Daily Diet

dkoroschetz Posts: 67 Member
So what's your daily diet?


  • tishajo
    tishajo Posts: 142 Member
    Normally I can stay around or below my calorie limit but with too much junk/processed food (mac n cheese, hamburger helper, candy, sugary cereals) :grumble: So I joined this group to remind myself to make better choices during my meals. Also for the motivation factor of course.
  • veronica_0920
    veronica_0920 Posts: 25 Member
    I try to keep my diet around the 40-40-20 (Pro-Carb-Fat) diet give or take, allowing some wiggle room :-) With my complex carbs, whole grains, grean leafies and lean meats! Occasional indulgences... cause I Love food!! Even the bad food cause it tastes sooo good.. so I leave some wiggle room for it :-)
  • shannonmch
    shannonmch Posts: 194 Member
    I am doing the Body For Life challenge and I am trying to stay between 1000-1200 cals per day w/ 90 g protein per day. My diet consists of (these are just some of my favorite choices)-
    Breakfast- oatmeal, Herbalife protein shake, turkey bacon w/ scrambled eggs, omelet
    Lunch or supper- salad w/ grilled chicken, tuna fish salad, fajitas w/ whole wheat tortillas, ham sandwhich w/ whole wheat bread, veggies, hamburger steak w/ grilled onions,
    Snacks- banana, greek yogurt w/ strawberries and walnuts, whole wheat toast w/ peanut butter, hard boiled eggs, tuna fish salad,
    These are just a few of my trusty foods that I tend to rely on. I am open to any new ideas or twists on foods.
  • Mios3
    Mios3 Posts: 530 Member
    I am just want to get some ideas for variety in my diet. I have been slipping and I don't like it one bit, the guilty feeling. I have recently I have started NROLFW and Love the change I have seen in my body in such a short amout of time, but I know I am gonna have to eat better if I want this to work my way :)

    Edit to say: A lot of my problem is planning for lunch at work and a quick breakfast in the morning before my ride to work...any ideas?
  • dkoroschetz
    dkoroschetz Posts: 67 Member
    Ugh! Just replied and my Sonicwall blocked it......liquid egg whites for breakfast, easy to eat on the way to work and oatmeal a while after I get there.

    My husband is wonderful and grills several chicken breasts at a time and make big containers of salad with veggies (cucumbers, snow peas, broccoli, cauliflower) and almonds and eat that for lunch with 4oz of chicken.

    My trainer has me on a low carb, high protein, about 1200 cals/day. I'm sticking with what he's having me eat for now.

    Just wanted to see what others are eating so I can add in some of those when the time comes :) Thanks for the replies!!

    Going on vacation in two weeks too, kind of freaking about what to eat the whole time!! Ideas?
  • tishajo
    tishajo Posts: 142 Member
    I'm in the same boat. Leaving soon for vacation. It's unreasonable to say that I won't eat out during vacation. So I'm just going to choose low cal items (500 or below menus) and watch the sodium too. Drink lots of water. Right now my favorite fast food / resteraunt item is Wendy's Berry Almond Chicken Salad. Delish! :bigsmile:
  • shannonmch
    shannonmch Posts: 194 Member
    I'm leaving Fri for vacation. We're going to Pensacola. But we are staying in a house on the beach. I will buy my food and make my own breakfasts, snacks and most lunches. I do plan on eating out for supper. But I am committing to do everything in my power to eat as clean as I can, and healthier when eating out. I have also looked and there is an AnyTime Fitness there and that is where I'm a member. I plan on sticking to my weight lifting regimen and just trying to get in a short run on my cardio days. I'm not going to kill myself working out, but I do plan on working out.
    Good luck to you all on your vacations!
  • Shellanfit
    Shellanfit Posts: 258 Member
    I am doing a protein shake for breakfast

    a fruit for my next snack

    lunch ~ protein and a veggies

    snack ~ 100-200 calorie anything goes

    dinner ~ healthy meal with the family with a big focus on veggies
  • dkoroschetz
    dkoroschetz Posts: 67 Member
    I wish we were staying in a place where I could cook some, even breakfast at least :( I have lost 2 lbs this week, bonus! I'm looking for at least a few more lbs before we leave and then maintaining while we are gone.

    We are going to Vegas and I'm unsure about running on the strip in early mornings? Other than that, it's swimming laps or pay for the gym use. Our hotel charges $50 for 3 days of gym use (same cost as a week with my trainer).

    Good luck to everyone going on vacation!!
  • Shellanfit
    Shellanfit Posts: 258 Member
    I was in vegas in April and ran the strip every morning between 7-9 and it was fine touristy what about bring a video and a lap top in your room
    I wish we were staying in a place where I could cook some, even breakfast at least :( I have lost 2 lbs this week, bonus! I'm looking for at least a few more lbs before we leave and then maintaining while we are gone.

    We are going to Vegas and I'm unsure about running on the strip in early mornings? Other than that, it's swimming laps or pay for the gym use. Our hotel charges $50 for 3 days of gym use (same cost as a week with my trainer).

    Good luck to everyone going on vacation!!
  • dkoroschetz
    dkoroschetz Posts: 67 Member
    I was in vegas in April and ran the strip every morning between 7-9 and it was fine touristy what about bring a video and a lap top in your room
    I wish we were staying in a place where I could cook some, even breakfast at least :( I have lost 2 lbs this week, bonus! I'm looking for at least a few more lbs before we leave and then maintaining while we are gone.

    We are going to Vegas and I'm unsure about running on the strip in early mornings? Other than that, it's swimming laps or pay for the gym use. Our hotel charges $50 for 3 days of gym use (same cost as a week with my trainer).

    Good luck to everyone going on vacation!!

    I'm leaning towards running and good to hear someone else that did it!! But I still need some weight training. I totally didn't think of bringing a workout video, thank you!!! I was wondering this morning if I could put a couple 8lb weights in our luggage. I will have to see how heavy the luggage is after we pack it. Thanks for the idea!!

    Total bummer, my trainer is going on vacation the week before I leave, that means two weeks without his workouts :(
  • Shellanfit
    Shellanfit Posts: 258 Member
    resistant bands work good too and doing exercises that use your body weight like push ups squats ect. There are lots of stair theree you could do a run up the stairs 1 at a time run down 2 at a time run down 3 if you can. If you have an iphone there is a beachbody app p90x and the ab workout is great, plyometrics and yoga x can all be done on it without weights. I think the ab cost 4.99 with the ab video and each othere video can be bought for 6.99 so you can do your workouts anywhere even in a park
  • Hi I'm Sarah! I'm 20 doing ABBBC in Cleveland, QLD. We're up to week 8 of training, week 10 of clean eating and I can't believe how well my body is responding, I have lost over 8kgs so far and I've definitely had my fair share of slip ups and naughty days! I rarely ever get to 1200 calories but I eat so much food lol
    FBW or training in the mornings - protein shake
    breakfast: usually a 2 egg omelette with lean bacon or ham, lots of spinach and mushrooms, sometimes a piece of dark rye bread if I'm starving - sometimes I'll have porridge but I did that for a straight week before weigh in and it made me lose muscle mass :(
    snack 1: usually canned tuna and 2 ryvita wholegrain crackers
    lunch: 100g lean protein (fish or chicken, sometimes I make lentil burgers) and either salad or steamed veggies
    snack 2: protein bar or home made whole wheat muffin and a green tea ( I always feel like sugar in the afternoons)
    dinner: 100g lean protein and steamed veggies with whatever spices/ creative thing I can do to my food so I don't get bored.

    +3 litres of water per day and I try and load more at night before bed.

    Where is everyone else from?