new member

Hi all, I joined MFP and today was my first day....Disasterous!! My 4 month old is teething and I had reached for the mars bars within a couple of hours of getting up! I have fallen into bad habits since being pregnant and now being at home all day I just reach for the wrong things, how have other people got out of the habit of grabbing quick 'bad' food? x


  • aprilwilliams2729
    aprilwilliams2729 Posts: 107 Member
    I try to have quick "good food" handy. Carrot sticks, fresh fruit (or frozen - especially in the summer I like frozen blueberries straight out of the freezer - YUM!). Preportioned snacks are good too - whatever your weakness is - just put a little bit in a baggie so you're not tempted to eat the whole thing. Another idea if that doesn't work for you is to just not keep the problem food in the house. I do this with potato chips. I love them and I'll eat the whole bag without thinking. So I just don't keep them in the house. I love ice cream too, but I'm ok with having single serving packages in the freezer - I can eat that and feel satisfied.
    I hope that helps!
  • snshnangel04
    hi, I'm Jessica, welcome! I totally feel you on how hard it is to kick those bad pregnancy habits, its especially hard when your tired and dealing with a cranky baby. I would definitely suggest trying to not have those types of food in the house, thats what I've had to do, and I've found that after a while you don't miss them at all. Everyone always says to stock up on carrots and what not, but somehow I never find them satisfying and they tend to just sit in my fridge, lol. I've picked up natural valley's peanuts and dark chocolate protein bars and they are awsome! they taste good and they keep you full for a long time too. Maybe you could try something like that? Keep trying though until you find something healthy that you like :)
  • yogamama30
    yogamama30 Posts: 29 Member
    I totally know how you feel! I actually lost weight when I was pregnant, but then gained it all back and more after I had my boys! Nursing made me soooo hungry that I would reach for anything I could to eat and by the time I had time to eat I was usually way too hungry to make good food choices. The protein bars are a great idea and I also like to eat sugar snap peas. They're sweet and have a good crunch and they eventually will be almost as good as something you really want to eat! lol Good luck! And remember that teething doesn't last! My middle son got 8 teeth in a month! I didn't sleep for pretty much that whole month...then I found out I was pregnant with my youngest! I have to admit, I cried! I thought I was never going to get to sleep again! But it got way better! My oldest is 6, middle is 3, and youngest is 2...they mostly sleep through the night and no more teething! yay! Keep doing the best you can...and don't beat yourself up if you mess up. You're only human and raising little ones is a lot of work! You can do it!
  • kaisey215
    kaisey215 Posts: 1 Member
    Hi all, I joined originally over a year ago but today I am back. My son is two and I am still taking off my "baby weight" plus some. I really want to change my eating and exercise habits to feel better and healthier but also because I want to pass on good habits to my son and not fast food eating and desserts at every meal. I have been thinking about trying to eat "cleaner", I want to incorporate more organic foods into our life while staying in budget and keeping up my crazy schedule. I work full time and attend graduate school part -time these time constraints make it so important that I can turn to quick meals and store make ahead meals over the weekend for those busy nights that get away from us. Please share with me any recipes or ideas to help keep me on track.
