Introduce yourselves



  • HeatherMN
    HeatherMN Posts: 3,821 Member
    Good morning!

    I'm Heather, 30, from Minnesota. I completed Day 3, Level 1 of 30DS this morning. I'm a runner who has fallen out of love with running recently and I needed to get back to fitness and needed something to hold me accountable. I figured 30DS was a good place to start since the workouts are so short. I've attempted it before, but never stuck with it more than a few days; this time is different! My reward for completing all 30DS workouts is allowing myself to purchase TurboFire!

    I'm allowing myself 1 rest day per week, but next week will include two rest days leading up to next Saturday's half marathon. So, ideally I will finish 30DS by October 1st and sooner if I'm feeling good enough to skip a rest day. I think that's realistic given the weekend away and the half marathon I already had on my schedule.

    Let's do this, ladies!
  • rgarli905
    Hi I'm Rachel from Northern England. I'm 40 and have decided I need to start doing something (anything!) to get fit so I ahve kind of gone a bot mad-intermittent fasting, c25k running and now this so I need all the support I can get. I currently weigh 151pounds or thereabouts (my scales are rubbish!) I have a husband and one child of 14 and I am a secondary school teacher and have 5 days holiday left so need to get into a routine of doing this before I return to work! I look forward to reading everyone's stories!
  • SageGoddess320
    SageGoddess320 Posts: 2,589 Member
    Hey! My name is Veronica, I'm 31 and I live in a really small, hilljack town in Northern Michigan that reminds me more of a truck stop or a shanty town than a city. It seems like nobody has any teeth or owns a razor. Seriously, all we have are bars and pizza places around here. No wonder my husband and I are out of shape. Something's gotta give and I don't want it to be my jeans!

    I've started 30DS numerous times and have never finished it. I definitely need accountability partners to help me keep my *kitten* in gear!
  • ziggyc
    ziggyc Posts: 191 Member
    Hi, I'm Courtney. I'm 33, 5'4" and have 26 lbs to lose. Things that are inspiring me to do this are the way I look in pictures, my 12 year-old son beating me at arm wrestling, and my mom getting a gastric sleeve surgery last year. So I want to look good, feel strong, and be healthy. I am kind of excited to challenge myself :-)
  • bethfartman
    bethfartman Posts: 363 Member
    Hi! My name is Beth and I'm from San Diego, California. I started the 30DS a couple weeks ago, did 3 days then slacked off and didn't do it for 3. Then I started back up and did 6 days and couldn't get to it for 3 days, so I want to start all over again. I did it last night and intend to go 10 days straight on level one and then move up to level 2- I'd like to get through 30 days straight. I also do other exercise daily, either an hour on the elliptical or a couple hours surfing.
    I want to get in shape because I have severe endometriosis and PCOS which has resulted in 2 surgeries and the removal of one of my ovaries and hope to alleviate some of my symptoms, plus I'm sick of being fat. I gained about 40 pounds over about 3 months after my first surgery a couple years ago and the scales just kept going up after my second surgery, so I'd like to get back to my first post-surgery weight of about 135lbs (I didn't weight myself back then, but my medical records have me weighed in at 122 when I went into my first surgery and I was a bit too thin back then from being sick.) I've lost about 43 pounds since late April.
  • JustineSane
    JustineSane Posts: 26 Member
    Hey all, I am from Ontario, Canada - I have 3 kids ages 4 to 7. I play roller derby 2-3 times a week. I have lost 56 since on MFP, and about 25lbs before that, so about 80lbs all together. I have been incorporating 30DS into my routine once a week for a few months now. Last week my husband started doing it with me a few times.
    I mapped out 30 days to do it starting tomorrow, and I actually CANNOT do it in 30 days. It really isn't an excuse, there are just some days when I do not have 30minutes to do it. I leave for work at 5am, get home at 6pm, and twice a week go to derby practice until 11pm. I am not doing the DVD at 11pm when I get home from a roller derby practice and then getting up at 5 the next morning. Sleep is just as important to health and fitness (and sanity).

    So I have a plan to do 10 days of level 1, then 10 days of level 2, then 10 days of level 3, I will be done in under 50 days. I do not have any rest days per week because of derby, and one night a week my husband and I get a babysitter and go hike or run or skate together. I want to be part of this group for the motivation to keep at it :smile:

    I like the DVD because it is short and intense. I use 6lb weights, and can get through all of level 1, but I struggle on the side lunges and shoulder raises, and drop to a 3lb weight by the second set. I have never tried level 2 or 3 yet.
  • JeannieBikini127
    Hi All!! I'm Jeannie, from Southeast Missouri (and it's Missouree not Missourah, hahaha, inside Missouri joke). I just joined MFP today and am going to try to do the 30 Day Shred starting tomorrow. I have done the C25K program 3 times, ran three 5K's and exercise 5 days a week, 45 mins to an hour a day. But I need to bump it up because I have been stuck at the same weight for the last few months. I would love to for anyone to friend me and we can motivate each other, just mention the 30DS group.
  • jtrousehouse
    Hi, My name is Tiffany. I'm a elementary school teacher in Michigan with a very active life style!

