


  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    then realized I'd only been talking to him for 30-40 minutes and what loser heads down that path... and why should I be letting him?! I told him goodbye and shut down chat. He messaged me 4 times saying I shouldn't have left him and that I could have just asked for a PASS.... WHATEVER?! Weirdo! What is WRONG with people?!

    IDK what's wrong with HIM but KUDOS to you for recognizing he's a creeper and moving on w/o feeling any guilt or "don't have a lot of dates so maybe I should go out with him even if he's a loser" remorse.
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    Well after 2 weeks of not seeing the non-boyfriend boyfriend he missed me and told me so.

    nooooo don't fall for it again! Of course he missed you, you get along so well! The age thing and the parents thing might just be an excuse... I hope he had a true change of heart, but watch out in case he hasn't... please don't be this guy's gap filler.

    Guy always has a reason why you just can't be "together" (religion, waiting for marriage, kids, age, whatever). So he doesn't commit. Then he miss the girl (they get along great and he has no one else going) so he acts like he's changing his mind/ways. But she's still not 100% what he wants. So he still finds reasons not to commit. And eventually walks away when just hanging out/having fun/having sex with no labels is no longer satisfying to the woman. And this cycle plays over and over. I wish I had known about this cycle a couple years ago.
  • NCTravellingGirl
    NCTravellingGirl Posts: 717 Member
    then realized I'd only been talking to him for 30-40 minutes and what loser heads down that path... and why should I be letting him?! I told him goodbye and shut down chat. He messaged me 4 times saying I shouldn't have left him and that I could have just asked for a PASS.... WHATEVER?! Weirdo! What is WRONG with people?!

    IDK what's wrong with HIM but KUDOS to you for recognizing he's a creeper and moving on w/o feeling any guilt or "don't have a lot of dates so maybe I should go out with him even if he's a loser" remorse.

    Thanks Janie! I took the step back those few weeks because I needed to regroup and set different boundaries. That's exactly how I headed down the wrong path last time, so I'm really focused on listening to my gut and not hesitating. I don't know these guys and don't owe them ANYthing, even slack for crossing the line quickly. I may have passed A test, but there will be more I am sure!
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    I'm really focused on listening to my gut and not hesitating. I don't know these guys and don't owe them ANYthing, even slack for crossing the line quickly.

    YES YES YES! All of us ladies need to put this sentence on our mirror!!!
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    Well after 2 weeks of not seeing the non-boyfriend boyfriend he missed me and told me so.

    nooooo don't fall for it again! Of course he missed you, you get along so well! The age thing and the parents thing might just be an excuse... I hope he had a true change of heart, but watch out in case he hasn't... please don't be this guy's gap filler.

    Guy always has a reason why you just can't be "together" (religion, waiting for marriage, kids, age, whatever). So he doesn't commit. Then he miss the girl (they get along great and he has no one else going) so he acts like he's changing his mind/ways. But she's still not 100% what he wants. So he still finds reasons not to commit. And eventually walks away when just hanging out/having fun/having sex with no labels is no longer satisfying to the woman. And this cycle plays over and over. I wish I had known about this cycle a couple years ago.

    Gotta agree with Janie on this one.. "redos" really never work out IMO, especially when they never really succeeded on the first try to begin with. But I wish you luck, girl!
  • oddyogi
    oddyogi Posts: 1,816 Member
    I'm really focused on listening to my gut and not hesitating. I don't know these guys and don't owe them ANYthing, even slack for crossing the line quickly.

    YES YES YES! All of us ladies need to put this sentence on our mirror!!!

    Good for you, NC! I can't help but think if it had been me I would have just lied to be funny and then poofed.
  • DMZ_1
    DMZ_1 Posts: 2,889 Member
    Well after 2 weeks of not seeing the non-boyfriend boyfriend he missed me and told me so.

    nooooo don't fall for it again! Of course he missed you, you get along so well! The age thing and the parents thing might just be an excuse... I hope he had a true change of heart, but watch out in case he hasn't... please don't be this guy's gap filler.

    Guy always has a reason why you just can't be "together" (religion, waiting for marriage, kids, age, whatever). So he doesn't commit. Then he miss the girl (they get along great and he has no one else going) so he acts like he's changing his mind/ways. But she's still not 100% what he wants. So he still finds reasons not to commit. And eventually walks away when just hanging out/having fun/having sex with no labels is no longer satisfying to the woman. And this cycle plays over and over. I wish I had known about this cycle a couple years ago.

