


  • bopper
    bopper Posts: 352 Member
    Hi everyone, I have been logging into mfp for over 700 days in a row. I just finished Shred and would like to begin RI30. Is anyone else starting that in September?
  • nellsbells1
    nellsbells1 Posts: 28 Member
    Hi everybody....I rejoined MFP in August and dropped 8 pounds so starting weight was140,and now I'm 132. It would be great if I can lose another 8 pounds in September.
  • SRH88
    SRH88 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi all, my name is Steph.

    Work prevented me from throwing myself fully into the August challenge and I'm determined not to let that happen again in September.

    Current weight 165 pounds = goal for this month 157 pounds. My overall goal is to be 150 pounds by 01 Nov.

    Bring it on!
  • Carolina_89
    Hello Everyone!

    This will be my very first challenge on MFP. Last year I lost 34 lbs by running and doing Zumba DVDs at home, I also changed my eating habits into healthier ones. This whole year I've been at the same weight most of the time (128), I haven't been pushing myself as much as I did when I first started last year, I guess its because I got comfortable and forgot my original GW.

    This Challenge is great for me to get back on track and stay on track! I go to Zumba class twice a week and Spinning the other two nights, on the fifth day I plan on doing strength training and running. I will rest on the weekend and plan on going on a two week NO CARB diet starting tomorrow, just so that I can teach my body to eat properly once more.

    Really excited! I hope this excitement lasts the whole month and so on! :)
  • Urso2012
    Hi All,

    I would LOVE to join this challenge! If I can lose 8lbs in September, that would put me below my short-term goal, which would be amazing! I'm getting married in October and I currently DO NOT fit into my dress. grrrr

    I've lost 6lbs since starting MFP in early August and with the help of everyone here, I CAN DO THIS challenge. This will be the first challenge for me via the internet. :)

    My current weight is: 157
    My Goal weight is: 140.

    Lets do this thing!
  • andreacjones
    andreacjones Posts: 2 Member
    Hi All

    I really need the motivation to lose weight at the mo, my weight just keeps creeping up and up and my clothes feel so tight. Will be very happy if I manage to lose 8lbs in September. let's do it.
  • bloomingolive
    Hey! I'm Nadia.
    Two weeks ago I cut out refined sugar and processed carbs from my diet, but after seven days I left for a trip to Spain and totally fell off the wagon.
    In order to stay on track, I started using MFP a week ago, and it seems to be working :)

    Last year I went to see a nutrician and lost 12lbs by dieting alone and some cardio, but it was a stressful year and I gained it all back.
    Now I'm back at my starting weight of 74 kg (163 lbs), and I want to change.change.change.
    As I said, I'm trying to cut out sugar & carbs.
    I live in Italy, and there really isn't an abundance of junk food everyday: I just said goodbye to candy, substituted stevia for sugar (in my tea), and read labels for what's packaged (like cereal and sauces).
    Now what's really hard is the CARBS!! I'm a carb lover, and I went from eating pasta everyday for lunch to not having it at all, not a single day.
    I don't really miss it, but planning meals every day seems like such a daunting task now! I always feel as if there's nothing to eat, I need to get creative and learn to like veggies!!

    Also, I've never exercised for real, except for some cardio at the gym.
    I've started a Beginner Body Weight Workout 3days a week, but mostly I don't know what I'm doing and I don't wanna get hurt :D
    I would really, really LOVE to make exercising a part of my routine, but I don't know where to start!
    Do you guys have any advice for a workout that's good for newbies?
    (I wish I could run, but I have a foot problem that makes it incredibly hard and painful on my feet)
    Until I can pay for the gym next month, I'd like something cheap-o but that works :)

    I'm really excited about this challenge (and you can tell, too, I've rambled like there's no tomorrow! sorry)

    We can do it!
  • 04hoopsgal73
    04hoopsgal73 Posts: 890 Member
    Hi I’m Diane,

    After the 10 pd August challenge I know 8 pounds is a more realistic goal for me.

    In April, my plan began as 1-1.5 pd drop each week. I joined GISFW Get In Shape For Woman and was on a
    good track. I sprained my ankle later and I am at 60% recovery.

    MFP starting weight: 173.6
    Current weight August 31 is 161.4

    My weighin day is Monday.

    The journal track of food & exercise combined with the great people on MFP are working together fo rme.

    Thanks everyone,
    :flowerforyou: and thank you pashar2 for keeping our August journey going forward.
  • flyingpurplemonkey
    HI! My name is Julie. My goal is to lose 8 more pounds by my birthday- September 28th, so this challenge is perfect to help me with this goal!