    I love challenges like this and think it will help me lose the bit of fat I've gained these past few months! Between bike riding, kayaking, hiking, and weight lifting not even sure how I gained any fat..(ice cream is the only thing I can think of lol) but it happens! I only have about 10-15 lbs to lose so here goes! =) Good luck to everyone!! Let the Jillian *kitten* kicking begin =)

    Ps. I just watched season 6 of the biggest loser so this is quite perfect timing for my state of mind!!
  • HarpoMarx
    HarpoMarx Posts: 20 Member
    Hi all-My name is Martha and I'm from Long Island, New York. I'm married with 2 children in their 20's.
    I'm on day 6 of the 30 Day Shred and need support to stay with it. I'm also working on my triceps 2-3 days a week because I hate the jiggley-wiggley. I will be running my first 10K race in 7 weeks.
    Good luck to all!
  • intoscrapping
    intoscrapping Posts: 51 Member
    Hi, everyone! It has been fun seeing everyone's posts from all around the world! :-) I'm from Michigan and, as my user name denotes, I'm "into scrapping" (scrapbooking).

    I work full-time, have two kids and am trying to have an overall healthier lifestyle.

    I am on Day 2 of the 30-day Shred! :-)

  • ziggyc
    ziggyc Posts: 191 Member
    Hey all, I am from Ontario, Canada - I have 3 kids ages 4 to 7. I play roller derby 2-3 times a week. I have lost 56 since on MFP, and about 25lbs before that, so about 80lbs all together. I have been incorporating 30DS into my routine once a week for a few months now. Last week my husband started doing it with me a few times.
    I mapped out 30 days to do it starting tomorrow, and I actually CANNOT do it in 30 days. It really isn't an excuse, there are just some days when I do not have 30minutes to do it. I leave for work at 5am, get home at 6pm, and twice a week go to derby practice until 11pm. I am not doing the DVD at 11pm when I get home from a roller derby practice and then getting up at 5 the next morning. Sleep is just as important to health and fitness (and sanity).

    So I have a plan to do 10 days of level 1, then 10 days of level 2, then 10 days of level 3, I will be done in under 50 days. I do not have any rest days per week because of derby, and one night a week my husband and I get a babysitter and go hike or run or skate together. I want to be part of this group for the motivation to keep at it :smile:

    I like the DVD because it is short and intense. I use 6lb weights, and can get through all of level 1, but I struggle on the side lunges and shoulder raises, and drop to a 3lb weight by the second set. I have never tried level 2 or 3 yet.

    You've got a great program! Roller derby sounds so fun. Not everyone on here is going to do 30DS daily so don't worry about it. I'm probably going to do one or two rest days per week.

    And I love your name :-)
  • littlemisspiggy666
    Hi my names April. ive just joined MFP and had this dvd lying around so when i found this group i thought i would join for motivation. Ive managed 2 days of it in the past before other things got in the way and i gave up.pathetic. I want to go all the way this time and complete the 30 days. i'm starting tomorrow (25th). I would love to make some friends on here, so please add me :blushing:
  • vadanad
    vadanad Posts: 5
    Hi everyone! I'm Diana, and ... well I'm here just for health reasons. I will have a hard year starting with September and I want to have a healthy lifestyle, so I can get through it without getting fat or ill. I'm starting from tomorrow and I am quite motivated because I really want to get into shape and tone my body. This spring I worked Insanity program for 2 weeks, but I hope this one will last longer :))
  • Circapaleo
    Circapaleo Posts: 114
    Hey, I'm from Arkansas and just started the Shred today as I need to lose about 50 pounds. I am liking Jillian a lot less now. :) Only kidding! It was tougher than I thought, but I didn't puke or die, so I guess that's progress.
  • msisis_12
    msisis_12 Posts: 3 Member
    Hi, I'll be starting today with you ladies!! I plan on doing the 30DS in combination with my weekly running schedule. I love Jillian Michael's workouts. They're short, but they REALLY get the job done!! Let's get shedding everyone!!
  • lucy9962
    lucy9962 Posts: 17 Member
    I am a mother of a 2 yr old. I've been working out pretty regularly since late july and have lost about 45lbs. I want to get even more tone and see if I can get my tummy flatter. I no longer have enough time to devote to the other workout I was doing, so I hear that this is a great workout. I can definitely commit to 20min/day. I love joining groups for the etra support. Feel free to send me friend requests if you want friends with similar goals. I think my husbad and I will be doing this together but he tens to take too many days off when we are doing a program so I want extra support. Good luck everyone and keep pressing play.
  • ashleyminus30
    ashleyminus30 Posts: 29 Member
    Hi everyone.

    I'm Ashley, 26, originally from Philadelphia, but currently residing in St. Thomas, USVI. I started the 30DS today, and will be throwing in Zumba as well. I haven't been feeling too good in my skin lately, and do have about 30lbs to lose. I have the support of my fiance, but would like more support from everyone here! Please feel free to friend request me.
  • MCinSoCal
    My name's Michelle and I'm from Southern California.

    My main motivation for losing weight is regaining my health, mobility and trying to decrease chronic back and hip pain. It's been a slow process and entirely frustrating at times but so worth all the pain and tears! I just keep telling myself, you've come this far don't stop now!!!
    I imagine my exercise as putting funds into a savings account, just a little at a time as much as I can and little by little before you know it, you've got a fortune! And my fortune is my health and being able to walk and even RUN now :)

    So happy to have you all as company along the journey :-)
  • superhippiechik
    superhippiechik Posts: 1,044 Member
    My name is Serena. I am an active working mother of two teenage girls. I am excited to have a group to talk to and help keep me motivated!
  • Iwillblossom
    Iwillblossom Posts: 44 Member
    Hi everyone! My name is Dalina. My motivation to lose weight is for both vain purposes and self-esteem reasons. I want to look good, love myself, and since I love fashion to be able to wear any type of clothes I want. When I started MFP, I did the 30DS for 10 days then stopped, so I'm looking forward to actually finishing it this time around. Good Luck everyone! :smile: