8/13 start date -- CHECK IN

amy_wills Posts: 37 Member
Hi ladies! Today marks the end of Week 1 for me. Just thought I'd check in and share my progress -- and see how you ladies are doing too.

I didnt lose any weight this week, but I did follow the Kickstart Plan and do the workouts. In fact, I did more than the workouts that she recommends as I am training for a marathon and did a 20 mile run on Saturday. Anyway, I had some reservations with following only 1200 calories a day, as my Basal Metabolic Rate is 1529, so 1200 calories a day doesnt even support what my body needs WITHOUT exercise. But I followed Jillian's recommendations for the 1st week, just to be true to her program....and Ive decided that Im not going to follow her caloric guidelines for the remaining 11 weeks. I need more than 1200 calories for marathon training and weight training. I was pretty damn hungry and crabby all last week! LOL

I am not bummed about the lack of weight loss because Im pretty muscular and I dont measure my progress by the scale - I measure it by how my clothes fit and how I look in the mirror. I am LOVING her workouts and I feel strong doing them :) Im sure I'll see progress at the end of these 12 weeks.

How did Week 1 go for you ladies?


  • amy_wills
    amy_wills Posts: 37 Member
    Oh, and feel free to add me as a friend :)
  • Nikkialbert02
    Well like you, I didn't lose any weight this week.. But good news I didn't gain either :0 I also go by how my clothes are fitting. I really need to get to doing my measurments. Place that on the to do list for today. I did get confirmation that something is working and by my body shape is starting to change cause on Saturday I was told I was "disapperaing " Wow :) Talking about a NSV.. So I am very elated so far with the changes and I can't wait to see what the next few weeks have in store for me!!! Today starts my 2nd week!!!!
  • Dozy87
    Dozy87 Posts: 11
    Hey ladies!! I followed the kickstart week too and Ive lost a couple of pounds (not sure exact numbers because my scales are old and inaccurate!!) but I'm not too bothered because I feel great and I think I've lost inches! I'm so excited to get to the end now...feeling sooooo motivated!

    Congrats to you both on completing week one!!!

    All your life long!! Infinittttttttty!! Hehe :):) xxx
  • chelsibear85
    chelsibear85 Posts: 11 Member
    Today is my last day of kickstart! I was pretty tired and exhausted ALL week. I could barely leave the house to do anything.. also made eating around running errands hard so I stayed home most the week.. I only did two days of 2 workouts but I had 2 nights of 2 ball games each night so that felt good. I skipped Cardio yesterday so it was my rest day and i guess i will do it today. I ate pretty damn close to her meal plan and ate the same stuff all week! Looking forward to come change. Though being so tired it was great that most of the time my food was already made! I started at 177 but that was a high weight prob due to some bloating and whatnot. I weighed in this morning at 169.8. I know it was water, bloat, and i stopped breast feeding on tuesday so I imagine my boobs had something to do with the change! I dont know. Maybe it wil be higher tomorrow I did only have 2 meals yesterday because i had such a late breakfast i didnt fit in lunch or snack! I feel for food i did pretty good. I only cheated 3 times, I had a cupcake at my nephews bithday party. I did feel so guilty but I didnt have any of her other food like pizza so thats all i allowed myself. I had a coffee with 2 cream and 2 sugar yesterday and also needed something to get some energy from so i opted for a Palm Bay at my 2 ball games.. I mean for me and my bad snacking problem i did pretty good but i still felt guilty about the damn cupcake since it was supposed to be no sugar all week! All i know is i feel better today not so tired. prob cuz i skipped yesterday and maybe some sugar helped!
  • amy_wills
    amy_wills Posts: 37 Member
    Nikki - thats the best confirmation that it's working, when someone tells you that you LOOK like youre getting smaller :) Scales be damned!!! WE got this!!!!!
  • amy_wills
    amy_wills Posts: 37 Member
    Chelsibear - I know what you mean about feeling sluggish, it is really hard to function on so little calories. thank God we are in Week 2!
  • Aryerse123
    Aryerse123 Posts: 6 Member
    Good morning ladies! I am a little ahead of you guys as I just started week 3 this morning but I thought I'd chime in anyway. I struggle getting up at 4:30am 5 days in a row to workout so I was doing workouts 1&2 back to back which meant I didn't have to get up every day. Well that will not be possible moving into the harder workouts - #3 was so much harder for me! I wasn't following a strict diet until this week either b/c I wanted to ease into it rather than feel overwhelmed. I can't follow JM's plan b/c I'm a vegetarian but I am trying to stick to the 1200 calories as recommended by MFP. We'll see how it goes! Good luck to you all! I'll be sending some friend requests. :happy:
  • amy_wills
    amy_wills Posts: 37 Member
    Aryerse, thanks for the friend request! I was hoping Week 3 would prove harder because Im sort of getting 'used to' Workouts 1 & 2 now, altho Im trying to make it harder on myself by holding weights during the 'good morning' pose and adding weights during squats, holding my leg up during pelvic tilts. I did not like the food plan at all - her recipes are horrible! LOL But, like you, I am trying to stay around 1200 calories in MFP.

