Favorite Anime



  • ReinasWrath
    ReinasWrath Posts: 1,173 Member
    HmMmmm my turn eh? okay =^_^=
    Samurai Champloo- awesome characters/art. nice simple linear plot but gets nice and tangled down the road and AWESOME FIGHT SCENES (hard to find in anime!!)

    CLAYMORE- very good and unique art. great story and great development of the world they live in and their species (for lack of a better word) of the yoma/claymores. GREAT FIGHT SCENES. and even though the girls all look very uniform and alike they are all very different in personality ^^

    SOUL EATER- awesome unique world and story!! I LOVE the art on this one cuz it is like a twisted fun macabre supernatural bubbly style xD ( if that makes sense??) a few of the characters were a little too boisterous for me but god somehow they ended up my fav ones lol. this one has great fight scenes too lol xD

    TOWER OF DRUAGA- actually based off an old *kitten* game :D has a really good story and each character has their own agenda going on. Love the world they made up for this and as always great fight scenes xD

    WITCHBLADE- ahh my namesake! This one isn't for everyone. . It was continued though american comics and a manga. I love the witchblade itself and this whole lore they have built behind it. If i am not mistaken this is the last story in all the series (comic- manga- anime) it has a crappy cop out ending IMO but one could argue it was pretty fitting. The actual story isn't all that strong but what keeps you more hooked is the different characters and the different kind of clone blades you will meet. The fight scenes are really good but I wish there were more D:

    hahah all my shows have the same things- good characters and good fight scenes lol could have saved a lot of typing time :noway:
  • oOMusicBabii
    Oh My Goddess! - Drama, romance, comedy and action all rolled together with great story-lines and well-developed characters. Belldandy has to be my favorite character in the series...her naivety is priceless at times and she always has the best intentions (plus unsealed Belldandy kicks total @$$!)

    Spice & Wolf - Combines romance, economics and a dash of action to produce one of the most unique and incredible animes I have ever watched. Holo/Horo is, in my opinion, a mischievous and complex character. I think this is tied with OMG! for favorite anime.

    FMA & Brotherhood - Haven't finished Brotherhood yet but it is already tied with the original for the awesome factor. Both are full of action and there are flashes of other things (like comedy, drama and whatnot). Flashbacks add to character depth. Roy Mustang (great guy who really wants to make a difference), Alex Louis Armstrong (big, strong and absolutely funny as heck) and Riza Hawkeye (total badass of a women) have to be my top 3 characters from the series. Runners-up include Winry Rockbell, Maes Hughes and Alphonse Elric. As I'm sure you can tell, currently watch Brotherhood.

    Chobits and Claymore are in my top series but through the mangas not the animes (haven't watched Chobits and only seen part of Claymore) so can't talk much about them.

    And I'm sure there are others but these ones are def in my top 5 and own my soul at the moment.
  • SheikFanel
    I've seen lots of anime but these are my top four favorites -

    The Vision of Escaflowne
    I've loved this show since I was 12, that's eleven years..and it's STILL my absolute favorite. There's a lot of memories with this anime and it has a great cast of characters, character development, very interesting story and stunning music. Its the only series I ever listened to nothing BUT the soundtracks. I was very obsessed, still am!

    Revolutionary Girl Utena
    This was the first anime I got into on my own that I really, really loved other than Tenchi at the time. I really adore this anime, Utena and Anthy are very well done characters (so is everyone else but them especially). I love the feminism aspect and the play on fairytales and princes and princesses. Its an anime about women rising above a patriarchy world.

    Hana Yori Dango
    This anime is special because my mother and I watch it together. Its cute, comical and has a great cast of characters. Tsukushi is very inspiring, she was a lot like Utena in some ways..she didn't take **** from anyone. :)

    I only got into Nana a year or two ago so its a noob on my list of favorites :P lol But Nana has so many realistic characters, they are so real to me. Its hard to anyone, except for maybe Takumi. Both Nanas are very strong in their own ways and I also like how this anime/manga has the characters be non-virgins, I really wanna read more manga that is like this its easier for me to relate.

    My other favorites include My Neighbor Totoro, Princess Mononoke and The Little Mermaid anime.
  • Furude
    School Days
    Higurashi (all of them)
    A Channel

    That't only a few :_;
  • 13Gwendolyn13
    13Gwendolyn13 Posts: 11 Member
    Fullmetal Alchemist BROTHERHOOD: This had the most amazing plot ever.
    Code Geass: This has the most amazing plot ever as well
    Soul Eater: PATHETIC ending and the main girl character was annoying but I liked the concept and the drawing style was different
    Black Butler: not done with it yet but the beginning is good.
    Darker Than Black: Still not done but it's REALLY good
    D-Gray Man: This had a lot of filler episodes and a bad ending but I loved the plot and some of the character development
    Ouran Highschool Host Club: Stupid idea, HIALRIOUS to watch
    Vampire Knight: Horrible ending, just like Twilight...but still kinda intrigueing.
    Panty and Stocking w/ Garterbelt: HILARIOUS! Dumb plot.
    Black Cat: Nyeh. Train was hot XD
    That's all I can think of for now.
  • geekyjock76
    geekyjock76 Posts: 2,720 Member
    School Days
    Higurashi (all of them)
    A Channel

