I want to start with something somewhat "easy"...you girls let me know if its TOO easy & want to take this challenge to another level. I just want to make sure it do able for all!!!

Drink 100 ounces of H20 each day for the coming week!!!

I know it sounds like A TON, but it's actually not...just to stay healthy you're supposed to drink half of your weight in ounces each day. So for me, at 170lbs...that would mean drinking 85 ounces per day. I'll be the first to admit that I don't do this, I'm HORRIBLE about staying hydrated. But its such an easy thing to do, not to mention a critical componant of weight loss!

Again, if this is too easy...feel free to let me know!!! and we can add something to the challenge! :-)



  • Isn't the point of a challenge to be challenging? I think we need something a bit harder.
  • Ok, miss tori!!! Perhaps an exercise portion??? How does aiming for 45 minutes of cardio each day sound? Walking counts!!!
  • lol I can't exercise right now! Hopefully I can soon, but my medical problems are preventing it right now. Looks like I'm busting your chops for nothing!

    How about a coming in under calories x amount of days per week challenge?
  • just saw walking counts! I can do that
  • This IS challenging for me bc I always pour a glass of water and walk away from it lol. I will try to accept this challenge!
  • Tori, we could do 1200 cals/day and under plus the water...ill just go in and edit my original post.
    Kate, i do the same thing!
  • Oh man. I suck at drinking water. By the way, my idea of water is 6oz of juice to every 26oz of water. Plain water grosses me out.
  • Ok so far today I drank 101.4 oz of selzter. Burp!
  • looks like I am the only one who has no problem with drinking water. Krysia don't change it because of me. Lets do the cardio or under calories next week
  • JingleMuffin
    JingleMuffin Posts: 543 Member
    dang i got to this late but waters my favorite drink!! lol
  • AthenaArcher
    AthenaArcher Posts: 41 Member
    I'm in on the water! :happy:
  • AthenaArcher
    AthenaArcher Posts: 41 Member
    Ok so it has been two weeks sense the water challenge what's the next challenge? :happy: