Crossfit Total

bowmab21 Posts: 150 Member
Hey Crossfitters!! Just finished doing my
Crossfit total. Have you recorded yours?

Here is mine.....

Squat 285
Press 140
Deadlift 345

Total 770


  • Jindra12
    Jindra12 Posts: 256 Member
    I haven’t done A RM on those routines because I am working to develop a good habit to do the right form of lifting to least an injury and to maximum the growth in strength. I know I could do more than those #, but I have to be patience. Anyway, I am going to give my #.

    Front Squat: 135
    Back Squat: 205
    Overhead Squat: 95

    Press: 185
    Bench Press: 225
    Jerk: 135

    Power Clean: 135

    Deadlift: 225
    Sumo Deadlift High: 95

    Thruster: 45

    Snatch: 85 (Today I almost RM 95, but my strength ran out of fuel from the WOD: over 100 of power cleans).
  • jenaissance
    jenaissance Posts: 302 Member
    did mine last week

    squat: 75
    press: 65
    deadlift: 125

    total: 265
    my previous total, in May, was 210!
  • FloEd
    FloEd Posts: 15 Member
    Did it June 18

    Back Squat - 130
    Press - 65
    Dead Lift - 175

    Total - 370

    Press is so hard for me and my weak shoulders, but I think I can get close to 200 in the dead lift. That's my goal at least.
  • aggiejane07
    aggiejane07 Posts: 23 Member
    This is from a month ago and I know I can definitely do more with the back squat and the deadlift. Presses are another story. Even with the push press I can't do much more weight. Skinny little t-rex arms are definitely a work in progress :)

    Back squat 105
    Deadlift 155
    Press 60
  • I haven't done a total for a while since I'm working on endurance-Ironman Louisville but the last time I did it was:

    Back squat: 165
    Deadlift: 250
    Press: 85
  • AggieCass09
    AggieCass09 Posts: 1,867 Member
    I did my first CFT on 7/16/12 and scored a 445:

    Back Squat: 175
    Dead lift: 185
    Press: 85

    I've done 95 on strict press before so I was hoping for a bit higher score, but after doing the other two lifts I suppose you can't expect to hit new PR's on everything.
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    My last CF total was 355 on 2/17/2012.

    Doing another on 8/22/2012, shooting for a 205# deadlift, a 155# backquat and a 75# press, CFT = 435.
  • XFitMojoMom
    XFitMojoMom Posts: 3,255 Member
    My best CFT was 525, but post surgery it was 455.

    pre: post
    DL 245 220
    BS 185 140
    SP 95 95

    I recently PR'd my Shoulder Press: 100
  • Shizzman
    Shizzman Posts: 527 Member
    My last CFT was 655: Backsquat 240, Press 125, Deadlift 290
  • Which lifts are included in the "total?" i've never done one before but here are some of my 1RMs.

    I'm a girl, FYI ;)

    Deadlift - 200# (this was almost 1 year ago, need to check this again)
    Snatch - 100#
    Clean and jerk - 135#
    Back squat - 165#
    Overhead squat - 115#
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    The CF Total is backsquat, deadlift and strict shoulder press (no assistance from the legs).
  • CWSpiegel
    CWSpiegel Posts: 114
    CFT as of 8/13/2012: 650

    BS: 225
    SSP: 125
    DL: 300

    5'7", 158 lbs, invasive hernia surgery April 4th, 2012.
  • DJStewie
    DJStewie Posts: 92 Member
    From about 4 months ago

    Shoulder Press: 185
    Back Squat: 305
    Deadlift: 405

    Total :895

    I recently had a 425 deadlift so I am hoping to break 900 if everything else holds true (have some shoulder/neck pain going on). Ultimate goal is 1000.

  • Abells
    Abells Posts: 756 Member
    Press: 90
    Back Squat: 175
    Deadlift: 265

    Total : 530
  • rebeccap13
    rebeccap13 Posts: 754 Member
    CFT 8/22

    Deadlift: 195
    Press: 70
    Back Squat: 145

    Total: 410

    The deadlifts first killed me, my back was spent by the time I got to back squats. Oh well, still all PRs.
  • dcparrott
    dcparrott Posts: 2 Member
    The last time I recorded it was back in April.
    Deadlift 335
    Press 150
    Back squat 275

    Total 760
  • jpierc
    jpierc Posts: 31 Member
    This was about a month ago. I need to retest my numbers, but that'll happen the first of next month. The shoulders are the weak link...

    Squat - 350 lbs
    Press - 160 lbs
    Deadlift - 385 lbs

    Total - 895 lbs

  • Jindra12
    Jindra12 Posts: 256 Member
    Two months into CrossFit:

    Back Squat: 240 (my hip went lower than my knee caps)
    Press: 140
    Deadlift: 325

    Total: 705

    M/26/6ft/203 lbs.
  • jerrybeagle123
    jerrybeagle123 Posts: 3 Member
    Squat 198
    Deadlift 242
    Press 110

    total = 550
  • dane11235813
    dane11235813 Posts: 682 Member
    is the OHP a push press or a strict OHP?