isle in a skinny girls dress when I renew my wedding vows next June.
  • lengirl75
    lengirl75 Posts: 153 Member
    My name is Sonja
    I am 36 years old
    I live near Cincinnati, OH
    I am 5'4" tall
    My highest weight was 252 lbs!
    My weight now is 214.4 lbs!!
    My goal weight is 120-140 lbs.
  • catdking
    Hi Everyone! I am a 53 year old grandmother of 6. I would like to see them grow much older but my last checkup at the doctoer revealed that my trigycerides were 451. Not good. Started eating healthier immediately. I started at 230 and am at 218 now. I'm 5'6 so I would like to lose about 40 more. Excited about this group!
  • robinhoward123
    robinhoward123 Posts: 106 Member
    Hi everybody my name is robin. I am 27 years old and I am a stay at home mom, of 2 a boy that is 7 and a girl that is 3. my highest weight was at 245 lbs. My height is 5'2. I would like to get back to my high school weight at 160. I have been a member since the end of November or the beginning of December and summer came along I lost track of time and what I was eating ,so pretty much I lost interest in the internet. Which sometimes is a good thing. I spent my summer playing with my kids and swimming a lot. Within the past month my mom was diagnosed with lung cancer. And when I found out it seem like I stop eating again. And I start gaining weight again. So I'm on here again to get interested in losing weight and keeping track. I look forward to working with you all in reaching your goals. My goal is too reach the 100 mark again. Feel free to friend me. I have deleted most of my old friends for I have not spoke with them in over 3 or 4 months.
  • JamirahMUA
    JamirahMUA Posts: 113 Member
    Hello my name is Jamirah, I'm 23 I'm glad i found this group. i have been on the heavy side my whole life but its gotten way out of control since i went to college in 2006 and gained a freshman 50!! I'm ready to be fit and feel good and look good!

    I'm 5'0
    highest weight: 217
    Current: 198
    Goal: 125-130 and toned
  • khein33
    khein33 Posts: 20
    Hello! My name is Kristen and I am 27. I live in Kansas and have struggled with my weight since I was about 17. I'm looking forward to watching everyones progress and to help others push through the struggles!

    Height: 5'7
    HW: 280
    CW: 260
    GW: 170

    We can all achieve our goals-- no matter the size!

    <3 Kristen
    "The first and the best victory is to conquer self."