I got one for you.

On the Scooby website they have light exercise 1-3 hrs and moderate 3-5hrs. So if I do exactly 3 hours a week which one should I go by since one ends in 3 hrs and the other starts in 3 hrs?? The exercise being done is 2 Upper workout days on the bowflex at 35 mins and 2 Lower workout days on the bowflex at 25 Mins then a hour of cardio sometime during the week. TY =)


  • MotherGoddess
    MotherGoddess Posts: 49 Member
    I would go by intensity. 3 hrs of intense workout I would go with the higher, if it's 3 hrs of light workout go with the lower. Or average the two numbers and go with that. You can always tweak later if you need to.