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  • yayjay
    yayjay Posts: 84 Member
    Sorry to come in so late in the game but im loving the idea of this group!
    Im Mary-Jane
    from Australia
    21 years old
    I will try and put my stats in american friendly measurements
    current weight 160lbs
    Goal weight 114lbs
    main reason for loosing weight is im the heaviest ive been, and went from my healthiest weight straight to my unhealthiest so i want to be back to my healthiest, especially with my wedding coming up on April 20th 2013
    i want to make sure the changes i make are sustainable, a lifestyle change. Diabetes also runs in my family and it's not something I want to take on, knowing it was my fault.
    I love billy blanks, C25k run (only on week 3 at the moment) and i will be starting aerial silks classes this week so fingers crossed it will go well!
  • I'm glad I just remembered to check back to see if this group was created. Thanks for creating it BTW!

    26 year old female
    HW: 220
    SW: 195
    GW: 140s by next summer

    I just want to be stronger and more fit. I've always been active and into sports, but I've never made a real effort to eat well and work out at the same time. It was always one or the other. After not looking at the scale for two years, I finally got on one and found out I was surprisingly under 200 pounds for the first time probably since middle school. It was purely from eating better. This got me motivated to work harder than ever.

    I'm ready to go!
  • Curvimami
    Curvimami Posts: 1,851 Member
    My name is Tia
    I'm 27 y/o
    I'm 5'6"
    My highest weight was 218.
    My MFP SW was 212
    My CW is 192
    My ultimate goal weight is 160.

    My main reason for getting healthy was being tired of my knees being so sore. Now that Im 20lbs down, they dont bother me as much. Also I have obesity, diabetes and hypertension in my gene pool so I'd really like to avoid that....Now on to the superficial reasons( :laugh: ) I really would love to look hot in my VIckies (which i love :love: ) and to look even better naked.

    Cant wait to see where we all are in June of 2013. We can do this!! :drinker:
  • Hello my name is Amy
    I am 30 years old and I have 36-ish pounds to lose
    I am 5'2"
    My heaviest weight that I am remember was in the mid to high 170's
    I lost right around 20 pounds two years ago and fell off the wagon, with life happening I have been unable to get back on as I have tried many of times
    I work full time, have an incredible father and am a mother to an amazing 4 year old little boy
    We just came back from Jamaica less than two weeks ago and after looking at all of the pictures I am upset with myself for not meeting my goal and I have all of the pictures to prove it... yuck

    I look forward to this group and I thank you Amanada for beginning this so that we can all be there for each other in support along with making us accountable for our actions... lets go team and I pray good luck for all of you!
  • Thanks for doing this!

    I'm Mindy, 46 years old, mom of 3 daughters ages 14, 14 and 10.
    5'7'', current weight 202
    Goal, anywhere between 140 and 150 I'd be THRILLED!

    I've been exercising a lot since I started here, I guess 40 days ago? And I've managed to drop 9 so far.

    This is the most committed to a diet/health plan I've ever been...I really WANT this now.
  • My name is Jennifer.
    SW: 210
    CW: 185
    GW: 140

    I started losing weight June 2011 and lost 30lbs but recently gained 7lbs back. Now I'm back to it and ready to lose the rest of my weight! I had set a goal of June 2013 to have lost the weight and tone up so this group is perfect!
  • It's officially midnight so I suppose this challenge has officially started. Good thing I found it!

    I'm 33
    5' 3"
    Tonight I am 237.8 lbs...omg...worse then I thought....my last weigh in was weeks ago.
    Goal weight for June 2013 is 180
    My highest weight was 260
    Lowest in my adult life is 158
  • kymberlin
    kymberlin Posts: 113 Member
    I'm Kimberly, 37yrs. My son is 18 now, married for 2nd time. Much happier this time. started at 260 3 years ago. lost 67lbs. past 2 years been struggling with same 15lbs. sick of yo yoing. goal is 150 and run a 5k
  • lengirl75
    lengirl75 Posts: 153 Member
    My name is Sonja
    I'm 36 y/o
    I'm 5'4
    I live in the Cincinnati area
    My highest weight was 257
    My ultimate goal weight is 130-145ish
    My main reason for getting healthy is to live a long healthy life and to set a good example for my 2 girls. I have decided there is no better time than the present and I have been going strong since January 2012.
    My ultimate goal is to be able to run a marathon!!
  • cmg4721
    cmg4721 Posts: 623 Member
    Good Morning Everyone!!!

    I'm so glad that I found this group! My name is Christina and I’m from Buffalo, NY. I started MFP almost 2 years ago (Jan 2011) at 214lbs. With exercise and eating better, I steadily lost weight and was down to 159lbs for my wedding in April 2012.

    Since then, I have stopped exercising regularly and I haven’t been consistently keeping track of what I’ve been eating, so now I’m back up to 184lbs :sadface: The turning point now was I had a customer at work yesterday ask me if I was expecting….now he’s a moron to begin with, and it could have been that that the sweater I was wearing was a little tight, or even the way I was sitting on my stool, but either way, that was so hard for me to hear.

    I want to get back on track, now it just seems like things are always getting in the way or I’m just too tired to put in consistent effort. Hopefully, with the help and support of everyone on here, I can find my way back to getting healthy again!

    Can’t wait to share this journey with all of you!

    Age: 25
    SW(Jan 2011): 214
    Lowest Weight(March 2012):159.8
    Current Weight:184.6
    Goal Weight by Summer 2013:150
    Ultimate Goal Weight:145
  • So great to meet all of you, I love reading these intro posts. Keep them coming!!
  • andilion
    andilion Posts: 44 Member
    Hi I'm Andi.

