Starting (again) 1st June, anyone fancy joining?

BigBigBertha Posts: 208 Member
I'm yet to complete Body Revolution (things keep getting in the way!) but am determined to get through it this time as I really like the format.

I have 25lbs left to lose and would love to feel more body confident this August.

I'd love to hear from anyone starting around the same time!



  • Audra135
    Audra135 Posts: 5 Member
    I just re-started and then work got in the way, so I am looking to start again. I am going to start tomorrow! :smile:
  • CatherineB4
    CatherineB4 Posts: 8 Member
    I have started and started again! Never got past the 4 week! I am starting again June 1st!!!
  • txtech94
    txtech94 Posts: 6 Member
    I have started a few times, but never finished. I am starting tomorrow. :smile:
  • BigBigBertha
    BigBigBertha Posts: 208 Member
    Fab! :-) Wasn't expecting anyone to reply!

    I was actually hit with a sudden burst of motivation today and decided to start this eve, despite it being mid-week. I feel so much better for it though, and really looking forward to tomorrow's workout!

    Making the most of feeling smug with these easier workouts as I know the pain that is to come! Modified push-ups into plank will always fill me with dread though...

    How is everyone else getting on?
  • txtech94
    txtech94 Posts: 6 Member
    I got started this morning. Felt good.
  • Audra135
    Audra135 Posts: 5 Member
    Fab! :-) Wasn't expecting anyone to reply!

    I was actually hit with a sudden burst of motivation today and decided to start this eve, despite it being mid-week. I feel so much better for it though, and really looking forward to tomorrow's workout!

    Making the most of feeling smug with these easier workouts as I know the pain that is to come! Modified push-ups into plank will always fill me with dread though...

    How is everyone else getting on?

    That's great! I dread the push-up to plank shift too! I started week one last night. I did lap swimming this morning and had planned on Tevilution again tonight, but my class had their track meet today and I ran with some of my students. I can hardly move, I'm so tired!
  • SatiaRenee
    SatiaRenee Posts: 798 Member
    Still plan on starting July 13. I will be returning from a trip the day before. Not even giving myself a day of rest before starting a new routine.
  • BigBigBertha
    BigBigBertha Posts: 208 Member
    Audra135 wrote: »

    That's great! I dread the push-up to plank shift too! I started week one last night. I did lap swimming this morning and had planned on Tevilution again tonight, but my class had their track meet today and I ran with some of my students. I can hardly move, I'm so tired!

    I'm not surprised! That sounds like more than enough exercise for one day!

    Completed Workout 2 today, and still feeling motivated. I'm planning to go for a run tomorrow instead of the Cardio 1 workout as I like to get outside for a change.

    SatiaRenee - Sounds like you have a good plan! I know for me that when I give myself a day or two off after a holiday it always turns into a month or more!

  • Audra135
    Audra135 Posts: 5 Member
    Phase 1 workouts 3 & 4 are this week. I am not doing any of her cardio workouts because I swim, bike, and run throughout the week for my cardio.
    Let's make this week amazing!!!
  • engodwin
    engodwin Posts: 516 Member
    Started today! I haven't got all the way through before either. Because... Well life. So I'm on board! Let's do this.
  • Clo747
    Clo747 Posts: 112 Member
    I'm so glad I'm not the only one who has let life get in the way of actually finishing this program! Best intentions and all that. I've restarted yesterday in addition to taking on the 5 mile challenge! I'm not as sore as I thought I'd be, but man my fitness took a plummet during my "break". Oh, well. Onwards and upwards!
  • jenstanley13
    jenstanley13 Posts: 194 Member
    I am waiting on my DVDs to arrive on Thursday and plan on starting Monday; looks like I won't be too far behind this group :)
  • BigBigBertha
    BigBigBertha Posts: 208 Member
    Hi everyone, nice to have so many motivated people doing this at the same time!

    I have had some bad luck and woke up with a pain in my lower back this morning, which seems to be getting worse and worse! :( Not sure if it's a pulled muscle or something completely unrelated to working out, but it's making me flinch when I walk.

    I really don't want to have my workout schedule disrupted too much, hoping it just goes away asap.
  • engodwin
    engodwin Posts: 516 Member
    I got up early (VICTORY!!!) and worked out prior to coming into work. Day 3 is in the books y'all. I have to say day 2 was awful - I thought I was going to puke multiple times... I just kept hearing JM screaming (that gif above) unless you puke keep going... KEEP GOING. I made it through and felt better after it was over. Today... those running man things.... AWFUL! LOL I dreaded them each time they came up in the routine.... I hated her at that moment... But I'm back to loving her now. :smile:
  • Clo747
    Clo747 Posts: 112 Member
    I always dread fast feet! Got too much jiggling to feel overly happy about that one! Feeling uber sore, but Day 4 DONE!
  • Clo747
    Clo747 Posts: 112 Member
    @BigBigBertha Hope your back is feeling better! x
  • BigBigBertha
    BigBigBertha Posts: 208 Member
    @Clo747 Thanks, it has mostly gone away now, think it was a trapped nerve, and the advice for that is to move as much as possible, luckily! Skipped my run on Wednesday but have managed to complete all BR workouts this week.

    Week 2 down, scared for week 3/4 which are so much more out of my comfort zone!
  • JAT74
    JAT74 Posts: 1,078 Member
    I'm thinking of starting another round on Monday. First time round stopped after 8 weeks as I didn't see a lot of results and second time around I completed the program but again didn't notice major results.

    Since I finished at the end of March I have been doing a T25 and P90X3 hybrid (2 workouts a day) and mixing that with walking and some cardio in the gym but I am not really enjoying the training I'm doing as I don't feel that I'm seeing any better results and worse still, I don't feel that there's a consistent pattern to the workouts I'm doing now ie. with the Jillian workouts it was back of body/front of body repeated every week x 2 plus the cardio workouts.

    I was thinking about re-starting but adding much heavier weights this time as I think that's why I probably didn't see major results as I could manage to do most of the moves. I did go heavier than she suggested but not heavy enough I think.

    Having said that I've lost 15lbs since January, but that has mostly been down to diet and not seeing much definition as I still have around 20lbs to lose.

    I really hated the body revolution cardio workouts so I might substitute them for some of the T25 cardio instead as I prefer them. I might also add some Yoga/Pilates instead of cardio too some weeks.
  • BigBigBertha
    BigBigBertha Posts: 208 Member
    Just completed workout 3! Forgot how much I HATE plank-ups :(
  • Clo747
    Clo747 Posts: 112 Member
    edited June 2015
    Oh no! Don't remind me @BigBigBertha! I'm still cocooned in the warmth and safety of weeks 1 & 2! Finding it difficult to get that second Cardio in on the weekend, though... Well done, you, for getting it done! x