    Gotta agree with Janie on this one.. "redos" really never work out IMO, especially when they never really succeeded on the first try to begin with. But I wish you luck, girl!

    Agree with Ashley and Janie about "redos" not working. One of my cousins got himself into a tangly mess with a re-do. He and a woman were together for 3 years. He goes on a work related trip. He comes back from the trip and the first words the woman says to him are "Your stuff is packed up, Get out". About 8-12 months after that breakup, they get back together. Less than 6 months after reuniting, he gets her pregnant. She decides to keep it and they end up married. I hear stories from other relatives about their life and occasionally from that cousin. Not the world's most stellar arrangement. They have kept it together for the time being, but a lot of it is because of interjection of my uncle and aunt.
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    Well after 2 weeks of not seeing the non-boyfriend boyfriend he missed me and told me so.

    nooooo don't fall for it again! Of course he missed you, you get along so well! The age thing and the parents thing might just be an excuse... I hope he had a true change of heart, but watch out in case he hasn't... please don't be this guy's gap filler.

    Guy always has a reason why you just can't be "together" (religion, waiting for marriage, kids, age, whatever). So he doesn't commit. Then he miss the girl (they get along great and he has no one else going) so he acts like he's changing his mind/ways. But she's still not 100% what he wants. So he still finds reasons not to commit. And eventually walks away when just hanging out/having fun/having sex with no labels is no longer satisfying to the woman. And this cycle plays over and over. I wish I had known about this cycle a couple years ago.

    Gotta agree with Janie on this one.. "redos" really never work out IMO, especially when they never really succeeded on the first try to begin with. But I wish you luck, girl!

    Agree with Ashley and Janie about "redos" not working. One of my cousins got himself into a tangly mess with a re-do. He and a woman were together for 3 years. He goes a work related trip. He comes back from the trip and the first words the woman says to him are "Your stuff is packed up, Get out". About 8-12 months after that breakup, they get back together. Less than 6 months after reuniting, he gets her pregnant. She decides to keep it and they end up married. I hear stories from other relatives about their life and occasionally from that cousin. Not the world's most stellar arrangement. They have kept it together for the time being, but a lot of it is because of interjection of my uncle and aunt.

    I agree with all of you as well. But we never really "broke-up" or anything. It just got to the point of me knowing how I felt and making it known and him getting scared. I am being careful and not closing out any other options but I enjoy him and want to keep doing so. And yes, I know if it goes bad all of you can tell me "I told you so!!!"
  • jesusHchris
    jesusHchris Posts: 1,405 Member
    That's so cool how you met! I would have loved to go out with some of the guys in the class, but unfortunately, the instructor blew my cover and once they found out I was higher ranking all the flirting stopped. Wouldn't have lasted anyway, since I think I had everyone in the class beat by at least 10 years ;-)

    Yes, that's a Nighthawk, and I was originally thinking about getting one. Don't laugh, but I think I need to buy something with a little more power ;-)

    Mine was a Nighthawk 750 - an old one, early 90s or late 80s I believe. It was a great beginner bike. Why would I laugh because you want more power? That's awesome. I ride a 95ci Harley now and my last bike was a 1200 cc Buell. Both excellent choices.

    Have fun!
  • JanieJack
    JanieJack Posts: 3,831 Member
    But we never really "broke-up" or anything. It just got to the point of me knowing how I felt and making it known and him getting scared. I am being careful and not closing out any other options but I enjoy him and want to keep doing so. And yes, I know if it goes bad all of you can tell me "I told you so!!!"

    This is what I said to myself: We aren't "dating" and I'm having fun so it's no big deal. Would go weeks with him doing things to make me think he wanted us to be a couple despite his previous reasons why a relationship with me wouldn't work. Then he'd disappear. And he'd be back. I knew -intellectually- that it was going nowhere and I even continued dating others but my feelings got so intertwined that when I met a man who really was into me I wasn't in a place emotionally to really give him a chance.

    And then, dumb as a box of rocks I guess or maybe I thought the first time was just a fluke...? I fell right for the exact same thing with friend #2. Publicly. So not only did I have a hurt heart, but also a bruised ego. Very embarrassing. And I'm honestly not sure my emotions have truly recovered (which hurts to admit). Even though it was good to see the other party's true colors, it doesn't change the fact that your emotions are so hurt. And that hurt takes time to recover.