    Age: 23
    Height: 5'4"
    Highest Weight: 172 lbs
    Current Weight: 172 lbs
    Goal Weight: 145 lbs

    I'd love to get back to the size I was at my wedding. I weighed 135 then, but I had almost no muscle, so now I'm aiming for around 145 with muscle.
  • My name is Asmaa.
    I'm 24 y/o
    I'm 5'3
    My highest weight was 196.
    My ultimate goal weight is 132.
    After a car accident, my back muscles became so week. so my back doesn't support all this weight anymore.
    My main reason for losing weight is that I need to reduce the load on my back (I can see my dad suffering from backache since i was 3 years old). Besides i wanna go shopping without being afraid with every piece i chose that it will show my defauts.
  • jlsoules
    jlsoules Posts: 86 Member
    Hi everyone! I would love to join you if you don't mind!!

    My name is Jenny. I'm from the Ann Arbor, MI area.
    I'm 39 yrs old and 5'7".
    Highest weight: 210
    Current weight: 195.2
    Goal weight: 160 (if I can get lower, I will be even happier but my goal is 160. I don't ever remember weighing less than 162.)

    I have a very bad back, getting ready to start PT fro it and hoping for some relief from the pain. I just want to look and feel better. I jazzercise 4-6 days a week and log everything I eat. I don't deprive myself, I am just much more aware now what food does to my body. Finally at almost 40 years old I understand! I want to be around for my kids, my nephew, and someday my grandkids. I want to be more active and show my youngest son how to eat/exercise properly and be healthy. He is taking after my family, we're built big and heavy compared to my husband's family. My other two boys are tall and skinny like his side. If I can show him the better choices maybe he'll catch on and not struggle quite as much.
  • brianafaye2
    brianafaye2 Posts: 166 Member
    MY Hightest weight was 190
    My goal weight is 129 like I used to be.
    I have hypothyroidism which I formed about 3 or 4 yrs ago, and its made it extremely hard to lose weight, but I'm determined to be happy and healthy again <3
  • livelifenow91
    livelifenow91 Posts: 300 Member
    My name is Cassie
    I live in Iowa
    I am a college Junior, English and Religion as majors/minors with another minor in Scandinavian Studies
    I'm 20 years old
    I'm 5'6
    My highest weight was 196
    My weight now is 171
    My ultimate goal weight is 120
    My REALISTIC goal weight is 135

    My main reason for getting healthy is to live a long healthy life and gain my confidence back. I also want to be able to 1. look pretty for my girlfriend, 2. go clothes shopping without being ashamed, 3. be able to run outside without being embarrassed, and 4. complete a 5k
  • dee_bee
    dee_bee Posts: 36
    My name is Danielle.

    I'm 22 y/o - 23 in December
    I'm 176cm / 5'7

    SW 143.6kg / 316.5lb
    CW 132.5kg / 292lb (weigh in tomorrow for week 7)
    GW 90-95kg / 198 - 209lb (where I think my body will be happy - I was in this range before I met my husband and got cosy.)
    UGW 80-85kg / 176 - 187lb (where I'd ideally love to be)

    My main reason for getting healthy and losing weight is that I want to have a family. We haven't been trying, but would really love if a little one was to come along. I'd love for us to get our health sorted before a baby came along though.

    I started my journey on 11 September 2012. I am 7 weeks in now and have dropped 11.1kg / 24lb (I'm due to weigh in tomorrow) I would love to be at goal on 1 September 2013, so this group will be very helpful for me :)
  • Hi! My name is Tara. I'm 27 years old, 5'7".

    My starting weight (2 years ago) was 185. I lost over 20 pounds using weight watchers. After plateauing, I stopped paying for the program and counting points.

    I joined my fitness pal 2 weeks ago -
    SW 160 lbs
    CW 155 lbs
    GW 140 lbs
    UGW 135lbs - I haven't been below 150 lbs since high school, so I'm not exactly sure how realistic this is.

    I am so ready to hit my first goal weight. It was my original goal when I first joined Weight Watchers, and still have not hit it yet. I think 15 lbs is definitely doable by June 1! I'm so excited to work hard and have it pay off! I want to be able to look at myself in the mirror and in photos and smile, without thinking "I could have sucked in a little more" or "wow, wish she had cropped out my arm!" I'm hopeful that the accountability in this group will motivate me to reach my goals.
  • dr3117
    dr3117 Posts: 15 Member
    Hi, my name is Debi.
    I am 59 years old.
    I a 5'4".
    SW: 179
    GW: 125 by May 31st, 2013
    Heaviest Weight: Now

    I couldn't believe the number when I stepped on the scale! I had been stuck at 172 but am not happy at where this is going. I lost my mom to ovarian cancer about 20 years ago and packed on 20 pounds because of depression. Then I had to have a hysterectomy about 10 years later and packed on another 20+ pounds. Then add the stress of everyday life and here I am.

    I want to be around for my grandchildren and future grandchildren. Also, the wife my husband deserves. We have been married for 27 years and he is amazing. He has never said anything to me about my weight except I am too pretty to be heavy. I know that he love me unconditionally. The main reason is for me. I turn 60 next August and I do not want to go into my 60's and beyond like I have spent the last 20 years.

    Would love some friends on this journey!
  • irishkrissie
    irishkrissie Posts: 36 Member
    Hi Everyone-

    I'm just joining this group now (12/2/12), so I'm a bit late to the party hehe..

    I started MFP last May, and was serious about it on and off. I've gotten very serious with my tracking now, and exercise has been great, but my food choices not so much. My goal is to lose 40 by June- I'll be going away with my BF for the first time to Miami and meeting his mother (eek!) so it's very important that I feel good about myself in that bikini I swear I'll be wearing!

    SW: 231.8
    CW: 213.4
    GW: 173.4