Introduce yourselves!



  • daklex
    daklex Posts: 93 Member
    I can't wait to find a match I'm paired with. This is such an awesome idea! I'm 5'9" and currently 303. I'm hoping to eventually get down to 163, but at least to 280 by our wedding on Nov. 13th. Wish me luck, or join my battle. I'll welcome ANY support.
  • SelkieGhost
    SelkieGhost Posts: 115 Member
    I'm former military and currently a full time student. In the process of moving out of state for a new job.
    Last year I finally reached close to my goal (20 pounds lost) - but then everything flipped up in chaos (divorce, moved from Guam to the states, basically - someone hit a giant reset button on my life and I had to start from scratch). End result: have regained 8 of the 20 I lost, and need to get this stopped fast.
    I now have close to 15 total pounds to lose - I was 5 pounds away from goal weight last year. Am hoping to find a fitness buddy/motivator on here so we can keep each other going.
  • Hello there. I am 34 years old and have been obese most of my life. But I have a HUGE goal/milestone coming my way, and the time to change is now. I am 5'7, 268 (at last weigh-in) and recently joining MFP about a month ago. I have since lost 12 lbs and would love to connect with someone that is going through the same struggle I am. My goal is to lose 100 lbs as quickly (but healthy) as possible. Nice to meet you all. :-)
  • Hi everyone. I'm 35, 5' 6" and 234.6lbs to start. I officially started on here yesterday. I'm pretty excited and like the accountability of logging anything that passes my lips. I find myself MUCH more aware of all the snacking I was doing and am now starting to see why I wasn't losing weight even though I was working out 3-4 times a week. I'm looking to get down to 165 then adjust from there. I want more muscle and tone, so I'll see where I land. I'd love to meet someone to chat with and compare notes on a somewhat personal level. Even exchange recipes. I'm artsy and crafty and a Baker. I love to take photos and have fun. So that's a little of me.
    Good luck to each of you :)
  • AprilRN10
    AprilRN10 Posts: 548 Member
    Hi, everyone. I'm April. Just turned 31. I'm 5'9" and weigh 253. I'm a Registered Nurse. There's a lot more info about me on my profile. :)

    I love the idea of this group. I think the one on one would help me a ton!
  • reallara
    reallara Posts: 1 Member
    Hi I'm Lara. I've been using MFP on and off for the last couple of years and do well with it when I use it regularly. I left teaching at Christmas and my new job involves a lot less running around and a lot more sitting at a desk so my weight and fitness have both gone in the wrong direction this year.

    I've never got involved with the forums before and this one sounded like a great idea.
  • Hello everyone,

    My name is Kass and I'm a 21 year old Canadian who is 5.4 and looking for some motivation to lose weight. I started losing weight in January and was at 170, I now am down to 143 as of today. However I am looking to lose another 20 pounds. My reasons for wanting to lose the weight is to of course be healthier and to feel comfortable and sexy in body.

    I live a very busy lifestyle so finding the time to exercise is difficult. I love eating healthy but due to my lifestyle finding the time to cook a good meal or avoiding eating out is hard. I bike to and from work once or twice a week which is a 45 min each way. I'd love to find a partner that would like to do weekly goals so I can find time to complete them without sacrificing enjoying my life.

    I'm really excited to do this and hope one of you would like to be my partner!
  • homit77
    homit77 Posts: 2
    Hi! I'm Holly and completely new to myfitnesspal, but not new to trying to be healthier. I thought I would try this, because so far me, myself, and I are not working out so well!

    I'm 35 and 5'2", 144 lbs. I'm, for the first time in my life, deemed overweight by my doctor. I had a hysterectomy in December 2010 and ever since then, have gained about 20 lbs. My goal is to get back down to 120 at least. I would love 110/115 though!

    I'm an Administrative Assistant in Topeka, KS, and sit behind a desk all day.

    I don't know if I'll find my twin, but a friend working towards the same goal would be so awesome!!
  • sunshine2212677
    sunshine2212677 Posts: 88 Member

    i'm Cheryl.
    i've got a long standing argument between my outer fatty and inner thinny lol

    i was an effortless UK size 6/8 (US 4/6) at 98lbs, until illness, immobility and lots of drugs took me to a whopping 206lbs.
    i lost 35lbs on my own and then dedcided i needed some support from people in a similar boat to me so joined MFP.
    i have had alot of ups and downs, but have now lost am further 15lbs and have 23lbs to loose and am struggling :cry:

    i'd really like some friendly support from someone working towards a similar goal from a similar point.
    i am now a uk size 12 (US 10), i'm not after the impossible of my previous body, but would love to loose another 1-2 dress sizes

  • Hi

    I'm Brooke, and I've been on MFP on and off for almost a year now. I'm a student (and an avid baker! Help!) - I try to make the most use out of the University Gym, but I find that I might need much more motivation and this might just do the trick!