    He might be more fun...and I'm glad you're having some fun!! Just please keep in mind what future fun might you miss out on!! What might come down the pike in 6 months that you're not emotionally ready for because you spent so much time with Mr Fun Non-Committment?
  • solman66
    solman66 Posts: 175 Member
    Drove 200+ miles in my parents f-150 down to Richmond for a wedding and chauffeured my parents/grandparents around since they hate "city" driving. I had a great time catching up with family and it was a very nice wedding. But I'm pretty sure I was the only single person, which made the dance floor boring and since I was driving, it made the open bar less appealing.
    I also found myself missing the girl I've been seeing for the past 3-4 weeks, which is a scary feeling for me. I'm having a BBQ this coming weekend now that my patio is finally complete and I think I might introduce her to my friends.
  • catherine4211
    catherine4211 Posts: 944 Member
    But we never really "broke-up" or anything. It just got to the point of me knowing how I felt and making it known and him getting scared. I am being careful and not closing out any other options but I enjoy him and want to keep doing so. And yes, I know if it goes bad all of you can tell me "I told you so!!!"

    This is what I said to myself: We aren't "dating" and I'm having fun so it's no big deal. Would go weeks with him doing things to make me think he wanted us to be a couple despite his previous reasons why a relationship with me wouldn't work. Then he'd disappear. And he'd be back. I knew -intellectually- that it was going nowhere and I even continued dating others but my feelings got so intertwined that when I met a man who really was into me I wasn't in a place emotionally to really give him a chance.

    And then, dumb as a box of rocks I guess or maybe I thought the first time was just a fluke...? I fell right for the exact same thing with friend #2. Publicly. So not only did I have a hurt heart, but also a bruised ego. Very embarrassing. And I'm honestly not sure my emotions have truly recovered (which hurts to admit). Even though it was good to see the other party's true colors, it doesn't change the fact that your emotions are so hurt. And that hurt takes time to recover.

    He might be more fun...and I'm glad you're having some fun!! Just please keep in mind what future fun might you miss out on!! What might come down the pike in 6 months that you're not emotionally ready for because you spent so much time with Mr Fun Non-Committment?

    I've been single for over 4 years now. He's the first guy I've met that I actually connect with. I've done the online thing, tried going out and meeting people - nothing. I really don't think I'm missing out on any future fun. And really it's not like he's SUPER fun. We just get along so well. The pain of things ending forever with him would be horrible I know. Unbearable. But the alternative is bad too - not seeing him period. Because we can't just be "friends."
  • bruintamer
    bruintamer Posts: 183 Member
    Aloha my single peeps! I've been feeling so out of the loop lately and have been m.i.a here for a few weeks. This month is just flying by...I spent a good portion of it hanging out with fellow peep, Nat, in Chicago and NYC on the American leg of his world tour and just trying to get back into work mode now aka catching up on mfp. Hehe. Didn't do *kitten* this past weekend except sleep too much and lounge by the pool and it was wonderfuuuuuuuuuuul.
  • pa_jorg
    pa_jorg Posts: 4,404 Member
    Worked late Friday night to make up for spending Friday afternoon at the DMV to replace my stolen license plates.

    Tubing plans Saturday were cancelled so I went to Zumba and did Day 5 of JM 30DS... needless to say, I ate like a pig after. I met a friend to plan a future trip to Paris. Not sure if we'll make it but it's worth dreaming :ohwell: I volunteered at church, did some shopping then hung out with the dog Saturday night.

    Sunday I cooked, cleaned, gave the dog a haircut, did laundry, ugh... not fun! But I did get a chance to talk to someone from POF and we're planning to meet this week. So far, he seems pretty decent! On the more funny side, I chatted with someone on OKC and he really seemed ok for the first 20 minutes. Then he asked to play 20 questions (10 each), telling me they should be serious probing questions so we could decide if we wanted to go to dinner this week. I played along even though there were already a few red flags, and I didn't like how pushy he seemed. He was fine until he asked me question 6 on whether I preferred "Top or Bottom"... I cut him slack and coyly sidestepped that one. For question 7, his probing deep question was "Cs or Ds"? I wanted to make a joke about grades then realized I'd only been talking to him for 30-40 minutes and what loser heads down that path... and why should I be letting him?! I told him goodbye and shut down chat. He messaged me 4 times saying I shouldn't have left him and that I could have just asked for a PASS.... WHATEVER?! Weirdo! What is WRONG with people?! It's funny to me now anyway!

