Before the surgery

Hi just wondering what the stages are that people go through before taking the giant leap ? I looked all around the internet for information, but am a real coward. I needed to loose the weight but just couldn't help myself, I never felt full. Whist trawling the net I discovered the Hypno-gastric-band. In principle this seemed like a much gentler option to me. and I guess I thought of it as a trial run. It works in a similar way to the surgical band, my mind and body now tell me that I am full when I have eaten roughly a cup full of food, my emotions have been on a high while my portion sizes have got lower and lower. Its now 4 wks since my session and I have lost 6kg ! and over 50 cms from my measurements. I have dropped a whole dress size. All of this without any mean side effects, no liquid diets, no hair loss or "toilet problems" I will keep you up-dated, but for me this "so far" has me dancing on cloud nine.


  • gspea
    gspea Posts: 412 Member
    I actually had thought about it for about 5 yrs. But my doctor wanted to try other things first. When she mentioned it last October - I was excited, scared, the whole gamut of emotions. I saw the surgeon, went thru all the testing and insurance denied it based on no medically managed weight loss in my file. So I went on the 6 mons of managed weight loss monitoring. I truely believe that the 6 mons was the best thing for me. If I had the surgery right after my doctor referred me to the surgeon I know I would not have been mentally ready. So 6mons allowed me to get my mind around the big step I was about to take.

    I did lose 35 pounds during that time. I didn't know about the Hypnotic Band process. But I am not very receptive to hypnosis so not sure that would have worked. You are the first one I have heard who did it. Glad you have had great success. I had the Lapband surgery on 6/28. So far no complications. Would I do it again - I think I am still too close to surgery date to say so. I think I would. I have dropped 18 pounds since surgery.

    You will have to keep us updated on your success.

  • sandieashing
    sandieashing Posts: 9 Member
    Thanks Geri, good luck with you too, I am interested to see how much weight the mind and body will lose over the surgery xxxx
  • mc20dv
    mc20dv Posts: 1
    Hi Ladies.

    I had the Slimband done May 4/11, as as of today i have lost total of 60lbs, i have hard times but must admit its the first progam i have undertaken that has been easy compared to all those other diet.. i would lose fast but then gain it back as soon as i would stop there products. My goal is to loose an other 30 lbs,,and i am really glad i found this site were we can talk and encourage each other.
  • minkakross
    minkakross Posts: 687 Member
    I have heard of hypnosis weight loss programs, most of them are just scams like hypnosis to stop smoking. There are very few valid research studies on it and those that have been done show very poor results so I never even considered it. Bottom line is if you diet and exercise and have no health complications that make that too challenging you will likely lose weight and if hypnosis gives you the mental edge to do what you need to do, more power to you. This is however a group for those of us who have not gotten the results we needed to be healthy through diet and exercise alone and needed to take the extra step to have a medical proceedure done. It's a big decision so I understand wanting to know the steps.

    1. Go to an education seminar hosted by a surgeon in your area or talk to your primary care physican about a referral.

    2. Learn what the qualifications are for the different surgical options, pick the one that is best for your needs.

    3. Work whatever pre-surgery plan your doctor sets up, which is usually based on your insurance. (mine included a 3 month diet and exercise plan, a psych eval, a sleep apnea test, 5 years of ineffective dieting history, a letter of recommendation from my primary care, being at least 100 pounds overweight with all health complications documented in my medical charts mine were: diabetes, PCOS, high lipids, joint pain, low thyroid. I lost about 27 pounds during this phase of the program)

    4. Insurance approves, or declines or requires more stuff.

    5. set surgery date

    6. Start pre-surgery diet. (though this is different for many of us, some can still have solids, I could not for 2 weeks and then as with any surgery no eating or drinking past midnight the day before surgery and liquids for the next day or two as you heal.)

    7. The last step is to continue all the habits you learned pre sugery, focus on eating right and exercise and continue to see the surgeon/team for follow up appointments.

    I know you didn't mean any offense but with the hypnosis thing you make it sound like if we all just had more will power we'd have lost weight so for the record, If it were an issue of will power alone to control portion size I would have been a size zero. As for "mean side effects" the liquid diet is usually for shrinking the liver pre-surgery and for a few days after for everything to heal, it is not a big deal. The hair loss is avoidable with keeping your protein up and could affect people dieting that haven't had surgery for the same reason. The toilet problems are also avoidable by watching fiber just like eveyone else who is on a diet. There are some actual side effects that they don't warn you about but they fade in importance as the results stack up. There is a ton of valid research on RNY, and Banding. The Sleeve is the newest to the group and all early reseach says it's getting results similar to the RNY but the longitudinal studies won't be out in mass for another couple years.
  • sandieashing
    sandieashing Posts: 9 Member
    Hi, I wasn't trying to offend nor belittle anyone by my comments or success. My weight was not at the level where they would consider the surgical band, and I am also a coward about the full opp. If I too only used my own will power I doubt I would have lost any weight. What I had was an hypnotic procedure, and on the record I also stopped smoking with the help of hypnosis 5 years ago, something else I had tried and failed at by using will power.
    Also on the record the have been on going trial in Spain for this band for the past 3 yrs with fantastic results. (which is where I had mine done)
    So to put my record straight, I am not having a dig at anyone going for or having already had a band or any other procedure, just wanting to let you know that there is another way, or a pre-way to kick start while you are sorting your paper work out.
    Down another 6lbs this week...yay me !
  • lamcnenly
    lamcnenly Posts: 12 Member
    I've been obese but quite healthy for close to the past 20 years. Then I lost my mom a couple of years ago to weight related illnesses. That got me thinking. Then about 6 months later I started dealing with hypertension and had a bad case of pneumonia that turned me into an asthmatic. That made me ready. I had a heart scare also that turned out to be nothing, but all of these things finally convinced me that I needed to start being proactive instead of reactive. Having lapband surgery in Jan '12 was a great decision for me so far. Blood pressure meds-gone. Asthma-gone. Heat PVCs-gone. 70+pounds-gone. Life is good. :smile:
  • lamcnenly
    lamcnenly Posts: 12 Member
    That should say HEART PVCs, not heat. Sorry!