  • chiedo_le_donne212
    chiedo_le_donne212 Posts: 32 Member
    Hello im laura i live in New Hampshire, Im a 36 year old SAHM to 2 kids matthew and alexandria. I have been married for 2 years together for 16 years. I started going to the gym to help with stress after my mother passed in feb. then i started to eat better and exercise more.
    My sw was 220 My CW is 192 , My GW is 120.
    my goal for weight lose is to lose 2 lbs a week and 8 or 10 lbs a month.
  • Hi! I'm Sharon. I have a crazy sense of humour & a love of life :)

    38 years old, married & mum of two (11 & 13). I have a fair bit of extra 'me' to shed....again. This is not my first dance. I have lost 100+lbs not once, but twice in my life. Yes, I said twice. Once as a teenager and once right around the time I turned 30.

    I am extremely motivated to lose this weight and this time I am doing it for ME....not to look hot for my husband, not because society says I should...just for me. I know exactly why I gained back the weight I lost 8 years ago and I'm ready to close the door on that chapter.

    I know I have a fairly long road ahead of me...90 lbs will take some time, but I'm worth the investment.

    Anyone interested in coming along for the ride???
  • silvergurl518
    silvergurl518 Posts: 4,123 Member
    hi hi! my name is laura.

    SW: 163
    CW: 153
    GW: 135-140


    medium frame.

    BOOM. :)
  • Hi All,

    I'm Lisa from New York. I'm 37 years old with two children. I'm 5 feet tall and 142 and am working on getting to 120 lbs.....I'd like to achieve that by Christmas 2012. I've been at 142 even though I eat right and exercise but I realize that I have been eating my exercise calories back so i'm simply maintaining. I love to eat when hungry . My other problem is if I'm enjoying the food, I keep going at times and that's not smart. Anyway if anyone has similar fitness/weight goals, let me know.
  • Elisemustlose
    Elisemustlose Posts: 9 Member
    Hi ,
    I'm Elise from Montreal, Quebec, Canada!
    I'm a 20 something girl who is tired of being the big girl! I started at 215 and i'm now at 199,5! So happy to be below that 200 mark!! I'm 5p8 and I have muscle too. I wouldn't never be a skinny girl but a much more fitter girl!!
    I'm doing the color me rad run on the oct 7!
    I love my dogs and my hubby! So I hope to find a friend here!!
    bye bye
  • crabbyab90
    crabbyab90 Posts: 111 Member

    I'm Abby from Connecticut. I'm 5'3" and have a lot of weight left to lose. I am a stay at home mom and wife :) I have an 18 month old daughter.

    SW: 232
    CW: 225
    GW: 130
  • FauxAngel13
    FauxAngel13 Posts: 156 Member
    Hi, I just filled in the match form so fingers crossed I will have some success and find a buddy :)
    I'm a full time university student, studying to be a primary (elementary) school teacher... My goal is to get back to the weight I was when I was at my peak fitness when I used to dance, do gymnastics and athletics... for the moment I am boxing and running, but I have found a new gym (gymnastics gym lol) to join when I feel like I am up for that again :) not sure what else to put :p
  • Hi, everyone! I'm 36 years old, 220 lbs, and 5'4". My eating habits desperately need to change. Since becoming a parent, relying on junk food to relieve stress has grown into a very nasty habit. I am here to learn ways to cope with the stress of parenting that don't involve sugar and chocolate. I did my first session of yoga the other day and felt fantastic right after the workout. Now I just need to get that feeling of peace to remain when the kids are home. :laugh:
  • Im Pam im 29 and trying to get fit for the big 3-0 in april. I live in Northwest arkansas. I have 2 lil girls 2 and 4. I am trying to lose about 65 lbs or so. Good luck everyone!
  • Great Idea! I love it...Can't wait to have my partner.

    I am 5'3'' (160cm)and my weight now is 53kg_117lbs and aiming for 50kg_110lbs .

    There are two problems I am fighting with everyday, injury in my right knee (Schlatters and Pattella Tracking Syndrom) plus very very slow metabolism with constantly hard stomack where I go once a week to the toilet. (I am working on it with doctors etc.)

    Later I Exercies 4-5 times a week 0.5h-1h Daily, eat 1000kcl-1200kcl per day. Lately I changed some diet habits and I eat often - 4-5 meals a day. Drinck much more water, less coffe.
    The last period between august and septemebr was not good. During the whole spetember I lost about 1lbs !!!! Tragic!
    I am still fighting and trying to keep farword! Keep swiming Keep swiming :wink: :laugh: