Introduce yourselves

LaurDavies Posts: 77 Member
Hi all,

Never started a group before, so not entirely sure of the etiquette, but I figured it might be nice if we all briefly introduced ourselves before we embark on our Shred :)

Up to you what you want to share! Perhaps most suitable would be name, and something that motivates you - whether it's your inspiration, or a quote, or a really good workout song, something serious or something silly. And anything else you think would be interesting to share!

So...I'll start. My name's Lauren, I'm from Scotland, and I want to be fit and healthy for all the usual reasons, but also because I work for a health charity and I hate double standards!

A couple of good inspirational quotes:

"Success is the sum of small efforts, repeated day in and day out." - Robert Collier

"They can because they think they can." - Virgil

Aaaand I'll get back to you on the favourite workout song ;)


  • Hi My name is Sandra. I started level 1 of 30 day shred today. SO FAR SO GOOD, Day 1 done!!! So let me get this right, we do each level 10 days in a row or can u take a day off?
  • jniece55
    jniece55 Posts: 181 Member
    My name is Janiece-I will be starting 30DS on Monday. I will be doing it a little differently then it is intended. I'm alternating between 3 of her videos and doing running as well.
  • Dot2Dots
    Dot2Dots Posts: 137 Member
    Hey everyone !

    I am so excited about starting the Shred ! I never ever thought that in a million years I would actually be saying that. My name is Dot & I live in Michigan with my husband in a 100 yr. old farmhouse, we raise cows & chickens.

    What motivates me ? seeing someone out of shape, gasping for breath while walking. Seeing my mother not move as good as she use to, unable to climb stairs without holding onto to railing. I want to be stronger, fitter and healthier as I move into the next stage of my life.

    Also, if anyone here wants to add me as friend that would be wonderful ! Just be sure to say you are from the 30 Day Shred Group please :smile:
  • Hi, I'm Liz in Georgia (US). I'm excited to find a group of people to do this workout with. I'll start on 8/25/12 and let everyone know how it goes! Good luck and let's remember how great we will feel in 30 days!
  • micervera
    micervera Posts: 114 Member
    Hi, my name is Monica and I'm from Wisconsin. I'm really excited to join this group. I'm already exercising 30 minutes a day but there are days I take off so this will be a motivation to do it EVERYDAY!!! Yeah can't wait to see everyone's results.

    I'll weigh in on Saturday morning.

    One more thing I want to add, my favorite workout song is : I'm sexy and I know it!!
  • LaurDavies
    LaurDavies Posts: 77 Member
    Hi My name is Sandra. I started level 1 of 30 day shred today. SO FAR SO GOOD, Day 1 done!!! So let me get this right, we do each level 10 days in a row or can u take a day off?

    Different people are doing it different ways. So some every day; some do the ten days of level one and take a rest day, then ten days of level two and a rest day, then ten days of level three; some do five days a week and two rest days.

    You'll know best what your body is capable of. Aim to do it every day, but if you need one day off then do take it, it's better to last the course and do it effectively for you, than to burn out or injure yourself. That's not to say that you can make excuses not to do it whenever you can't be bothered though! ;p

    Whenever I've done it in the past I've found that I've been able to do every day - even when I think I can't.
    The worst part is actually the first few days, but once you get to day five you'll start to notice a difference in your endurance. (I think I'm actually quoting Jillian word for word here! But it's true!)

    The furthest I got was day 22, and I had gone down so many inches in my measurements and some in my weight - I felt great! So I can't wait for how amazing we're all going to feel after all 30! :)
  • sinman22807
    sinman22807 Posts: 66 Member
    Hi, my name is Samantha. I live in Fort Riley Kansas. I am a mother of 3 (2 daughters and a son) and the wife of a military service member. I want to do this to get back into shape and be a good example for my children.. Having 3 kids in exactually 5 years through my body for a loop! I try to work out 5-6 days a week. For half hour to an hour.. All depends on how my kids are.. So the 30 day shred is perfect for me. A tough workout in 30 minutes while my 3 year old and 5 month old are napping and my 5 year old is in school.

