I woosed out:(

MrsAgi Posts: 338 Member
I made it to the gym tonight, but I just couldn't do it:sad: I couldn't stand in the centre of the gym, with everyone watching me, and make the attempt to do squats/press-ups etc.... I've never done any gym or weight training before so it was scary enough just to walk in there - but the set up of the gym meant that however much I repeated the mantra "nobody is watching you, nobody cares what you are doing" - I couldn't bring myself to try totally new moves in front of them all.......

I DID do a workout on the machines - the one my instructor had written for me, which was all low reps/high weight, so not a total waste of time....

Soooo, for the first few weeks at least, I know I'm not going to find the guts to do the moves recommended in the book at the gym. Should I split my workout and do the body weight moves at home before heading to the gym and doing a machine workout? Or should I just do a couple of weeks on the machines while I find my feet in the gym then start the NR workouts when I feel comfortable?


  • Myslissa
    Myslissa Posts: 760 Member
    I do my cardio at the gym and my lifting at home. I am on week 3 of stage 1. I am not sure I will ever be comfortable enough to do the weights in the gym. I will use the machines but the free weights i do at home.I do wish you luck and you find your bravery deep within!
  • jamkat
    jamkat Posts: 77 Member
    For my first few workouts, I went to the gym on off peak times - Saturdays and Sundays late morning and after 7:30pm during the week. Now that I'm more comfortable, I don't mind going during busier times but I actually prefer not having to race home after work to change and then rush off to the gym. So I've been sticking to the off peak times.

    Are you able to hire a personal trainer or instructer at your gym for a 1 hour session? You could bring your book and ask him/her to show you around the weights and help you with your form on the A and B workouts for Stage 1. That should help you to gain enough confidence to listen when you repeat your "nobody is watching you, nobody cares what you are doing" mantra.

    Good luck! You can do it!!!
  • AABru
    AABru Posts: 610 Member
    I am a little uncomfortable, but I am so happy with the changes in my body that the feeling that everyone is looking at me makes me work harder. I will give them a reason to look!

    jamkat had a great idea. If a trainer isn't available, try a friend who lifts to walk you through it. I plan on checking form with the coaches at my school later this month.

    Good luck! You can do it!!!
  • woodsygirl
    woodsygirl Posts: 354 Member
    Try going during a time when the gym is not busy and trying it. Watch videos and practice at home first, then just go in and do it. Most people feel the same way the first few times, but then really enjoy it.

    I was nervous at first, but now people walk by and say nice things i'm all "thanks!". It really shows when you start to feel more confident.

    Today was very nerve-wracking for me, I went up to this group of cute guys and asked one of them to spot me on the squat bench. I felt like a total dork asking, but I was thinking the weight would be heavier than it seemed. I did one and said, hey that was easy!
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    I can totally understand how you feel. I was sooo nervous at first. I have to say that it helped me massively to get a trainer from the gym to go through the moves with me, I am not sure if I would have done it on my own. Get a trainer to go through it with you. It's almost like having someone taking you by the hand. I felt I had a good reason to be there with him. Yesterday was my first time on my own in the weight section. I was nervous at first but at the same time I felt proud being the only woman in the weight section. And yes people might look at you but not in a bad way or anything. I think they are just interested in what you're doing as it is unusual for them to see just keep that in mind. Overall though I think guys are impressed with a woman being there.
    I now know that the program will not just make me physically stronger but also mentally because I had to move out of my comfort zone. Just go and do it and you will feel so proud afterwards!
  • danifo0811
    danifo0811 Posts: 542 Member
    I did my first workout Saturday. I forgot to consider that the olympic bar has weight to it. Once I added my weights too it, I couldn't lift it. I felt pretty stupid :)

    I've used dumbells and machines for years but the squat rack/barbells totally intimidates me.
  • girlinahat
    girlinahat Posts: 2,956 Member
    For my first few workouts, I went to the gym on off peak times - Saturdays and Sundays late morning and after 7:30pm during the week. Now that I'm more comfortable, I don't mind going during busier times but I actually prefer not having to race home after work to change and then rush off to the gym. So I've been sticking to the off peak times.

    Are you able to hire a personal trainer or instructer at your gym for a 1 hour session? You could bring your book and ask him/her to show you around the weights and help you with your form on the A and B workouts for Stage 1. That should help you to gain enough confidence to listen when you repeat your "nobody is watching you, nobody cares what you are doing" mantra.

    Good luck! You can do it!!!

    ^^^ this exactly.

    I was terrified to move downstairs where the big bad boys play (actually they seem to stand around and chat). So I asked to be shown all the moves from a trainer for Stage 1, and then try and go when it's less busy.

    I'm still nervous, and was ultra nervous when I was only lifting the Oly bar but really, I think they are only looking at me because I am a woman and they clearly have never seen such a thing in the gym. Given time, I am hopeful they wil be looking at me and thinking I am a HOT woman.......
  • sgthaggard
    sgthaggard Posts: 581 Member
    My husband joined my gym so I had him there for my first workout. Once we got passed the 'Why don't you just use the leg press machine?' and 'Are you sure you can lift that much?' he was able to stand there quietly and lend me moral support. :tongue:
  • MrsAgi
    MrsAgi Posts: 338 Member
    I'm not sure I'm even up to the oly bar for squats - I was going to do BW only. And I know I can't do 15 x press ups on the floor yet- the gym doesn't have a thing to do them on:(

    So I have decided I will do those two at home just before going out (I cycle to the gym as my cardio warm up so the work out will still be continuous in a way), but will just bite the bullet for the other exercises. A bit terrified about the prone jack-knifes as I've never tried them, and am not very co-coordinated (borderline dyspraxic)..... but will have to suck it and see I s'pose. Hopefully I'll see a pretty good improvement quickly and will be able to transfer all exercises to the gym in a few weeks.

    I am due to go back again tomorrow evening, so will let you know if I manage it.....
  • Daisy80
    Daisy80 Posts: 755 Member
    I'm not sure I'm even up to the oly bar for squats - I was going to do BW only. And I know I can't do 15 x press ups on the floor yet- the gym doesn't have a thing to do them on:(

    So I have decided I will do those two at home just before going out (I cycle to the gym as my cardio warm up so the work out will still be continuous in a way), but will just bite the bullet for the other exercises. A bit terrified about the prone jack-knifes as I've never tried them, and am not very co-coordinated (borderline dyspraxic)..... but will have to suck it and see I s'pose. Hopefully I'll see a pretty good improvement quickly and will be able to transfer all exercises to the gym in a few weeks.

    I am due to go back again tomorrow evening, so will let you know if I manage it.....

    You can do it! Just keep your head up high :smile:
  • karensoxfan
    karensoxfan Posts: 902 Member
    I'm not sure I'm even up to the oly bar for squats - I was going to do BW only. And I know I can't do 15 x press ups on the floor yet- the gym doesn't have a thing to do them on:(

    So I have decided I will do those two at home just before going out (I cycle to the gym as my cardio warm up so the work out will still be continuous in a way), but will just bite the bullet for the other exercises. A bit terrified about the prone jack-knifes as I've never tried them, and am not very co-coordinated (borderline dyspraxic)..... but will have to suck it and see I s'pose. Hopefully I'll see a pretty good improvement quickly and will be able to transfer all exercises to the gym in a few weeks.

    I am due to go back again tomorrow evening, so will let you know if I manage it.....

    Good for you! :happy:

    I couldn't handle the Oly bar on day 1 for squats either, so I did them with just body weight. Then I did the Smith (d'oh!) before I even figured out what the squat rack was (it looks different than the cage-style ones I'd seen online), and it was workout A3 before I tried the Oly bar, and probably didn't have good form my first few times with that (not sure if I made it quite to parallel or not). By the end of stage 1 though, I was pretty confident I was using good form, and I was up to 70 lb. total by then (45 bar + 15 on each side).

    On the jackknives, I also fell off the ball during workout A1. Twice. All you can do is just get back on and try again. If anyone laughs or judges you, just try to forget it, and know you will get better at them as your balance & core get stronger.

    *I've fallen off a treadmill, too. Not even running. I think I was walking @ 3.5 mph, but took a classic spill. You get up, pretend it never happened, have a little laugh at yourself, and move on, IMO.

    Hang in there.
  • MrsAgi
    MrsAgi Posts: 338 Member
    WHOOP WHOOP - I did it!!!!!! :drinker:

    I made it to the gym tonight, did the full workout 1A (even though I couldn't do the jackknife's!). I asked the staff there where to find the relevant equipment, and was even approached by another gym goer who had a chat to me about what I was doing & why

    As an added bonus, I threw in a couple of machine's as advised on my programme the gym staff put together for me and just to make sure I was geting as much as I could out of the time, I dusted off my bike and cycled there and back!

    Phew - I'm going to ache tomorrow :laugh:

    But I loved it :love:

    Yay me. I am sooooooo relieved to have made that first step.

    1B looks difficult, but I can't wait till Wednesday to give it a go now. What a weird feeling LOL.

    BTW: according to my HRM, I burned 700 cals during the 90 mins (15 mins cycle each way, 30 mins NR & 30 mins machines) - can that possibly be correct?
  • heatherloveslifting
    heatherloveslifting Posts: 1,428 Member
    Yay!!! I'm so happy for you! Well done!
  • jarrettd
    jarrettd Posts: 872 Member
    If you don't fall off the ball doing jackknives at least once, you aren't trying hard enough!
  • jsextrasmooth
    jsextrasmooth Posts: 127 Member
    Well done MrsAgi. It's a great feeling isn't it when you overcome your nerves. I was sooo nervous yesterday about the squats and did 3 laps of the free weights area before I finally approached and asked someone to help me get set up with an olympic bar. I also went out and bought a really cheap yoga ball to get the hang of jacknives before I went to the gym.

    Bring on the B workout tomorrow!
  • Martucha123
    Martucha123 Posts: 1,093 Member
    so glad you did it

    unfortunately hrm is usless during lifting heavy - your HR goes up because of the stress on your body, not because of the effort
    if you tend to eat back the exercise cals, for lifting don't eat more then 300 extra (for about 1h of lifting)
    that is plenty