What do you run with?



  • leeapeea
    leeapeea Posts: 23 Member
    I use my camel back when I need over 12 oz of water, generally runs that will be well over an hour. If it's a super duper hot day, I'll take it if I think it'll be over 45 minutes because dehydration sucks. The pack is nice for long runs not just for water but also food and holding layers especially in the fall/winter.

    For shorter runs, maybe 30 minutes to 1.5 hours, I'll take a hand-held water bottle with 12-16oz of water and my SPI belt with my phone and some nutrition.

    I tried water belts, but they just bug my gut area. They always bounced around. Some people love 'em, but they're not for me.

    Running with either a pack or a hand-held took some getting used to, but it's nice to have the options.
  • cybershaz
    cybershaz Posts: 21 Member
    As others have said, for shorter runs (under 90 min / under 16km) I don't take anything major unless is really, really hot out. All I would have is my ipod shuffle, GPS watch and my transit pass in case I hurt myself (so I can get home).

    Over that distance, in the past I used an amphipod fuel belt, but I really don't like things on my waist. I just got a Nathan infinity so I'll be trying that out. For those longer runs I'll obviously have water, and in addition I take my cell phone, electrolyte pills, sometimes trail mix and my health card.
  • stubbysticks
    stubbysticks Posts: 1,275 Member
    These are all great ideas...definitely making note of them since my runs will be getting longer soon!
  • bigandysrunning
    bigandysrunning Posts: 18 Member
    I use 2 product, both from Nathan.
    I use a handheld water bottle (quick draw, I believe) It's got a hand strap and a little pocket that hold my ID, car key, wedding band all nicely. I also use a Nathan 5K running belt, which is a sporty way of saying "fanny pack" yes, it's low profile, made of neoprene and basically invisible when my shirt is over it...it's still a fanny pack. It hold my phone and 2 packs of Clif Shot Bloks perfectly for me and doesn't bounce around or get in the way. I use an ipod shuffle, I just keep my phone on me in case of emergency, and I actually clip my ipod shuffle onto the little adjustment straps on the hand strap of the water bottle. It did take a few runs (i'd say two weeks realistically) to get used to carrying the bottle, but now it's second nature and I wouldn't run without it.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    Nothing. Don't need it, unless it's going to be very hot ( 90's), then I'll take water on a run longer than 16 miles. I did 21 last week with no Gu, no water, no Gatorade. It was in the low 70s. I ran a negative split and was very strong at the end. I lost 5.5 lbs on the run which is well within the safe range for water weight lost.
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    I take as little as possible. Always have my Garmin on my wrist. I always carry some paper napkins to wipe my face and clean my glasses. Perhaps some Clif Bloks in my pocket if I'm planning 14+ miles.

    Hot days I may carry some water in a handheld bottle. These days I usually use a 10 oz bottle from Fuel Belt. The tiny pocket usually has a $5, some Imodium and some salt tablets.

    No phone, no ipod.
  • natalie412
    natalie412 Posts: 1,039 Member
    Iphone in an armband, road id bracelet, Mace clipped to my shorts. On long runs (10 miles plus) a 10 oz handheld water bottle. Just made some chocolate energy chews that I took on my last 12 mile run. My stomach started growling around mile 6, so that was nice!
  • arc918
    arc918 Posts: 2,037 Member
    Oh, I forgot - I have a Road ID on each of my two pairs of shoes
  • PatsyFitzpatrick
    PatsyFitzpatrick Posts: 335 Member
    HI this has been a great question. Lots of new information. I have even googled a few. I am getting ready for my first 13.1 in December. So I have been building endurance and hydration has become an issue. But I am in the rural area and I am a road runner. I carry my cell pone, mp3 and a couple of bucks to buy water if I have to. I use Walgreen and other stores for restroom and I also place frozen water bottles in trees for my return run. :) It is so hot right now in Florida. Glad you asked this question. I am learning so much. :smile:

  • camrunner
    camrunner Posts: 363
    IPod shuffle, sunglasses, keys... that's it.

    As the length of my runs increases, I'm becoming more interested in carrying some money with me just in case I absolutely have to get something to drink. On Tuesday I started feeling pretty rough after about 10 miles and I wound up running through JCPenney and drinking out of a bathroom faucet, lol. It was pretty hot, though. I thought that trail had water fountains on it. :(

    Ideally I'd just get a $20 pre-paid credit card or something, I like that it'd be waterproof and no big deal if I lost it.
  • CarsonRuns
    CarsonRuns Posts: 3,039 Member
    Ideally I'd just get a $20 pre-paid credit card or something, I like that it'd be waterproof and no big deal if I lost it.
    This is a great idea.
  • cococa
    cococa Posts: 122 Member
    New to the running world, but ran my first half marathon back in May and training for 4 more in the next year.

    Camelbaks and hydration belts jostle too much for me, especially when I was first starting out with longer distances. I know for me being comfortable and having something to think about or focus on to get through the pain was really important to keep up my training. I can run without music now, but in the beginning it kept me going as my body adjusted to running longer and longer distances (I use an Ipod Shuffle since it's small). Having water to sip actually helped me have something to do to distract myself a bit too (especially when my allergies were acting up).

    I recommend a Nathan QuickDraw Handheld - there's no bounce, it gets me through a 6 mile run easy, and the pouch holds all I need. I keep my ID, a debit card, my inhaler, Benadryl, and my car key in the pouch. Without the inhaler I could easily fit a few goo packs, but I don't really love the way I feel when I use them for running anyway (love them for hiking but not for running). For 12 mile runs, I run a loop and just fill up on water in my car at the end of mile 6 before running the loop a second time. On long out and back runs, I take a second bottle or run a path that has a fountain where I can refill. On race day, I did take gatorade or powerade at 1-2 stations along the way, but I stuck with water for the most part and then just refueled at the end.

    Everyone's different. You'll learn a bit from trial and error what works best for you. Good luck!
  • jadesign19
    jadesign19 Posts: 512 Member
    I usually use a camelbak xct or my Innov8.

    However last week I bought a Salomon XT Advanced Skin 5 S-Lab and now I can't see me running with anything else.

    I don't listen to music when I run, I carry water, Torq Gels, Haribo, sometimes my phone and occasionally a camera. Also depending on weather a waterproof. Will also be carrying a bottle of electrolyte with the Salomon

    I just looked up the Salomon XT Advanced Skin 5 S-Lab on google. Wow. Pretty high tech but $180 out of budget for me. Anyone know a less expensive version?
  • bonjour24
    bonjour24 Posts: 1,119 Member
    i'm a slow runner, so i measure by time rather than distance.
    if it's a shorter run (anything under 90 mins or about 13k) i take nothing but my ipod.
    anything longer, i wear my camelbak. to be fair, the bag itself is not a camelbak one, but the bladder inside is. i've had a few, and you need to get one that fits well otherwise they can jiggle. my last one (hubby's old one) used to rub the skin on my neck and shoulders raw. the one i have now can clip around the waist and just under my boobs, and is really comfy. i can carry heaps of water (i sometimes put in an electrolyte sachet if it's a really long run), my ID, cash, phone and some gu chomps. i have learned i cannot stand running with a bottle- it goes all warm and gak! and i have tried with a belt too, but i found it uncomfortable and irritating. but i do wear it for races and just use it to store my phone, car keys, and chomps (but they provide the liquid!).
    good luck- hope you find a good fit.