    Today was my second day of the shred. I had started yesterday before I found this group :) I am excited.. I think tomorrow I am going to take before pictures and then the last day take after pictures just to see if there is a difference in me. Its been a while since i weighed in.. But i just started a good exercise system this week. So I think Moday I will weigh in to see if there is any weight loss.

    Good luck to everyone! I hope we all get the results we want :)
  • SugarBottomzes
    SugarBottomzes Posts: 21 Member
    Hi :)) I'm Amy, from North Carolina, mother of 5, stepmom to 6. My motivation comes from seeing pictures of myself from a couple years ago when I was 20 lbs lighter....ugh lol I want to get back there. Also, these kids are non-stop and I need the energy to keep up with them! Instead of watching them play, I want to be playing with them! One extra motivation is my husband bought me a bikini...I'm not ready for it yet, I've never worn a bikini in my life! I want to wear it with confidence!

    I also recently quit smoking. I'm on day 5, feeling pretty good, but working out is a MUST to keep my mind and body busy.

    I have lots of songs that help me out---cliche, but true "Eye Of The Tiger" lol "How We Do" by Rita Ora, "Where I Belong" by Building 429...a bunch more, but I'll have to think on it :p

    I started the Shred 4 days ago and let me tell you, it's not the most difficult workout ever (not Level 1 anyway), but you see yourself toning up pretty quickly. I can't wait to get to Level 2! Glad to have people there with me!
  • SugarBottomzes
    SugarBottomzes Posts: 21 Member
    *edited because my post posted twice*
  • jillianfan317
    jillianfan317 Posts: 89 Member
    My name is Ashley and I live in Las Vegas, NV born and raised. I'm 26 yrs old. I just finished day 5 of level 1 of 30 DS. I'm happy to have joined this group to keep myself motivated. I just finished doin 4 weeks of her Biggest Winner series. I'm hoping to see some results with this program. I haven't done it since the dvd first came out and I bought it then. If I don't lose alot of weight with this program I hope to lose a decent amount of inches. Tomorrow is my rest day from level 1. I'm doin 5 days in a row of level 1 then 1 rest day then the other 5 days of level 1 then rest day. Then doin the same for levels 2 and 3. Cuz once I'm done with this program I'm gonna start her killers abs dvd which comes out Sept 4. I already preordered it so I should be gettin it sometime next week. I can't wait to see everybody's results once ya'll are done with this program. Good luck!!
  • Elisac2008
    Elisac2008 Posts: 83 Member
    Hi, I am Elisa from New York. I started 30 ds today, but without weights. I bought the dvd a couple of weeks ago along with some other jillian michaels dvds. I found it today on you tube and tried it out. I did a few days a couple of years ago, but never finished. I am going to attempt to do 30 ds tomorrow, but normally I will not do it every day. I am going to attempt to use weights tomorrow. I just finished c25k and lost 14 pounds and now need to do something more. I am going to alternate this with elliptical/treadmill at the gym, if i am not too sore.
    GOOD LUCK everyone!
  • Hey - I'm Laura from the UK - near London. I've just ordered the 30DS from Amazon for next day delivery so should be ready to get started with you on the 25th.

    My goal is to get super fit before I'm 30 (15 months) I've been running/ walking/ cycling for my cardio but getting a bit bored and need to change things up. I reckon a different DVD or program each month is a good way of keeping my body guessing. I do weights too.

    My motivation is to get out of the diet cycle once and for all.
  • Hi! :D I'm Lucy, 20, and from England. I'm not really here for weight loss, but to tone and condition my body- and I really enjoy pushing myself and having challenges (and something to aim for in the day!) so that's why I'm here. :)
  • Sinisi2012
    Sinisi2012 Posts: 333 Member
    Hi I'm Sheila and from Maine. I am 47. I have been overweight my entire life. I topped the scales 2yrs ago at 230lbs (I'm 5'3"). I lost 52 lbs after my divorce but didn't do the healthy way. I starved myself. Needless to say I gained most of it back. I decided I needed to do it right this time through healthy eating and exercise. I need a lifestyle change not a diet. I started MFP in April at 213 lbs. I have lost 29lbs so far and I am ready to step up my game. I have 47 more to lose to get to my goal of 137.
    One thing that makes it hard for me to exercise sometimes is that I have Multiple Sclerosis so I have no idea how I am going to feel from day to day. The last few months I have been feeling great and been able to get at least 5 days of workouts in every week. I have wanted to try the 30DS for so long but have been intimidated. This challenge is the kick I needed to go ahead and try it. So I am going to give it my all and do what I can. I may not be able to complete all 30days or not within 30days, but I am going to get over my fear and give it a shot ;)
    Thanks for the invite! I am excited!
  • hunnins
    hunnins Posts: 53 Member
    Im on day 3 today and for the past 3 days there is always a minute that i feel like breaking. I feel tears wellin, ladies! But i also feel stronger. My elbows which i feel have always been weak are stronger. I have never been extra active but i think i am able to ( somehow, some way) keep up.

    Push past the soreness and just keep on.

    My first day i did biking and elliptical prior to shredding and i almost didnt handle it. I will do addional cardio at a separate time and not consecutively.

    Good luck! Keep us posted!
  • renaegry
    renaegry Posts: 1,256 Member
    My name is Renae, I just turned 35 and I have a 6 (will be 7 in Oct) year old son, and a daughter who turned 4 in March. I am 5ft 7.5in, and weigh 158. My highest weight was 180 after I had my daughter. I have been working at this since 2008. My lowest weight was 149 (for about a week), then crept back to 153. Had a very slack summer, and have crawled back up to 160. My goal weight is 140.

    I live in a small community called Invermay in Saskatchewan, Canada.

    My inspiration is my kids, and looking good. I hate the flabby baby belly, and jiggly legs.

    Will try to get my hubby to take pics of me today, and will do measurments in the morning. I plan to do the video Mon - Fri, so each level will take me 2 weeks. I will get started on Monday Aug 27.
  • mellowmerlot
    mellowmerlot Posts: 4 Member
    Hi Everyone! I'm starting 2 days late (because I just saw this) but, I'm in, I'm in, I'm IN!!!!! My name is Val (MellowMerlot) and I'm a 39 year old wife and mom of 3 darling boys ages 6-14. I'm trying to get myself back into better shape and lose 30lbs. When I saw the challenge, I got excited, as I HAVE the DVD! Yay!!! Let's DO this!
  • Hi, everybody. My name is Ellie and I'm from California. This is my first time joining an exercise group online. Both excited and nervous that I might not be able to do it. But not starting at all is the worst fear there is! I expect to get my 30-DS dvd on Monday so I will start then.

    Feel free to add me as friend and just mention the 30DS group so I'll recognize the request.

    Good luck to us all!! :happy:
  • Elibasia
    Elibasia Posts: 211 Member
    Hi, my name is Monica and I'm from Wisconsin. I'm really excited to join this group. I'm already exercising 30 minutes a day but there are days I take off so this will be a motivation to do it EVERYDAY!!! Yeah can't wait to see everyone's results.

    I'll weigh in on Saturday morning.

    One more thing I want to add, my favorite workout song is : I'm sexy and I know it!!
    That's my ringtone:tongue:
  • Cathcandoo
    Cathcandoo Posts: 107 Member
    Wow! What a great group already! My name is Catherine (Cath or Cat but 41 years later and my Mom still forbids Cathy-LOL!) And I am excited to start this as I want to look and feel amazing before I'm 42...please!

    I have tried every diet in the book but this is the journey that is going to be successful because I am sick and tired of being fat and tired! Anyone who wishes to can add me-just let me know you are from the group!

    Congrats on joining and I look forward to being in pain...I mean, SHAPE with all of you shortly!