mmmm!! a new find

jubob78 Posts: 16 Member
I just wanted to share this yummy find....Asda garlic bread slices (which are big) 110 calories for 3 slices had them for tea with weight watchers pasta and mozzarella. it was totally delish and satisfying I felt llike I'd eaten something really naughty!! lol


  • littlefreckle91
    Ooh interesting :) haven't had had garlic bread in so long so I'll have to check these out! Is it actually garlic bread or more like cracker type things? thanks for sharing!
  • jubob78
    jubob78 Posts: 16 Member
    no hun, it's real garlic bread slices and they are really big...I had to check the nutritional value 3 times before I believed!! lol then I logged them and they came up in the myfitnesspal directory so it was definitely right! :)
  • TraceAT
    TraceAT Posts: 54 Member
    Interesting. I haven't seen any that low in cals before. Ones I eat are at least 90 cals a slice!!
    Have you got a link to these please, really love garlic bread esp with my homemade meatballs n pasta.
  • jubob78
    jubob78 Posts: 16 Member
    I don't have a link hun but they are Asda's own baguette slices with garlic and parsley. you can find them in the chillers. x
  • clairegreen1974
    clairegreen1974 Posts: 121 Member

    I like to make my own, as a lot of shop ones are made with a butter based garlic topping... I buy a baguette (or ciabatta) chop up garlic cloves and parsley in a little extra virgin olive oil and use a pastry brush to spread it over the top of the bread and bake it... I sometimes chop up some fresh tomatoes and basil leaves and sprinkle them on top too... now that is NOMMY!! :love:
  • jubob78
    jubob78 Posts: 16 Member
    mmm that sounds yummy, gonna try it. x