Philly Rock-n-Roll 9/16/12

Runner_Bob Posts: 59 Member
Hi all,
Am new to the group and have been training for my first half marathon, which is only 19 days away. I am pretty excited as you might imagine! Is anyone else running the Philly Rock-n-Roll half? I hear that it is a flat and fast course, but my goal is just to finish since it is my first. Don't want to add any unwanted pressure :-). I look forward to reading your posts and thanks for any prayers, support and encouragement! Bob


  • maura1110
    maura1110 Posts: 171 Member
    I'm running this too!! I am so excited for it but also nervous because it is only my 2nd half marathon. Good luck!!! :)
  • Runner_Bob
    Runner_Bob Posts: 59 Member
    Good luck to you! It's gonna be awesome and we are gonna rock it!
  • loretta5ue
    loretta5ue Posts: 16 Member
    You guys will have fun! I love the Rock-n-Roll series. Lot's of crowd support, cheerleaders, and bands. The start is great because it's a wave based on running speed. At the end they offer beer and lot's of goodies.