week 1 day 1..feeling like an out of shape pig!!!

kaymila Posts: 8 Member
Hey!!! I completed week 1 day 1 on Thursday. I am so disappointed in myself because it is obvious that I am out of shape. I could barley breath and I was so tired. I could barely do 60 SECONDS at a slow pace...My fit BF made me stretch and do squats before I left. The squats hurt so badly. As a result I was in pain before i stared the Couch to 5 K program. Yesterday I walked for 60 minutes because I was in too much pain to run. Now its Saturday and I'm still in pain. I can't even sit on the couch without feeling pain in my thighs. I feel like I won't ever be able to do this!!!!


  • farmmandy
    farmmandy Posts: 11 Member
    You have to work through it!!! You can do it! If I can, anyone can :) It's a mind game to. It's that whole no pain, no gain thing.... Don't be afraid to repeat that week either. I'm only on week 6, but I have become so much stronger and have so much more endurance.
  • LeonnieH
    LeonnieH Posts: 209 Member
    I thought week 1 was going to be fairly easy, how wrong I was! My legs felt like lead weights when I was jogging and I barely scraped through the 60 second runs. I'm not sure which programme you're using but I have downloaded and am using the NHS podcasts. They don't say anything about stretching and squats as a warm up, simply a 5 minute brisk walk is enough. I wonder if the pain you're feeling now is due to the c25k programme or the stretches and squats you did? When you're fit then maybe squats will be a suitable warmup but not at first.

    Make sure you have a comfortable pair of running shoes get some properly fitted if you think perhaps the shoes are a problem. Do the running slowly, I do a slow jog, there's no need to run faster as you can build speed later on as your fitness improves. Don't let your BF pressure you into going too fast, you need to run at YOUR pace. Don't do the stretches before your run, simply do a 5 minute brisk walk as your warm up. Take a hot bath to help ease those muscles. Don't give up! It is so rewarding to see your fitness improve, keep a positive frame of mind and tell yourself you CAN do this. The challenge won't necessarily get easier as the weeks go on but you'll learn to embrace the challenge and enjoy it :)