
Hey everyone! I am Kara and I am excited to do this challenge with everybody!

I've been on MFP since March 25th of this year and with the help of MFP and regular exercise, I am almost to the 40 pound mark!

I would love to have some new friends on here! I am very open with my logging and I log everyday. I do not miss a day for any reason. I am looking for more like minded people that are dedicated to their lifestyle change and that log every day.

If anyone wants to send me a friends request, just put in the message that you are from here and I will accept you!

I look forward to getting to know everyone the next few months!


  • dreamchaser12
    dreamchaser12 Posts: 223 Member
    Hi Kara! :) I'm looking forward to meeting new people as well! This is my first time joining a group and am hoping this is just what I need to give me the extra boost I need for support and to get through the holidays.
  • sanjobie
    Hey! I'm Erika! I joined MFP back in May, and had previous lost around 10lbs. I have fallen off the wagon for the past few weeks, and I think this is an excellent opportunity to get back on! I am a shift worker at a hospital, so my eating schedule can get a little complicated. I have figured out so far, that little healthy snacks throughout the night are my best bet!
    This is the first challenge group that I have joined on this website, and I am really looking forward to it, and hopefully meeting some friends with the same goal. Feel free to add me (just mention this group!)


    Created by - Free Calorie Counter
  • Sweetie_Pie92
    Sweetie_Pie92 Posts: 314 Member
    Hello :D I joined MFP back in 2010 and lost about 55 pounds, taking myself down to 202.8 pounds. Lost it during the holidays and gained almost all of it back. Started logging again in May of this year and have so far lost 30 pounds. I'm 5'7'' and 228 lbs. Overall goal weight - 165. Feel free to add me for support and motivation <3
  • pixtotts
    pixtotts Posts: 552 Member
    Hello all :)
    im lottie, this will be my first challenge since joining about 3 weeks ago and i think its a brilliant way of getting back on track when my holiday finishes ( 1st sept!)
    looking forward to getting to know every one and best of luck to all :) x
  • berv0009
    berv0009 Posts: 465 Member
    Hi, I'm Natalie.

    Last winter I got down to my ultimate goal weight (50 lbs lost), but have since gained about 15 lbs back. I would like to get back down to that weight as I know it is attainable.

    Looking forward to supporting and encouraging everyone here. Good luck!
  • geonbaeLeilee
    geonbaeLeilee Posts: 606 Member
    I'm Leina. :) Currently, I weigh 204. My goal at the end of the challenge is 185. I lost 30 pounds already, so I know I can do it!

    I've done pretty well exercise-wise, so exercise isn't the issue. I have an issue with snacking! I do a lot of stress-eating and after nine eating, which I need help with in order to stop. :( Plus, since I'm still living at home for the time-being, I have to eat what's there given how crappy my paychecks are, and what my family buys is not exactly "healthy." My dad is big on snackies and fast food, so I have to battle a lot to not go overboard with poor eating. I've learned portion control overall, but again, late night, mindless snacking is my downfall. D: I think once I can defeat those urges, I will be A-okay!

    I wish everyone luck, and I look forward to interacting with you over the next few months!
  • ClairBears84
    ClairBears84 Posts: 531 Member
    Hey All , I am Clair from Cape Town South africa! VERY EXCITED to do this! I want to reach goal by december, I have already lost 8kg and still have 16 to go! :flowerforyou:
  • sritt004
    sritt004 Posts: 10 Member
    Hi guys! My CW is 150 and I want to reach my GW of 130 by Christmas. I've already lost over 17 lbs, so I'm excited for this new challenge.
  • christinechipchase
    christinechipchase Posts: 76 Member
    hi my name is Christine, this is my first challenge to. I am hoping to get 16lb off more if i can :). I am very excited to be doing this with everyone and I am looking forward to the challenges xx
  • tessiscruisen
    tessiscruisen Posts: 84 Member
    Hi All... I'm Tess, from Tennessee, US.

    I started mfp in July, but didn't start logging and utilizing this wonderful site until 8/6 - I don't miss a day! When I began my weightloss challenge I weighed 165 lbs, as of this Monday I was at around 153 lbs and my goal by Christmas is 135lbs, my ultimate goal is 125 lbs by April 2013 - and I'm taking a cruise with my best friend! I want to love myself again, and especially want to feel good about being IN a picture again, not just taking them. I have 4 kids (16,20,20,21) and a 4 year old granddaughter. My husband is very supportive... but I am doing this for ME!

    I look forward to getting to know everyone!! Please feel free to add me as a fried, the more the merrier!