    And my fellow Michigander!! Glad to have a Midwest pal! :)
  • BiancoM
    BiancoM Posts: 15 Member
    I am in week 3 as well and have found the workouts getting harder which I absolutely love! I am also a runner so I am incorporating runs into the workouts as well although I am not training for a marathon at this point. I have run them in the past but haven't since my little man was born. No excuses he is 2 now! But I did do a half this year. Love the posts! Very motivational to keep going! I can see a difference and it is only week 3! I can't imagine what I will look like after 12 weeks! Whoop whoop! Let's go ladies , we can do this!
  • amy_wills
    amy_wills Posts: 37 Member
    Hi BiancoM! I look forward to sharing this journey with you!!
  • Anawap
    Anawap Posts: 5
    Well....8/20-8/26 is my first week, and I have to say I absolutely love the workouts! The food plan on the other hand is not my favorite. I really wanted to dive in and do the kick start right. After 2 days I had enough, and to be honest it wasn't the 1200 calories but the lack of variety in the food. I stayed strong for 2 days, but ended up making not so great dinner choices the rest of the week. I still stuck to the workouts though. I am not going to beat myself up because of my choices but learn from them. My RMR is 1764 and the 1200 is not going to cut it for me either. I too have decided to not follow the JM's plan and have been looking into other food plans.

    Looking forward to Week 2. Keep up the great work everyone :)
  • BiancoM
    BiancoM Posts: 15 Member
    Me too! Just finished week 3 and wow what a difference! Can't wait to see what week 12 will bring! :happy:
  • amy_wills
    amy_wills Posts: 37 Member
    This week is WEEK 3! Yes, we are doin' it, ladies!! :) My thoughts on DVD 3: it is hard. LOL The planks, ouch. The sunshine scoop leg things. Ouch. However, I welcome the 'ouch' because I was getting used to DVDs 1 & 2. I am sure I will be so sore tomorrow! I have not lost any weight yet, but that is mostly my fault. I went camping this weekend, and my sons birthday party was last week, so between the cake & ice cream, and hot dogs and chips, etc -- I have no one but myself to blame. I havent GAINED, so thats good, but I havent lost either. Today is a new day, tho, and I am focused. How is everyone else doing?
  • BiancoM
    BiancoM Posts: 15 Member
    You are doing fabulous! You are training for a marathon too! You are burning the calories with your runs plus doing BR! Keep up the great work! When is your long run?
  • amy_wills
    amy_wills Posts: 37 Member
    Thank you :) My long runs are on Saturdays, usually. Are you a runner too?
  • Nikkialbert02
    So far so good..I did WO 3 on Monday and just as everyone else has stated on other forums 3 is a big jump from 1&2. But I pushed through it although those planks and I were not getting along nor did the scoop leg thing-a-ma-jigs :) But I completed the WO to the best of my ability. WO 4 was way better.. I was even able to do the hallow man with no problem (super geeked about that) as well as the move where you are in crunch postition tapping your inner ankle. And as much as I hate planks (I think we all do) I was able to do the planks with the one leg extension...I can definately tolerate WO 4 better than three. I have heard quite a few people say the even numbered discs are always easier than the odd numbered ones and so far,for me anyway, this theory has proven to be true. I liked 2 more than I liked 1. I guess it just depemds on your strengths and weaknesses. Which is more of a reason why I should really go hard on the odd numbered DVD's so I can build up where I am weak right? Anyway, good luck ladies and let's keep up the wonderful effort!!!
  • BiancoM
    BiancoM Posts: 15 Member
    Yes, I am! I have done marathons pre baby and I have done one half this year.
  • amy_wills
    amy_wills Posts: 37 Member
    Nikki, you are right -- those planks are KILLER!!! The scoop/lunge thing was awkward & hard for me, but I did better on it my 2nd try of the DVD now that I know what to expect. Jillian is really giving us a full body strength work out - totally getting our monies worth! LOL
  • BiancoM
    BiancoM Posts: 15 Member
    Hello ladies! I officially finished Phase One of BR and I am looking forward to a new workout in Phase Two tomorrow! Keep up the great work! I am seeing results! With the workouts and eating right I can see the difference! Unofficially down 5 pounds in 4 weeks! Official weigh in and measurements next week! I will keep you posted!!
  • Aimer45
    Aimer45 Posts: 55 Member
    I am a little late to join the post, but I started on 8/6 and am still sticking with it. I started Phase 2 yesterday with Workout 5. It was tough but definitely doable after Phase 1. I like the challenge!