Campus Life

While in college, do/did you participate in any activities? If so, please share!

Did you live in a dorm or off campus?


  • I lived on campus, Bethune Hall for a semester. I moved off campus after that and although it was a bit rough at first, I stuck it out. I had a horrible roommate while living in the dorms. She stole a lot of my clothes/accessories and I had no clue until my across the hall neighbor pointed it out. I barely slept in my room. I was always hanging so by time I made it to bed, she would be up and out for class. Go figure, this Freshman did NOT do 8am classes...anyway!

    I wrote for the college paper and later became the Entertainment editor. I also wrote, directed and co-hosted a TV show. I was also active with the SGA and Black Journalist & Public Relations student organizations. I traveled A LOT for FREE with the school paper and these organizations...LOVED it...
  • Sade510
    Sade510 Posts: 21 Member
    My first year, I was a little loner lol. After doing too much partying in Atlanta at CAU, I decided to try the slow route at Philander, which wasn't hard (I mean... it is Little Rock, AR)

    My 2nd year, I got involved in EVERYTHING! I was VP of SGA, President of the Pre ALumni Council and I ultimately became the National Pre-Alumni Council President with the United Negro College Fund, Senior Class Vice President, Miss Black and Gold, and Ms. Gold for the state of Arkansas, and I pledged into the GREATEST SORORITY IN THE WORLD..(Don't need to say it but..) DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY INCORPORATED! **Greek love to all though : )**

    So yea, I had a pretty exciting college experience. lol
  • were quite busy like myself! I am so proud of you for being so active. Do you plan to attend graduate school? If not, what are your future plans since you've just graduated?
    My first year, I was a little loner lol. After doing too much partying in Atlanta at CAU, I decided to try the slow route at Philander, which wasn't hard (I mean... it is Little Rock, AR)

    My 2nd year, I got involved in EVERYTHING! I was VP of SGA, President of the Pre ALumni Council and I ultimately became the National Pre-Alumni Council President with the United Negro College Fund, Senior Class Vice President, Miss Black and Gold, and Ms. Gold for the state of Arkansas, and I pledged into the GREATEST SORORITY IN THE WORLD..(Don't need to say it but..) DELTA SIGMA THETA SORORITY INCORPORATED! **Greek love to all though : )**

    So yea, I had a pretty exciting college experience. lol
  • Sade510
    Sade510 Posts: 21 Member
    Thank you so much! I have a BSW and I JUST got a few job offers in the field! I plan on attending Grad SChool in Chicago next year. I just needed a break from school. It WORE me out. What about you?
  • Hi Sade,

    I hope you secure a job in Social Work you really like. My little cousin attends graduate school at Roosevelt University, downtown Chicago for her Masters in Psychology.

    I can relate to needing a break. I graduated in March with my PhD and took a break. Now, I am enrolled for my second Masters. I am looking to obtain it in Mental Health Counseling.

    I encourage your endeavors and support you all the way in getting your Masters...go Sade!
    Thank you so much! I have a BSW and I JUST got a few job offers in the field! I plan on attending Grad SChool in Chicago next year. I just needed a break from school. It WORE me out. What about you?
  • Sixalicious
    Sixalicious Posts: 283 Member
    You are asking me to go way back in time!!! LOL When I was in college, I lived on campus the first couple of years. I was actually an RA for one semester. I volunteered my first year with Upward Bound on campus and YoungLife off campus. I am pretty sure that wasn't my only volunteer work, but they stick out most because those were activities I had done prior to going to college.
  • ShaJ1
    ShaJ1 Posts: 13
    I lived on campus all four years at Shaw University. Shaw is a small university and everyone was like family (when I was there). I enjoyed my college years (1993-1997) and wouldn't trade it for the world. While in college, I didn't join any organizations. Years later, I joined the Order of the Eastern Star (PHA). While in graduate school, I became involved with an organization associated with my major (Counseling).