Monday Wk2

mlashay Posts: 166 Member
And it's Monday! (My apologies for the late posting, long looooong day it's been)

Weighed in this morning and had gained 2lbs. I was expecting it though. I definitely did not do my best at all this last week. My routine was not the same so my eating went out the window as well, but not anymore!

I am chastising myself for staying up so late last night and getting such minimal sleep that it kept me from going to strength training this morning (I was entranced in a book :blushing: )

So the mini challenge for this week is to get the minimum of 7-8 hours of sleep every night.
My problem is usually OVER-sleeping.
Sleeping too little as well as too much can have adverse effects on hopes of weight loss.

Again, many of you may already do this well, if so pick something else you'd like to see yourself accomplish this week!

I hope you all had fantastic weekends and are ready to start this week off right :happy:


  • keeleen
    keeleen Posts: 93
    I have the same problem! I work evening shift, and don't get home until 11... I can't go home and go straight to sleep, so sometimes it's 1 or 2 or later before I go to sleep... and then I either get up early, and am tired.... or I'm too tired to even get up and end up sleeping in waaaay more than I should have. I will join you on this mini challenge... And it sounds like you had a rough week last week with your mom, but there's always tomorrow, to get back on track! Good luck this week!
  • Paddy25
    Paddy25 Posts: 10
    Same here - I'm a student and I'm working all kinds of shifts at all kinds of jobs so no one really cares if i work till 2 or 3 am and then start my next job at 9 am and end up sleeping like 3 hours and then the next day when i got a day off or wont have to work till 9pm or something i sleep practically all da to catch up on my lack xD so for me its not just the sleeping but also to get myself and my work organised, at least for next month (when i get my new shifts) so i can maintain i fairly regular sleeping patern :) oh and by the way i gained 1lb but i knew i would actually im surprised its only one ... i did hardl an workouts and had some crazy binges. But yesterday was a good start to the new week and im gonna stick to that ;)
  • shanniebanannie73
    :yawn: me too. 8-month old baby. you KNOW what my nights are like
  • shanniebanannie73
    oh - I forgot to post my weigh in:
    SW 223
    end of wk 1 = 215.2 !!! Loss of 7.8

    I know the first 10 are said to be the easiest to loose, but I'm STOKED!
  • kikilieb
    kikilieb Posts: 118 Member
    I weighed in on Friday. I lost 2 pounds. :bigsmile:

    I only weigh in once a month because I don't like to see the numbers constantly shifting up and down. My next weigh in will be mid-september.

    My goal for this week is to get back into a regular routine with my upper body strength training. Also to keep getting on the bike - I can't believe how much bike riding is strengthening my upper leg muscles. I LOVE it!
  • alhunt8587
    alhunt8587 Posts: 157
    I usually get pretty good sleep as of lately. I've been getting right around 8 hours a night. I think my mini-goal for the week will be to make sure I am getting enough nutrition. There have been a few days the past week where my calories were way too low. I find it hard to find time to eat at work so that's what's hurting me.
    I started 30DS on Sunday, so another mini-challenge for me is to push through this initial soreness! lol
    I hope everyone has a great week!!! :)
  • ninec
    ninec Posts: 7 Member
    This is a big problem area for me. Fortunately, I'm on holidays at the moment so I have been getting better at sleeping. Usually though, I am up at 4am for work and I don't get home again until 6pm. Going to bed at 8pm just doesn't happen! I'm also an insomniac. I can fall asleep but I wake up around 1 or 2 and can't fall back to sleep again. :(
  • loserchick
    loserchick Posts: 283 Member
    Congratulations to everyone who had a loss last week :bigsmile: I didn't have a huge loss this week (0.2 lbs) but I am not going to complain. Sleeping is usually not too big of an issue for me, so I think I will carry on with the water challenge from last week. Cheers to a new week everyone :drinker:

    ~Life may not be the party we hoped for, but while we're here we should dance.~Anon.
  • tomfrnk5
    tomfrnk5 Posts: 16
    Week 1 (8/20): 243.8 lbs
    Week 2 (8/27): 241.0 lbs (2.8 lost)

    I'm looking for a big leap this week. Not only break the 240 barrier, but hopefully slide in at the
    Mid 230s. The goal, at least 3.5 pounds.
  • kikilieb
    kikilieb Posts: 118 Member
    Since summer is over I'd like to be in bed again by 8:30. Lately I've been staying up until 10:30 and sometimes even later than that on the weekends. This prevents me from getting out of bed by 5:30am. I'm most productive in the early morning so if I go to bed early I can wake up and do my upper body weights.

    It's good to have a plan - Although it might not happen until next week :bigsmile:
  • Lizajane42
    Lizajane42 Posts: 133 Member
    My goal is definitely to get up at a decent time. I am a substitute teacher and so non-working days are difficult for getting up. I have morning plans the next two days and Sat, so Fri and Sun will be the challenging ones!

    As to weighing in- my weigh-in days are Thursdays, so last week I lost only .5. This week is off to a terrible start- I let myself eat poorly over the weekend and saw a big gain when I stepped on the scale this AM for a sneak peek. Now, that said, I didn't eat enough to have gained the number I did, so hoping water retention, salt, and TOM are the culprits and that by Thursday, or next week at the latest, the gain is gone plus some!
  • shanniebanannie73
    I'd LOVE more sleep, but I'm up at 4:45 and home by 5:30. Once I get dinner, chores, walk around the neieghborhood with the stroller, get the baby bathed, fed and night-night, I'm pooped. I do make sure to be in bed by 10 religiously. Little one still gets up at least once (sometimes 3x!) a night. *sigh*
  • BrownEyedGirl130
    Week 1 (8/20): 175.2 lbs
    Week 2 (8/27): 176.4 lbs (1.2 gain)

    This is totally a late post but I got around to it.
    Really bad week.
    I so need to step it up because I have a new suit that would look so much better if I lost 10 lbs. I want to be able to wear it on an interview at the end of the month :)