    Wow that is crazy about the 20 questions!! I stepped back from a dude when I asked where do you see yourself in 5 years and he said hopefully married to me (mind you we had only just started talking - CRAZY !!)

    It might seem crazy but I don't think this is very unusual. I was talking to one guy for a bit and he asked me what I'd do in a certain scenario - which included having been married to him for a few years with a couple kids - needless to say I never ended up meeting him... I realized that he was playing into the general fantasy women have of needing security and wanting to be settled with a family. I'm sure he posed this scenario to lots of women and most of the time probably got a good response because of the charming and clever way in which he worded it.
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    Awesome weekend! I went on my date with "the cowboy" (as he will forever be known):love: and I was very impressed, he asked for another date, and I believe it will happen. We have kids on the same weekends so it will be at least 2 weeks (depending on how busy they are with harvest) but it will be worth the wait (I think).:tongue:

    Otherwise had an awesome time with my girlfriends and got my yard mowed! :flowerforyou:
    Woo hoo! I'm glad the date went well!

    This weekend, I scraped the popcorn ceiling in a closet, primed, painted and installed new shelving. I had some work to do yesterday for my first class of the semester today, so I didn't get time to put things back into the closet yet - ugh! Clutter at home!

    I also did some shopping for some new back to school tops in medium (last semester, I was wearing large tops). It felt good to buy some new clothes that I know will fit me even if I lose a bit more. I don't want to spend any money on pants yet since I have lots to lose from my hips and thighs still and what I've got in this size now can get me through the work week.

    Did nothing with friends this weekend (they weren't available), so it was a bit lonely. I really need to get out and meet more people here.
  • Mellie289
    Mellie289 Posts: 1,191 Member
    For question 7, his probing deep question was "Cs or Ds"?
    What does that even mean? Your bra size?
  • pkiesch
    pkiesch Posts: 259 Member
    Went to the beach with my sister on Saturday. It was a gorgeous day & the waves were pretty good.

    Sunday I packed up some of my apartment & moved it to my parents; townhouse isn't ready until mid-Sept so I'm rooming with my parents again for a bit! Also did some studying & research both days. This last semester is gonna be intense!
  • La_Amazona
    La_Amazona Posts: 4,855 Member
    Wow, lots of fun stuff going on with us peeps.

    My weekend was a blast. On Friday night I did sushi/ drinks with a gf. It was nice catching up.

    On Saturday Hulky came home and he was out of it most of the day. He said this past work week was exhausting. We hung out at his and just caught up. We then went to a bar to watch an 80s metal band. Fun!! Somehow our conversation got into NOLA and I said "let's go to new Orleans tonight!!". Hulky then agrees at 1am to head there. We go home and pack up some stuff and drive off. I paid for gas while he paid for everything else. We arrived at about 9 ish in the morning and checked in, freshened up and hit bourbon street. It was soooo fun. We ended back at hotel at 9 popped out and took a dip in the pool and crashed. We got up and took off around 10 then ate lunch and gambled a bit in St. Charles.

    We both can't believe we actually went but it was fun. The hurricane (keep safe for those that live around there) was right around the corner but we managed to get by without any of the effects.
  • NCTravellingGirl
    NCTravellingGirl Posts: 717 Member
    For question 7, his probing deep question was "Cs or Ds"?
    What does that even mean? Your bra size?

    Yes, that's what his deep probing question was to determine if we wanted to go to dinner. He could see my pics so he was taking a guess. I shut it down but the smart @ss in me wanted to say, "They are DDs, not that you'll ever see them, @sshole." I was a lady though haha:bigsmile:
  • AnnaPixie
    AnnaPixie Posts: 7,439 Member
    For question 7, his probing deep question was "Cs or Ds"?
    What does that even mean? Your bra size?

    Yes, that's what his deep probing question was to determine if we wanted to go to dinner. He could see my pics so he was taking a guess. I shut it down but the smart @ss in me wanted to say, "They are DDs, not that you'll ever see them, @sshole." I was a lady though haha:bigsmile:

    In my experience the 5 or 10 'honesty' questions always lead to sexual questions. Either agree to 'keep it clean' before you start, or just dont participate. I think the guy just thought you were game for a laugh, so not really a creep, just online stuff that perhaps you haven't come across yet :flowerforyou: