my goal!?

Savbomb Posts: 17 Member
so I'm 5'7 and 130 lbs. a lot of people say i'm right at the perfect weight...thats when they see me with my clothes ON. I know I'm not obese and its not unhealthy where I'm at. but the nitty gritty truth is that my belly is flabby with rolls. I feel like i have at least 25 lbs of fat rolling around my body that doesnt need to be there because its unhealthy. but idk...weighing 105 doesnt seem healthy either?? i'm kinda stumped because on paper most will say I'm doing quite well. but in person its like GODDDZILLLLAAA! haha

any ideas on what my goal weight SHOULD be? I know what I want too look like. but idk. the numbers dont add up in my head :/

xoxo savvy


  • rusialeelee
    130's a good weight for us 5'7 girls.

    Calculate your body fat percentage and try to do workout videos that lower your percentage.

    I'm 5'7 and 170lbs but I'm 26% body fat (which is smack in the middle of healthy), meaning I have as of now about 125lbs of lean body mass (muscles, organs, bones, etc.)
    So I have around ~40-50 lbs of fat on me that I can burn off, but of those it's essential to have 25lbs for a woman.

    In my case, hopefully when I get close to the 130s I can lose a bit of muscle (by not doing a lot of strength training) so that I can go down to the 130s and still have the essential 25lbs of fat.

    In your case, you need to build more muscle (so you can still fall within a healthy weight--muscle weighs more) and lower you body fat % by doing cardio.

    So summation.... do cardio to lower body fat %; do even more strength training to build muscle and stay your current weight.
    Eat lots more and definitely eat back all the calories you work off in order to maintain your weight.

    Hope that made sense.

    Good luck :D
  • Savbomb
    Savbomb Posts: 17 Member
    Awesome thank you so much :) that's exactly what I needed to hear
  • ammire82
    ammire82 Posts: 50
    but the nitty gritty truth is that my belly is flabby with rolls. I feel like i have at least 25 lbs of fat rolling around my body that doesnt need to be there because its unhealthy. but idk..

    Most of these rolls are usually excess skin. At one point I became a super skinny size 5(you know you're to thin when your pants are to short lol) but I still had that flabby looking extra skin from having kids. There are exercises,aimed at tightening belly skin and lots of different cremes that claim to tighten skin( I had just FINALLY gotten my belly flat and got pregnant again). But like rusialeelee said, watch your fat percentage. It's WAY more important then actual weight. Stop worrying about what you think you should look like and shoot for healthy.