Important stuff will go here one day.
Body revolution starting 10/10/20
Anyone want to join? I know its a old program..but I think its a good one!
Starting 3/3/2020
I am dusting off my DVDs and starting again Anyone else want to start this program again and hold each other accountable?
Starting 1st Round of Jillian Michael's Body Revolution on 3/26/18
Hello Group, I may be sending a message in a bottle out there, but I am starting Jillian Michael's Body Revolution on 3/26/18. I purchased this program years ago. I have started and stopped, but now it the time to commit to it. Who's with me? Jump in at anytime.
Anyone want to start 11/27/17?
I need buddies! :)
June 2016 start
I'm on day 2 of week one. Just wondering if anyone else is just starting?
Anyone start in January 2016?
This is my second attempt at JMBR after completing it in 2013. Looking for anyone who is interested in getting or giving support along the way. I'm starting phase 2 today!! :) o:)
Starting 27 september .. wanna join?
Hello I'm a new member, and wanted to do Jillian's Body revolution, but just remembered this quote: "If you want to go fast, go alone. If you want to go far, go together.” so do you want to join us? if yes, write your weight, height, and measurements -if you like of course- let's start with me: -height :5'5 ft -weight :200…
Starting (again) 1st June, anyone fancy joining?
I'm yet to complete Body Revolution (things keep getting in the way!) but am determined to get through it this time as I really like the format. I have 25lbs left to lose and would love to feel more body confident this August. I'd love to hear from anyone starting around the same time!
Lost meal plan
I lost my meal plan for this like 2 years ago but really want to start this tomorrow. My sister has the meal plan I am hoping to copy the pages so I have them but in the meantime can anyone help me out with a few recipes?
Starting JM's Body Revolution July 13th
Yes, I know I'm planning way ahead but that's because I am going out of town and didn't want to start this program and try to keep gong when I knew I would be out of town and in a guest room where I might not have much space for moving around and such. I chose to do a program that is also less intense because I'll be doing…