    I have lost about 20 of the 40 pounds I'm trying to lose over about two and a half months. I've been losing some motivation the last couple of weeks, so it's time to pick it up and start pushing again! I'm excited to have this opportunity to do it with you guys!
  • Elo99
    Elo99 Posts: 149 Member
    Hi Everyone! **waves**

    My name is Erin and I started on MFP in May of this year. So far I have lost 24lbs and would like to loose about 16 more before my wedding dress fittings in November :blushing:

    This is my first MFP and I'm excited to meet this goal with everyone!
  • success42
    Hi there - My name is Wendy. I am turning 43 on Sept. 17. My weight is at an all-time non-pregnant high of 132.5 (sounds reasonable, except I am barely 4 feet 11 inches so my healthy range is supposed to be 105-124 lbs). I am comfortable at 125 but truly at my best weight at 117. I eat very well (clean eating, lots of lean protein, fruits and veg) for 3 day spurts and then throw myself into a carb/sugar coma for the next three days. The result is that I lose and regain the same three or four pounds.

    I run 4 days a week and squeeze in a strengthening workout in the playground. I need to ramp this up to see any changes.

    With this challenge I am focussing on clean eating for 7 consecutive days (rather than my usual 3). In theory, I should see success that will motivate me to commit to the next 7 days, and so on...
  • pahsar2
    pahsar2 Posts: 69 Member
    Welcome everyone. It's great to have a big crowd.
  • meowkapow
    meowkapow Posts: 103 Member
    Hi everyone, thanks for starting up this group! I've lost 21 kg (46 lbs) so far. I'm around 7 lbs away from my goal so I'm looking forward to losing 8 lbs and thereabouts with you all this month!
  • Dagg33
    Dagg33 Posts: 6 Member
    Hi all. I'm new here, but have been trying to lose 5-ish pounds for forever now, and am hoping a little in(ternet)spiration will do the trick. I generally eat fairly healthily, but I do love to drink and to eat (basically food and booze are my passions), so I tend to binge sometimes. I also need to stay more consistent with my exercise routines. I'm headed to California at the end of September with the unrequited love of my life, so it would be great to feel really good about myself then.
  • MsColeyCole
    MsColeyCole Posts: 5 Member
    Hey Everybody!! My name is Nicole and I just really need to lose weight! I did my August challenge, but I am a work in progress! It is very hard to try to lose weight when everyone around you are not thinking the same things that you are thinking. Like instead of getting fries...getting a are not thinking that ....and I am just looking for better ways to train my mind and my body. I am currently on on Mondays, Wednesdays and Fridays are pretty rough days for me. I try to get a little walking in....but nothing too strenuous....Good luck to everyone!!
  • mommisela
    mommisela Posts: 4 Member
    Hello everybody! I have been on MFP since April 2012 and have lost 29 pounds. I have hit a plateau and can really use some motivation. This is my first challenge and I am excited to start weighing in tomorrow. Lets do this!
  • Jkelly1221
    Jkelly1221 Posts: 91 Member
    I am in! I have lost 56 lbs so far since November 2011. I would like to lose another 25 or so. I have been kind of stuck since May but August was a decent month-started eating more and doing different workouts and ended up losing about 7. I'd like to keep it going.

    I had surgery this morning (tonsillectomy, adenoidectomy, and cyst removed from my vocal cord) so I will not be working out this week at all-I am mostly concerned about somewhat maintaining the weight I'm sure I'll lose from having this surgery. When I was weighed at the hospital this am I was 172.3. I think I weigh less according to my scale at home, so I will weigh myself on that when I get up.

  • mrsmd2010
    Hj All! This challenge is just what I need to motivate me. I've been up and down with my weight and find it hard to stay motivated at times, I'm sure checking in and seeing the results of others is sure to help.

    Starting weight 212
    Present weight 204.6
    Goal weight 145
  • morty1966
    morty1966 Posts: 250 Member
    Hello everyone. I'm back after a great summer of parties, holidays and wine (so much wine!) so I've set myself a big target this month, with 10lb but I am cutting out that wine and getting back outside and running.

    Does anyone else run?
  • SRitzy
    SRitzy Posts: 79 Member
    Hello everybody! I have been a MFP member for 66 days now and have lost 23.6 lbs! I'd love to lose 8 lbs in September.

    MFP start weight: 200 lbs
    Current weight: 176.4 lbs
    Sept goal weight: 168.4