    Happy Exercise/Dieting!
  • LucilleHighball
    LucilleHighball Posts: 107 Member
    Good morning!
    My name is Laura, and I have just discovered the wonderfulness that is the MFP community. I started in May using this tool, but it wasn't until last week that I started to explore. I have never joined anything like this, but already in the past 10 days, I have felt an overwhelming support, which has been wonderful. I married a chef in January, and fall-Christmas is the hardest time of year. I think this challenge is EXACTLY what I need, and I am excited to be part of this.
    Add me if you want another friend, I figure, the more, the merrier!
  • TrishaB74
    Hi Everyone, I'm Trish. I just got back from falling off the Wagon and I'm hoping this is the nudge I need to hang on tighter and stay on!! I'm so ready for this and I hope to help others along the way. I'm reaching for a loss of 25 pounds by end of the year, and I don't think it's an impossible goal for me. Best of luck to us all, and feel free to add me to your friends, the more support the merrier!:smile:
  • sherrirb
    sherrirb Posts: 1,714 Member
    Sherri, 42 yr old in Wisconsin. I'm looking to hit Onderland by the end of the year. 199 in my goal.

    Glad to be a part of this group and looking forward to the upcoming challenges.
  • ellehcimyelhsa
    Hi everyone! I'm Ashley, I'm a 23 year old mama to one beautiful baby girl. I joined MFP in Feb. 2012 when my daughter was a month old. I didn't really start using it as much as I should until recently, but so far I have lost almost 40 lbs! I have been logging every day since I started back up with this site. I love it! I can't wait to meet some new people on here and get back into shape together! I am hoping to be at my goal weight by the end of the year, which is 140 lbs., so I have about 20 lbs. to go!
  • quiltingducky
    quiltingducky Posts: 103 Member
    Hey all! I am so excited to find this group. It may be just what I need to keep on track. I just found out that a family wedding, which I thought was going to be next year, will be 3 days before Christmas THIS year!! No, I'm not in the wedding, but just want to feel better about myself.

    I am a full-time work from home mom of 2 boys ages 14 and 26 and married for 27 years. My biggest problem is finding time just for myself and making myself a priority. I find that by having a "challenge" to answer to periodically helps to motivate me, so that's a big reason why I joined the group.

    Hope we all can make some progress in the next 4 months.

  • sritt004
    sritt004 Posts: 10 Member
    We are just about the same weight and have the same goal in mind!

    Hi All... I'm Tess, from Tennessee, US.

    I started mfp in July, but didn't start logging and utilizing this wonderful site until 8/6 - I don't miss a day! When I began my weightloss challenge I weighed 165 lbs, as of this Monday I was at around 153 lbs and my goal by Christmas is 135lbs, my ultimate goal is 125 lbs by April 2013 - and I'm taking a cruise with my best friend! I want to love myself again, and especially want to feel good about being IN a picture again, not just taking them. I have 4 kids (16,20,20,21) and a 4 year old granddaughter. My husband is very supportive... but I am doing this for ME!

    I look forward to getting to know everyone!! Please feel free to add me as a fried, the more the merrier!

    Happy Exercise/Dieting!
  • kris1085
    kris1085 Posts: 1,436 Member
    My name is Kristen and i am from West Virginia i am excited to be on this challenge !
    My goal is to loose 20 pounds on thie challenge would like to loose more we shall see !
    I work a full time job in medical records . I have no kids of my own but i have 3 nieces and 1 nephew who are like my own i spoil them rotten and send them back home !
    Anyone can feel free to add me if they want too we can all support each other ! Oh i have lost 36 pounds and have 60 some more to go !
  • karagetsfit
    I also wanted to throw out there that I won't accept friend requests for guys. I am a happily married woman who has no business having other men see my pictures and what not. No offense to any guys!
  • elizabethoneill
    elizabethoneill Posts: 15 Member
    Hi Kara! :) I'm looking forward to meeting new people as well! This is my first time joining a group and am hoping this is just what I need to give me the extra boost I need for support and to get through the holidays.

    Hi Kara I am in the same boat - this is my first week on MFP and my first group. I have lost weight before but never kept it off and i'm hoping the MFP will help me change my lifestyle so that i can stay at a healthy weight
  • hilly215
    hilly215 Posts: 87 Member
    HI all!!! My name is Hilary and I'm from MA. I've had some success with other programs before (like 40-50 pound success) and then some major life event would happen and I'd lose all motivation. Well, I have another one of those major life events looming - moving in with my fiance the beginning of October- and I'm determined to NOT lose my motivation again. So I'm hoping being part of a challenge that starts prior to the move and beyond will help keep my motivation going.

    I was going to try to lose about 1.5 pounds a week. That's what I was originally thinking, but then realized that got me really close to finally being out of the Obese category. So I've adjusted my goal. My goal for this challenge is to get out of the Obese category. To accomplish that, I need to be 191.4 or under (Obese starts at 191.6 for my height). Last Thursday's weigh in, I was 221 on the dot. So we'll see how this translates come Saturday.

    Always looking for new, motivating, friends, so feel free to add me as a friend, just please include a note that you are from the Sept-Dec Challenge so I know who you are!