    That't only a few :_;
    Oh, some of my faves are on that list (School Days, Higurashi, A Channel, and Shiki). Yes, I love anime and began watching classics like Ninja Scroll, Battle Angel Alita and Macross. I have way too many favorites to name, though I'll list a few others: Canaan, Le Chevalier d'Eon, Ergo Proxy, Angel Beats, and Ben-to. This current season I am loving Binbougami Ga - it's freaking hilarious.
  • ZinkSauce
    I recently started watching Natsuyuki Rendevouz, which I am completely hooked on! I think it's an interesting and different series because the main characters are 22 and 30 years old, so it's not your everyday high school girl shojo fluff (which I still love, by the way)!

    I loved Shugo Chara, Chihayafuru, Chu-Bra, Myself;Yourself, Sekai Ichi Hatsukoi, Junjou Romantica, Usagi Drop (the anime was so adorable but I read the ending of the manga and wished that it didn't exist. :P), Polar Bear Cafe is amazing, Time of Eve, Fumoffu, lots of Studio Ghibli movies, etc.

    I usually prefer manga over anime, but I still love some anime as well. :)

    Yeah! I just recently got my bf to watch it with me n we finished it. I definitely liked it!
  • sky3z
    sky3z Posts: 190 Member
    Fullmetal Alchemist: Brotherhood
    Hellsing Ultimate
    Gundam SEED
    Gundam Wing
    Samurai X
    Code Geass
    Cowboy Bebop
    Dragon Ball
    Darker Than Black
    Hajime no Ippo
    Samurai Champloo
    Chrno Crusade
    Vampire Hunter D: Bloodlust
    Eureka Seven
    Yu Yu Hakusho
    D.N Angel
    Tengen Toppa Gurren Lagann

    o.O I think I missed a few, but yes these are my favorite!
  • littlemsmetal
    Why must you make me pic?! ;__;

    If I had to pick one it'd have to be Gundam Wing. It's classic, I LOVED it as a kid and still love it today. It is to me what DBZ is to most anime fans, except I skipped that bus!
  • cmls10
    cmls10 Posts: 16
    ive watched some anime already , but the one i will consider my favorite is Fullmetal Alchemist, because of the story it has. it catches my attention alot , it kind of gives a connection to my life a little. I also like Ed's Short - rants
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    Going back 35 years. Golderak (Grandizer),

    -Highschool of the Dead
    - Elfen Lied
    - Naruto
    - Sword Art Online
    - Ninja Scroll
  • Siekobilly
    Siekobilly Posts: 401 Member
    Now this is a tough one. Let's see if I can not just post my entire collection and just stick to the ones I go back to over and over again:

    Anything from Studio Ghibli...of course (don't forget that Ni No Kuni is coming out 01/22/13!!!)
    Kenichi: The World's Strongest Disciple
    Ninja Scroll
    Hellsing (original and Ultimate)
    Yu Yu Hakusho
    Ruroni Kenshin
    Fairy Tail
    Bleach (not counting filler eps...)
    Sword Art Online
    Elfen Lied

    ETA: How could I forgot Vampire Hunter D!? Both the original and Bloodlust are absolutely phenomenal!

    I'll stop there. I could go on and on, but...
  • CinnamonKai
    CinnamonKai Posts: 42 Member
    Let's see... um..
    Hellsing (Including Hellsing Ultimate)
    Ranma 1/2
    Tenchi Muyo
    Slayers (Next and Try)
    Sword Art Online
    Tonari no Kaibutsu-kun
    Usagi Drop
    Big O
    Fatal Fury (Yes, I'm talking about the terrible movies LOL!)
    Eden of the East
    Beserk, and more! :3
  • Charlie003
    Charlie003 Posts: 1,333 Member
    I could not stand Fist of the North Star. Too 70's.
  • toshi89
    toshi89 Posts: 101 Member
    ive watched some anime already , but the one i will consider my favorite is Fullmetal Alchemist, because of the story it has. it catches my attention alot , it kind of gives a connection to my life a little. I also like Ed's Short - rants

    Which Full Metal Alchemist? The original(sort of) or Brotherhood?
  • CinnamonKai
    CinnamonKai Posts: 42 Member
    I could not stand Fist of the North Star. Too 70's.

    But... (to me), that's what makes that anime so appealing.... that and the immense amounts of violence.
  • Moeincognito
    Olord shoujo overload time;

    Kimi ni todoke, hana yori dango, Orange, aozora yell, aoharu ride, strobe edge, yumemiru taiyou, ore monogatari, all that good stuff. (there's a few more but I can't for the life of me remember all their names OTL)

    I read a few horror too mostly just stuff by Junji Ito, and atm I keep up with only one shounen, hungry joker. :3

    My 'myanimelist' has a few more titles, so search up 'moeincognito' if you're on there :3